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Posts posted by williambryan392

  1. 10 hours ago, jonbaas said:

    Let's turn the tables a bit. Anyone wanna help me -- a Fiverr veteran seller (6 digit sales) -- figure out how to get the Fiverr visibility and orders rolling again


    I learned so much from you and others when I first joined, and I think it's natural and always healthy to ask for feedback on how to be better. I've done it myself and I remember @mariashtelle1 giving me some feedback, and one piece in particular that was vital. I coincidentally became TRS the next month. Maybe that piece of advice was key.


    So, I've given my unabridged thoughts / brain dump below after having had a quick look at your profile. Obviously you know your space and clients better than I do, and you can tell me to shove it (or just ignore me!) if you want...


    For your main gig....

    On your main gig you only have one gig image. I know you know that you can have 3, so you should have 3. Make sure the gig images have keywords in the file name.

    I don't see a portfolio on your profile. Could you give examples of the business names / case studies / what people can expect. You could certainly do it for logo design.

    This gig is in the business names and slogans category. But I don't see the word 'slogan' in either your gig title, or in the tags for the gig. I haven't used the keyword tool myself in a long time, but know I need to, maybe you need too as well.

    Could you break this gig down and launch news gigs... one for business name, one for slogan, one for trademark etc etc. This would increase visibility and allow you to approach client needs from multiple entry points.

    No revisions are included, and some of your reviews seem frustrated by that. You know some buyers ask for them anyway so why not include them.


    For your TShirt design gig...

    There hasn't been a review in 5 years (so maybe no order in the same period). Maybe kill this gig. Or, update the images, add relevant portfolio pieces etc. You've got nothing to lose here. 


    For your logo gig there isn't a portfolio section. Also maybe consider using the keyword tool. We both know logos are saturated so it's hard to stand out here.


    You don't use videos anywhere, either for your profile overall, or for your gigs. I know not everyone is comfortable with this, but for an actor I think you should be able to do it. I also think Fiverr wants you ticking every box on a profile set up (portfolio, videos, gig images), these could help please the algorithm.


    You could also consider launching an overall build your brand gig... logo, trademark, slogan, socials etc. One big package deal.


    Have you thought about offering brand consultancy. Just an idea.

    You don't offer consultations. Again maybe you're not comfortable, but this is another feature you're not embracing.

    I don't see subscriptions on your gigs. I get that it's not appropriate always, and for logos why would someone need a subscription, but I think Fiverr wants you using all the features.


    Your headline is: Honest :: Talented :: Original. Whilst I don't doubt it, I think every seller would say this. Maybe try something different (you're the slogan pro)... I create names, slogans, brands and logos that build trust and drive sales. (I think this is what business owners want from their logos/brand/slogans).


    I think your FAQs are a bit repetitive between gigs. I don't think you need to mention refunds, or that you're trustworthy or hardworking. I think this is assumed, and potentially causes people to question if you are in fact these things. Already mentioning refunds is an orange flag to me. The classic 'trust me bro'. I did also notice a couple of typos.


    For this part in your FAQs:

    My "Make It Social" package includes research and matching availability for Facebook and Twitter (the two most popular social media sites for brand-building). -- Research and availability for Pinterest is available as an optional add-on service.

    Is this still true of FB and Twitter? When I meet with businesses they tend to be focused on Insta and TikTok now. I'm not saying FB and T are irrelevant, but is this what people need?


    For your bio, you mention Hollywood movies, audio production, world wide logos, and top brand solutions. Maybe you can't mention them because of NDAs, but I would think you can mention some. I don't know if you have the Top Clients section available to you on Fiverr, but if you do maybe they can be added there. I think you should name names. You have a degree in art but don't mention the university.



    So, this is my brain dump, and I'm only sharing because you asked. This is cheesy, but I say the above with love trying to help!


    I'm guessing you pay for seller plus, and for promoted gigs? Unsurprisingly Fiverr attaches a monetary value to all of us. That's normal for marketplaces. Directly paying for promoted gigs increases your visibility, but indirectly it also puts more money in Fiverr's pocket, which I think makes Fiverr like you more. 


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  2. Hello @plasticloubouti,

    I had to edit your post to remove the sellers name (forum rules).

    Obviously you can share the full screenshots in your messages with the support team. Or if you want to reshare the full history on the forum please hide the sellers name.

    The key messages I left and edited were:

    1) Seller admitting to changing what they offered after you purchased

    2) Seller asking for your whatsapp number 

    3) Seller saying they would cancel if you found them a client

    I think this clearly captures the problems you've had, and is also clear justification to cancel the order.

    Whilst I can't speak for Fiverr, or the support team, I'd be very surprised if they don't cancel this order, return your money, and even potentially take action against the seller.

    Like I say just give support some time as they are pretty swamped right now.

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  3. Hello @plasticloubouti,

    Sorry to hear you're having a tough experience with a seller. 

    Fiverr support will get back to you, they're just pretty busy at the moment. 

    I would suggest keeping your messages to support short and sweet, include screenshots and focus on the details:

    'Seller is refusing to cancel my order, and is demanding my whatsapp number, more money, and that I find him a client'

    I think you're justified in canceling this order, and I'm confident support will think so too. Just give them a bit of time. 

    I would suggest you don't open multiple tickets with support, just update the existing ticket if you.

    Also, just FYI, the forum is mainly buyers and sellers, and you can't get specific account advice here. It's perfectly okay to vent your frustration though!

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  4. Hello @umeralijamro6,

    I removed your email address from your original post. You can't share personal emails on the forum.

    You need to contact customer support: support@fiverr.com

    You are only allowed one account on Fiverr. I think you should be able to set up a new account, but only after support have confirmed your other account has been shut down. Or contact support to recover the account.

    Good luck!

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  5. 4 minutes ago, fahadislamjuel said:

    Someone please explain to me how one's account can be connected to another account that was disabled. This seems unusual to me, I don't really understand. Also, please point out where in the guidelines this is mentioned, so that we know about the regulations.

    My guess (and it definitely is a guess) is that the other account that was disabled was found to be part of review manipulation in some way.

    For example, you buy my gig and I buy yours.

    Or, there are companies that sell Fiverr reviews. If I was Fiverr I'd buy this company, or pay them to release the data to me so I can identify who is breaking the rules.

    The really funny thing is these companies often show screenshots on the website of the reviews they've done, including the sellers name. Assuming they are actually showcasing their real work this is stupid on so many levels, not just the fraudulent level.

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  6. 2 minutes ago, quo_seo_agency said:

    Is there anything else I can try?

    According to the help center info shown below you can appeal. Aside from this I'm really not sure what else can be done, apart from persevering with the customer support team. @vickieito is a very experienced TRS so she may have more advice to give?

    What if I don’t agree with a decision?

    Whether you submitted a report or you are the account holder, you have the right to appeal a decision. Appeals can be made in the form of a complaint with Customer Support, and must be made within 6 months from the receipt of the notification.  

    If your appeal is successful:
    For account holders:

    • Removed content will be restored and any relevant warning will be removed from your account.
    • A suspended account will be reinstated.

    For those who submitted a report:

    • Any change to the initial decision will be communicated to you and the account holder.

    If your appeal is not successful:
    The original decision will become final and cannot be appealed again on Fiverr.


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  7. Hello @quo_seo_agency,

    I'm sorry to hear you're having a difficult time.

    You might want to read the below topic that has been answered by @Kesha.

    Please note only the support team and/or your Fiverr Success Manager can help you with this.

    Staff that are active on the forum are unable to give specific account advice/help.

    I'd also suggest reading this link for the help center which explains more about warnings, and the appeal process.

    Good luck!



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  8. Something I've just seen is that when you get a revision the clock aligns with the original order deadline. It used to be just the red 00:00:00 I think.

    So, I think it's a sensible guess that Fiverr considers a 'good order' to be one that's completed/accepted within the original time frame, not just that the first delivery was in the original time frame.

    Maybe this is really obvious, but perhaps something to bear in mind.

    I think it makes sense from a client perspective. When they order the time frame is a big factor, and they probably don't like a 3 days order taking  7 days for e.g. with revisions.



    Screenshot 2024-03-09 070736.png

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  9. It's not really field specific, but quite a few years ago I made a conscious decision to watch and listen to stuff I disagree with. An example of this is flat earth. Now to be clear I don't believe in this, and it didn't change my mind, but I think you can only challenge bad ideas if you at least understand what their point is, however misguided it may seem or actually be. It started with politics and later with business. It gives a different perspective, even if it is painful to watch sometimes lol.

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  10. It's interesting how some have high (previously) private numbers (qod and vod), but some less great public reviews, and vice versa. Anyway I'm off to bed. Maybe I'll wake up tomorrow and this will have been a 4/5 dream.

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  11. 8 minutes ago, vickieito said:

    Hi @williambryan392 - This is a technical glitch that affected some sellers (supposedly, based on the ticket I submitted to CS). Just put in a ticket with CS.

    Thanks @vickieito! I did wonder if it was due to private reviews being included, or something like that. If I'd dropped to 0.7 like @breals did I would think it's a bug for sure. I'll put in a ticket. 

    Editing my post to say this is covered in the below thread, and maybe isn't a bug but rather because private feedback is now being included...


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  12. Sorry to hear you're having a tough time, I think you had good intentions but Fiverr is pretty strict re the rules otherwise some unscrupulous people would take advantage. 

    38 minutes ago, han_marketing said:

    Why doesn't Fiver have a built-in voice/video function in the general chat?  

    It does, however there are certain requirements to have the functionality.


    On 3/5/2024 at 12:04 AM, han_marketing said:

    He reached out to me for a new order, but he had asked for a call so he could explain a few things regarding the requirements and deliverables. 

    Once an order is placed a seller of any level can zoom the buyer. Pre order, there are certain seller level requirements, or the buyer needs to be a Fiverr Pro or Fiverr select buyer.


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