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Everything posted by visualstudios

  1. Working on it! I know you all are very excited for this new channel, but a ton of orders came through now, so I'm having to delay the editing a bit. We do have the narration ready though :P
  2. Not even a question of "a lot", it will be zero, since Fiverr has banned them as far as I'm aware...
  3. At least you have Russia. Ain't nobody getting that one now lol, it will appreciate in value!
  4. We always have a place for you, if you want to contribute some 3D / Animation, as that's something I don't do!
  5. Since everybody's posting pictures... Also, the pins are a bit suspicious. I'm in central Portugal, not in southern Spain lol
  6. 19% here, and not really looking to increase it. I know what my markets are, and I know which 2-3 countries represent 90% of potential income, so that's what I focus on.
  7. Now my goal for 2022 is to launch a successful youtube channel :P
  8. Not only are you in the ballpark, you're right in the middle of the game!
  9. Omfg, this is too good lmao. Actually, this is so good I think we should start an inspirational youtube channel. You write the scripts, I edit the videos, and maybe mike for the voice over - and we split the revenue. Not even joking, it could do pretty well.
  10. There are ways to say things... I think I've made it clear by now that: I don't think a fixed commission is very fair on very large orders I disagree with the service fees on top of the commission (double dipping) I disagree with taking commission on tips (I don't buy the "people would sell for cheap and get paid via tips instead" loophole, that would be a very dumb business move, since sellers would have no guarantee the buyers would follow through, and there are ways to stop that, like capping tips to a % of order value), I'm very critical of CS performance, from robotic replies that have nothing to do with the ticket to blatantly false information given. I think as long as you can argue your points well, it's actually useful to have discussions about the way the platform works or should work, and that shouldn't be used against you. It's actually doing a service to the platform, imo.
  11. I don't think Forum Activity is a factor, and if it is I doubt it's a big one. Gig Price is probably also not a big factor... directly. I had prices well above $10 to start with, so I don't have a term of comparison, but I've seen TRS's with low prices, so I'm assuming it's not decisive. What higher prices do, however, is weed out bad clients - and that can improve your chances of having less cancelations, better reviews, better portfolio, etc., so in that sense I would say higher gig prices will contribute to your chances. Type of gig offered and number of sellers in your category are kind of the same thing, in a way. If you're offering something that a ton of people are also offering, and none of them are TRS... maybe that's a sign that Fiverr is not looking for that. Conversely, if you're offering something that is also being offered by a huge number of TRS's, that can decrease the likelihood of you getting selected, as I assume there is some sort of cap (% wise) of TRS per category, so as not to devalue the badge. Gig and profile presentation (this includes your picture, tagline, bio, gig images and videos, gig copy, etc.) is one of the biggest factors imo. Another is portfolio, social proof (big brands, great reviews). If you look like a TRS to begin with, you'll be more likely to get it. None of this is based on concrete evidence, I have no data, it's all conjecture and deduction, but sounds pretty logical to me and aligns with my experience.
  12. I wouldn't say autopilot, I find that you need to be constantly tweaking, polishing and improving your gigs to keep performance up. If I had to pick a word, it would be "storefront", that's the distinguishing characteristic for me vs other freelance platforms. And just like with a brick and mortar storefront, if you leave a static display up for years with no changes, your results won't be that great in the long run!
  13. The problem there is that value is in the eye of the beholder. For reasonable clients that can work, specially if I can indeed provide added value. Then we have the ones where I just find during the call I'm not a good fit and I can't be sure to have any great ideas on the spot like that, I get people contacting me where the only good advice would be "Yeah, you shouldn't make a video at all. That's not what you need". If they're reasonable, I'm actually saving them money, but many won't see it that way. And then there are the ones where I can actually give them some valuable information, but again, they won't look at it that way either. It's a very difficult line to walk in a platform like Fiverr. Just imagine if other consultation professionals worked like that. You go to an attorney, they give you their expert opinion, and you don't like what you hear (pretty common with attorneys lol). And then you leave them a bad review that tanks their business. Just imagine if that's how it worked lol. But it's not, they'll laugh in the face of your "review", because it means nothing for their business. As an example, I know you also follow Chris. He would be completely screwed with his attitude (which is smart and correct, btw) if he worked on Fiverr. What's smart and correct doesn't necessarily work here.
  14. English, Portuguese, I can understand and get by with Spanish, very very rusty french.
  15. I've had greying hair since I was 18, that's crazy enough for me...
  16. Yeah, that's the challenge I'm facing. Given the nature of my work and my pricing, I already include calls as part of open orders at certain tiers, baked into the order price. In that case there are no issues. The issue is when people want a call to discuss project ideas, to know what direction to take it in, so we can price the project properly, etc. In that case, it's not a certainty they will move forward with us. So I have two options - either have the call for free and use it as a tool to try to sell, with the possibility of just wasting my time, or charge for it, and run the risk of getting bad feedback on something that is not really the work I'm offering. I sell video services, not calls, after all.
  17. I agree with this, but I'm having a hard time implementing it. That means opening an order. What if during the call I find the client is not the right fit, or they don't want to move forward after we discuss details, or they aren't willing to pay the price for the work itself? Then we have an order open, and to close I have to deliver something (which can be a rundown of the call, sure) and then be open to the possibility of a bad review if the buyer didn't like what they heard on the call, even if it's the truth. A lot of buyers are not reasonable, which makes charging for calls a risky proposition.
  18. Ah, alright. I can't see it on mine, and I also have all those verified. I thought that was a mandatory thing, so everyone should get it eventually? If so it doesn't make a lot of sense.
  19. Interesting. Do you know what that means?
  20. Yeah, we will see. The SI data is all manipulated anyway, can't know what to trust anymore. Although, if we're talking fundamentals, cash in hand, insider buying/selling, and future growth prospects (so, discounting squeeze plays), GME is clearly the better one. And AMC is pretty bad. Of course in a squeeze scenario none of that matters (although the insider selling going up to the CEO is very suspicious, they should know better).
  21. GME yes. AMC is a terrible play. Also human, not an ape.
  22. TRS is not a level like level 1 or level 2, metrics are not enough to be promoted to TRS. In your specific case, I'd look into the branding side. Your service may be great and you may have a lot of happy clients, but presentation is important. Your written english is a bit iffy, I'd probably look into doing something different for the gig videos, thumbnails, etc. Another thing to keep in mind is that it's also dependent on the rest of the marketplace. If there are already hundreds of top rated sellers in your vertical, Fiverr will be less likely to promote new ones.
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