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Everything posted by visualstudios

  1. A client can always choose someone else with briefs or buyer requests anyway. Moot point. If you want to pitch, there are a lot of better platforms for that. The good thing about Fiverr is precisely not having to pitch.
  2. Hmm, that's not a good look. I've seen this happen quite a bit, actually. Some TRS blatantly lying about top clients, portfolio, with bad gig images/videos/copy... It diminishes the badge.
  3. They haven't, just like buyer requests were never the primary way of connecting buyers and sellers. The primary way was, is, and will be buyers clicking on your gigs and contacting you.
  4. You don't. "Gig ranks" don't exist.
  5. It's a matter of framing. They wouldn't be "punished". They are paying 20% now, and would pay 20% then. They would lose nothing. That's not a punishment, that's staying as they are. The high ticket seller would be rewarded. It's different. But again, I'd be ok with a sliding scale on monthly revenue as well, doesn't have to be per order.
  6. It applies to value, doesn't have to be a returning client. If I charge $5000 for a first time client, I would automatically fall under the lower commission. Doesn't matter if it's a one time thing. What matters is the total order value. It is the norm for high ticket sales. That's the thing, all my clients spend many hundreds or thousands, even if it's one time only. So it is the norm, not a specific use case.
  7. Disagree. High price people deserve to make more, because they are more high value. That's the point. It costs the same, for Fiverr, to get a client to spend $5 or $5000, in terms of server costs, order support, marketing, etc. Yet the one selling for $5000 is paying $1000 in Fiverr costs, and the $5 seller is paying $1. 1000 orders means more server costs, more customer support, more marketing, etc. Yet they pay the same as the guy who makes the same in 1 order, which means way less expenses for Fiverr. Let's say both need to go to CS in 1 out of every 10 orders. Both make $5000 a month. The $5000 seller will occupy CS time once every 10 months. The $5 seller will occupy CS 100 times a month. CS costs money. The $5 seller is spending 1000 times more in server costs (chat, file transfers from clients, deliveries, etc.). Fiverr is making more money on the higher ticket sellers, assuming overall sales are the same, after you deduct their expenses with both. Not to mention the number of issues is WAY higher on low ticket sellers than high ticket sellers. You should want to actively disincentivize low prices, as a platform. Hell, one of the metrics Fiverr always highlights on their quarterly reports is spend per buyer. Clearly they want that number to be as high as possible. Therefore, they'd rather have higher priced gigs than lower priced gigs. It's better for them. That should be rewarded. There's a reason other services (upwo...) use a sliding scale commission. The more you make, the less % you pay.
  8. 1 - You don't need to be a cog to reply within 24 hours. You can reply anything, it takes 10 seconds - go into the conversation, say "I'll get back to you soon", done. This is not a big deal. 2- Agreed, should be on a sliding scale like other marketplaces. 20% on $5 is alright, on $5000 is way too much. Fiverr is spending the same on both, in effect high price sellers are subsidising low value sellers. This is unfair. 3 - Sure, there's no good reason for such long waiting periods. 4 - This makes no sense, worldwide market means different timezones. No way to make that work. 5 - There could be an option for open ended orders, yes. Better yet, options for hourly rates instead of fixed price projects. 6 - Agreed. 7 - Depends on the reason. You can't allow a seller to cancel for any reason, that's highly abusable. An order is a contract, buyers have deadlines, they need to know they can trust the system to deliver what they ordered. If anyone could cancel with no consequence, buyers would be way more hesitant to buy important things. That would be bad for the marketplace. 8 - You can take a vacation whenever you want, just stop accepting orders. Don't need a specific mode for that.
  9. The client pays the moment they place the order, not after delivery, not when the order is complete. When the client pays is one thing, when you get the money is another.
  10. Your problem is that you don't speak English properly. And that's the problem with the majority of sellers who claim to have communication issues.
  11. I think it was a month or two after hitting the stats, although I'm not certain.
  12. I can't speak for everyone, I'm sure there are better and worse sellers in Pro, as everywhere else, but Pro is a vetted category, needing manual approval by Fiverr, so the general level of professionalism is much much higher than the general platform. So, while being Pro means you will certainly be more skilled than the average seller, that doesn't mean there aren't level 1 or 2 sellers that are better professionals than some Pro sellers. The same logic applies to Top Rated Seller, btw.
  13. You will always run into this kind of thing when you have a platform that allows you to make money with no barrier to entry. It did get worse during the pandemic though, when there was a ton of pressure on people to start working remote.
  14. Yes, and Picasso is not just "better than most", Picasso is the go-to for "genius painter". You don't need to be Picasso to do very well for yourself. Hell, nobody can be Picasso, that's why he's Picasso lol
  15. Then you'll be ahead of almost everybody. Just knowing if its good or bad is already enough for "most" lol
  16. Any technical aspect can be learned. But that's not what matters most. The most important thing you can have, by far, is taste. And that can't really be taught effectively, imo. You either have the eye or not. Anyone can learn how software works. Anyone can learn and follow a set of rules. But good taste? That's priceless. And that's what will be hard to replicate with just computers. AI can do anything, but how can it decide what thing to do, or what to pick from the infinity of things it has done? That's where the value is. If you can look at anything and know "this looks good" and "this looks bad", and be right, you're already ahead of most. You don't even need to know anything design wise.
  17. Lol what I mean, chatgpt actually exists, so there's that...
  18. Yes, I don't. I know what copyright free means. Also you missed my point. I never said names can't start with Pro. It was a joke, because you're called pro_services000. Which is a dumb name. But has the advantage of, when you get banned, you can just move on to pro_services001, 002, etc. Again, it's a joke.
  19. Using a fake photo is against terms of service. On the other hand, it was pretty smart of you to name yourself "pro_services000", that way when you get the inevitable ban that's coming to you, you can move to pro_services001, pro_services002, and so on.
  20. I wouldn't worry about the Gecko losing its tail too much - I heard he has insurance!
  21. I activated the request to order feature on all my gigs, and now I see a grey "request to order" button, but it's not clickable. However, that may be because I'm using my profile to look at my gig. Can anyone go to my gigs and see if they can press the button to request an order, and what happens if you can? For example, https://www.fiverr.com/visualstudios/edit-your-youtube-talking-head-video If you can't, then this is surely a bug? The request to order feature will result in a huge drop in contacts if it works like this.
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