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Everything posted by visualstudios

  1. I go a step further than that, actually. It's not enough to get clients to agree to a price, I want them to be enthusiastic about it. I don't want to charge $100, the client asking to make it $80, and then reluctantly agree to the $100. If they ain't happy with the price, I don't want to work with them. They'll be nitpicky, entitled, and think they are doing me a favor for going with my rate. They are not. They'll try to "get their money's worth". That's a dangerous client. I need to know they are comfortable and happy with the price, or else they will be better served by going with someone else.
  2. If you have less than a 4.7 average, you get demoted. So yeah, they affect you. And they aren't positive. Define rewards. If having a good score decreased Fiverr's commission? Sure. If having a good score increased number of unqualified leads? Not really.
  3. Maybe I misread, but that's not my interpretation. Somebody buying from me for the first time but that already has 1000 completed orders, is already retained by Fiverr as a client. They won't go away from the platform just because they had a bad experience with me, so they shouldn't count extra as far as Fiverr is concerned. Not to mention they already will know how the platform works (you always leave 5 star reviews, orders complete after 3 days, tips are put there by Fiverr, etc.). They are way lower risk.
  4. What I take from this is to avoid working with new buyer accounts, since it's an objectively bigger risk. Not only will they not know how Fiverr works - so will be more susceptible to get confused and have a bad experience, either by misinterpreting things (I had a new client be very confused why I was suggesting them leaving me a $2000+ tip, when it was Fiverr doing so with its automated % tip system that forgets about big orders, or leaving a 4 star review thinking that's great, or get pissed off because an order automatically completes, etc.), or by simply not understanding how things work, and having no basis of comparison - their private feedback will apparently be worth more.
  5. You should know better than us what you're offering. One possibility is that you're offering anything that can be used for academic work, which is against terms of service.
  6. Lmao, a copacetic system. The thesaurus strikes again! Anyway, wanna know what's truly copacetic? Not paying 13%+ on money.
  7. That's sending a message, not an SMS. Also, if the order is complete, you don't need to send your buyer any messages. It's done.
  8. https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017972518-Anticipo They never mention any cost, even a single time, other than "0% interest". If that's indeed the case, that you end up paying over 10%, they are being very dishonest. Shameful. They know a ton of sellers here have little to no financial literacy, and are trying to take advantage, while not even being transparent in the help materials.
  9. If you made 100k in your first 2 years, you're doing very well, don't worry about Fiverr loans. With that said, they seem to be a good option if you really need the cash, so I see it being useful for sellers who aren't making that much - apparently it's 0% interest, which is obviously great. I'm generally very against paying for money, which is the case with most loans, but the truth is a 0% interest loan is incredible - money now is worth more than money later, due to inflation and opportunity cost. I find it very strange that Fiverr even offers that, I'm not very sure what the reason behind it is, seeing as they charge 1% for fast withdrawals, so logic would say a lump sum loan should have a much higher interest than that. Hell, I would take it if I could, it's a no brainer. Give me a 100k loan at 0%, I'll take it and drop it straight into any savings account with interest, or treasury bonds, or any other guaranteed capital vehicle. If you can get 5% returns risk free, that's a free 5k you're making, with no risk. Too good to be true, actually, something must be up. I suppose that's why they don't offer it to me - I wouldn't need to touch that money to live, so I would do just that, I wouldn't be under any pressure to do extra work to make more money, I have enough on the side to go over a year with no income.
  10. Why would you be sending buyers SMS? 1- You shouldn't have his phone number. 2 - Who the hell still sends sms's in 2023 anyway?
  11. I don't understand what gig thumbnails have to do with your question. As for verifying identity, that should be the account holder. Whomever has their name, email, PayPal on the account, should be the one to verify.
  12. As always, Bukowski said it best: "Almost competition the higher you climbthe greater the pressure.those who manage toendurelearnthat the distancebetween thetop and thebottomisobscenelygreat.and those whosucceedknowthis secret:there isn'tone."
  13. What a great way of saying fake it till you make it. And after you make it, you better keep faking it. Everything can me unmade. For real though - fake it till you make it works. It's the only thing that works. But you need to fake it well. It's a skill like any other. The fake must be indistinguishable from the real, that is the only true secret - there is no real. Only better and worse fakes.
  14. By the way, not only will you not be TRS, you will be banned for using a fake profile picture.
  15. Who have you mailed? Saying what? That doesn't make any sense. I became TRS pretty fast, and didn't need to e-mail anyone about it.
  16. The automatic message? I disabled that. I found that most people just stopped responding after it. I'd rather message them myself depending on what they say.
  17. I have several quick messages set up, and I use the one appropriate to what the buyer opens with. Alternatively, I write an appropriate response if none of them fit.
  18. So will you now understand staying online makes no difference? Or will you insist on something that clearly doesn't work?
  19. That's a great use case for chat gpt, actually. Not that it would help you or people like you, but that you wouldn't bore people with your inane drivel. The machine can't get bored.
  20. Design and art are different - what I said applies to design, art is another animal entirely. Not to mention the art world is highly speculative in terms of valuation. Perfect money laundry vehicle, since value is inherently subjective!
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