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Everything posted by visualstudios

  1. I'm from Portugal. We all have english at school, and then you just kinda learn from exposure (internet, media...). Besides portuguese and english I speak spanish decently enough (because it's similar to portuguese), a little bit of french, and I can understand some italian (basically all romance languages become easier if you speak one of them).
  2. First mover advantage is very real, people still posting in the old thread lol.
  3. Written by: @damooch916 Voiced by: @newsmike Video and editing by: @visualstudios
  4. MODS - please lock / delete this topic of possible. Will create a new one. Thanks!
  5. So, apparently the inbuilt video player is not great. Need to setup a channel for the content! - It doesn't allow me to edit the original topic to swap the video
  6. Written by: @damooch916 voiced by: @newsmike video and editing by: @visualstudios
  7. @frank_dWell, you do have some level of access most sellers don't. Nothing wrong with that. I've never been invited to Tel Aviv, just sayin' 😛
  8. Jesus, that's ridiculous. To make 100 per month needing to sell 227 is absurd, that's over 50% loss. That's just robbery.
  9. You're free to refuse to work with anyone who doesn't provide you with what you want. Just be assured that's a great way to actually only get crap, as any serious, talented, self respecting seller on Fiverr will tell you to kick rocks, as they don't need your business, and don't need to prove who they are to anyone (other than Fiverr itself). Only desperate sellers who aren't making any money otherwise will be eager to take your offer. So sure, go ahead, if you want suboptimal results, that's a great strategy. Also, btw, I find it hilarious that all the people who wanted me to sign NDA's so I wouldn't "steal their content" were people with content I would never want to steal in the first place. Big brands, great content, high budget clients never bothered me with that crap. It's always the peasants who seem to think they're hot sh*t.
  10. Resolve is about to launch for iPad. You also have iMovie, capcut, lumafusion and premiere rush. It's starting to become an alternative, although there are issues in terms of screensize (no way around that on mobile devices), input and storage. For serious video editing computers are the only choice for the near future.
  11. There's no such thing as "gig rank", so it can't be checked, because there's nothing to check. Stop worrying about bs, start focusing on what you can actually control. Make your gigs the best they can be. Make your skills the best they can be. Make your communication the best it can be. That works. Thinking about imaginary "ranks" is useless.
  12. Ah, yes, the "keep this order open and the seller waiting for payment forever" button. Lovely system.
  13. Forex trading bot? Lol. Good riddance. Great to see they aren't approving all trash automatically, like before.
  14. What do you mean? How can both parties be able to postpone a revision? That doesn't make any sense. Sellers don't ask for revisions, ever.
  15. Really? Is it a coincidence that you said that you "strongly disagree with this policy", after I said the exact same above? Word by word? lol. And in what way do you "strongly disagree with this policy", if you also think that "this is a great feature to have"? If it's a "great feature", as you said, why do you "strongly disagree"? Maybe I'm weird, but I tend to strongly agree with great features. Pick one or the other.
  16. This is the most absurd take so far. Are you a bot that just copies parts of what others have said, verbatim, and mixes them into nonsense, or are you actually capable of having your own, original thoughts?
  17. That shouldn't be one gig with one delivery and one revision - that should be broken down into several. I won't be working on 113 deliverables to only be paid at the end, the risk is way too high. Fiverr needs to implement upfront payments yesterday. I'm tired of having to wait on clients to get what's mine. If Fiverr finally implements retainer deals, so I can get fixed payments per month, like a salary, from regular buyers... then I won't really care about revision delays. As it is right now, revision delays mean delays in getting paid, and that is called opportunity cost. $1 today is more valuable than $1 tomorrow.
  18. This is a bad idea. An order is a contract. The buyer has 3 days to review a delivery. If they need more time, that's their responsibility - sellers shouldn't be forced to wait extra time to get paid, or be forced to work on something past the agreed dates. If a seller needs more time, and the client doesn't agree, the order is marked as late. There's nothing the seller can do about it. And that's how it should be - a contract is a contract. That must work both ways. I strongly disagree with this policy. Unless Fiverr releases the funds after the 3 days, so we don't have to wait extra time to get paid, then I don't see how this is beneficial for sellers in ANY way. It's just a pro for the buyers, and a con for the sellers. Not good.
  19. I expected more from the Seller Plus forum, to be honest.
  20. I don't like it, personally. I don't like shutterstock's business model - paying by the asset for stock media in 2022 is absurd. You get an annual subscription to a library with unlimited downloads, and that's it. Not to mention there are far better options out there for quality footage. Either way, I don't even have the option in my gigs (for video), it's greyed out, saying Fiverr thinks it's not adequate for my gigs (why should Fiverr decide that for me?). Images are irrelevant for me. And for music, I'd much rather go through artlist or epidemic sound.
  21. Spam shouldn't count towards response rate, obviously, but this is simply not true. You have 24 hours to reply to messages, so you can sleep 8 hours all you want and never get a late response. Also, 12 years? Are we in 2026 and I wasn't aware of it?
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