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Everything posted by miiila

  1. Sooooo disappointing! You should be stripped of your Grand Master forum crown, effect immediate 😉 But no worries about my pitchfork, it has "for The TRICKS For Guaranteed Fiverr Success, #1 Stay Online 24 Hours... threads" carved into its handle 😉 No, thanks for your insights, as always, and extra brownie points for the Foil Arms and Hog GIF, love those guys! Your coupon theory is interesting, and, at least as far as I noticed, coupons haven't really been a topic on the forum so far, yay, but I'll read the whole .1 more thoroughly and ponder the coupons thing and my own theory some more, before adding a substantial post, or not, but, most importantly, Happy Birthday, before I'm too late! Good luck, health, success, and everything for your new year in life! 🍀 Enjoy your cake. 🎂
  2. Up to now, it was just a waste of time for me. My last brief went like Mike's. I sent an offer, literally a minute later, the "Brief was cancelled. X decided it wasn't the right time" notification appeared. I was wondering if this could be a polite way of implementing what would also be useful for BRs - letting sellers who send an offer, know that a buyer accepted someone else's offer? If yes, that would be useful. But as I also got that "Brief was cancelled" notification after a *seller* sent a brief (wanting me to give him work), perhaps not. At least, in this case, the only out of all briefs so far, there was kind of enough information to send an actual offer (at least a tentative one; as long as I've not seen the file/s or non-files 😉, it might still be a bad deal for me and Fiverr).
  3. Same as for BRs, I write something along the lines of "this is a dummy offer, please don't accept it but contact me to talk about details for an actual custom offer, price and delivery time will depend on...", and you can set a high delivery time, to make sure you'll have enough time to let support cancel, in case the person goes and accepts the offer anyway, and you can't/don't want to do it, once they tell you what they actually want an offer for. I also try to always remember to put my own offer expiration date on any offer I send, in text form, by the way, because, unlike for normal custom offers, you don't get the expiration date dropdown. Not that I often send BRs, for the same reason I don't like the way briefs work so far. I don't want to have to send an actual offer most of the time, due to not enough info, but just a "maybe can do, more input please" message. Both BRs and briefs should have 2 options, 1 in case you can actually send an offer, and 1 for just a message to signal general willingness to talk about details if they want to, or list your rates, or whatever applies. As it is now, it seems that briefs are rather an even more obfuscated version of BRs.
  4. The benefit of the forum is that regular users can develop nerves of steel and hone their self-restraint, while they do their best to not scream when seeing yet another "What are the benefits of the forum" thread. I'll show myself out. x
  5. Bayer is a big company that produces things like chemicals and medicine, I've yet to see a Buyer Request by Bayer on Fiverr, but of course, that doesn't mean they never (will) post(ed) any. Just joking, kind of, but for the sake of people who search the forum/Fiverr Questions, maybe edit post title and content from Bayer to Buyer, and maybe also use Buyer vs Bayer henceforth too, unless you're talking about Bayer, the company, that might be beneficial. As for the actual question, @uk1000 might be right, but I'm not sure about the last bit, there seem to be just as many offers already sent like before Seller+. I'd have thought that Seller+ sellers might take a second or two to compose an offer, so that there shouldn't be quite as many already, when you happen to be able to click on the new Buyer Requests right when it comes in, but seems not. 😉 Not so relevant for this one, probably, but a small tip for future polls: If you choose the option to not make the poll public, you might get more votes.
  6. Hm. Today, I got a "brief", without any essential info whatsoever regarding scope, budget, desired turnaround time,... It sounded interesting due to the niche, however, and would be a good match in that regard, indeed, so I decided to send a "dummy offer", so the buyer can contact me to discuss details. Just now, I was browsing BRs, and noticed that the same buyer has a BR up. Which happens to have the scope, a budget, and other significant info, so it's a bit of a riddle to me why I wasn't sent that info along with the "brief". Also, in case my dummy offer appears alongside the offers that were sent via BR, I'll look pretty stupid, because, obviously, in my offer, I'm asking for the information that was provided in the BR. The "brief concept" really should be revised against this and the above seller experiences.
  7. Don't drink coffee, I take tea my dear... 🎶 Sorry, couldn't resist. Since I'm here already, excellent thread and post, 5* for content, delivery, communication, and would read again/recommend. Thank you for being a ray of forum hope.
  8. -_- It wasn't just not the right time, by the way, it also was a *seller*.
  9. "Very reasonable" doesn't sound good in any case. "Reasonable" should be enough. But that's besides the point. On point:
  10. I've had a customer once I had this issue with, as he had ordered, don't remember, Basic Gig x 20, and after we talked about this issue and I asked him to tell me how much he needs in messages, so I can send him a custom offer with a doable turnaround time, he told me he had tried to see how much he'd be able to order, for fun, he said that he could only order up to 20x directly, but that it's possible to manually increase in the cart, but he didn't know how much, as he stopped trying at 521x ... 😄
  11. I don't know about the profit. Many don't even offer extra-fast delivery, or extras, because of how illogically it's set up, or have to cancel often, like donnovan86, or only get 1 x the price of the extra, while a buyer orders 5 multiples but only pays the extra 1 x, where they should have paid, and seller and Fiverr should have gotten the $ for 5 x extras, as it happened for Roxana. I think it's most probably that they set up a template that worked for some category and didn't really think it through for all categories and use cases. I could set up my Gigs much better, and offer things I can't offer because of the way it is, doesn't sound optimized for profit to me. And, again, they did change it for VO, apparently. I don't know if they can turn on/off multiples, or even choose an allowed number of multiples (ideally even per each of the 3 packages), but im any case they fixed it so that the delivery time increases with the multiples, which would already be really helpful. Some sellers may "simply" put in a night shift, but many will have to cancel. The buyer may find a different seller, also order, e.g., 10x the basic package with 24-hour delivery, that seller may also have to cancel, the buyer may finally get the idea that it might be a good plan to ask the seller if it's even humanly possible to provide n x Gig within x hours, or maybe just think, what the heck, and go somewhere else. It only means more profit in the cases where sellers just accept to get underpaid or run around with their hair on fire, and else, it means less profit, because sellers don't offer everything they would offer else (extras, 24-hour delivery), and a bad user experience - also not good for profit.
  12. IMO, we need the option to turn them on/off, and/or, for those who want to turn them on, within each Gig, we need to be able to control if an extra we offer requires proportional increase of price and/or delivery time. Some people sell extras that just need an additional fixed $ amount, but others sell extras that would need an increase in both price and delivery time, proportional to ordered Gig multiples. If I read that right back then, this has already been done for the VO category quite a while ago, so it doesn't seem to be technically impossible, and I'm at a loss as to why something so obviously crucial still hasn't been fixed in Writing & Translation.
  13. Hello Roxana. It's really annoying. I had to "fix" it by deactivating my Gig extras. And it's not just that the price doesn't increase when people order Gig multiples, but also the delivery time doesn't increase. Many sellers are having issues because of this, see only the last one of the long line of requests to fix this here in the forum's "Site Suggestions" category, where, in theory, Fiverr staff will read and maybe suggestions will be implemented:
  14. I really can't understand that this much-requested improvement still has not been tackled. It's a major headache, and keeps many people in the affected categories from not offering shorter delivery times, or some things at all, causes them to limit their queues more than needed, etc., all of which certainly isn't in Fiverr's best interest, and for no good reason at all. Not to speak of unnecessary cancellations caused by it, which buyers probably aren't much happier about than sellers, they'll lose time (different timezones potentially aggravating this), need to find another seller, after they thought, everything was taken care of, maybe get in trouble with their own deadlines,... As far as I recall, in one of these complaint threads, quite long ago, someone from the VO category, I think @annai80, mentioned that this much-needed feature had finally been implemented in that category. Writing & Translation, Proofreading & Editing, and probably some more categories really need this.
  15. Keep an eye on the Fiverr webinars, might give you some useful insights, if you need to be number one. For example, there's one on March 30, "Supercharged Selling Tips & Tricks from a Top Rated Seller".
  16. WB, emoji queen! 🤗

    1. nikavoice


      LOL, yup, I'm still the Emo Queen 👑 

      Thank you and looking forward to reading your content. 🙃

  17. Probably not even replies by people who have the experience, and are still on Fiverr and the forum, would help you. It'll depend on what exactly they are checking and how much there is to check (if they are already checking an account because they think the account holder has multiple accounts and thus violated one term, I'd say chances are high that they also check other things, like messages, for other potential violations), how flooded or not support is with requests, how high up on their priority list your case is, ... You know Fiverr's terms, certainly, since you accepted them when creating your account, and from that, you can infer that not having gotten a warning before, doesn't mean your account won't be suspended. They do or do not give out warnings first. While chances of suspension logically will increase if you already got warned, depending on what they find in their account review, they may very well suspend the account permanently without warning. If you actually do not have multiple accounts (Did you ponder how they got the idea, any little brother or sister around who may have a Fiverr account without you knowing?), and everything else is in order too, your chances should be good.
  18. My minimalist award winner of the day: Sure, I'm good, at anything, sign me up. That's actually better than many others, though, where you might get into big trouble, trying to find out specifics and getting the job done, or cancelling the potential order, within 24 hours.
  19. Maybe "Fiverr" in Japanese katakana, only that it said "Fiber"? 😉 Dᵢₛ𝒸ₗₐᵢₘₑᵣ: ⱼᵤₛₜ ₐ ⱼₒₖₑ ₐₗₗ ᵢₙ 𝓰ₒₒ𝒹 𝒻ₐᵢₜₕ, ₙₒₜ ₘₐₖᵢₙ𝓰 𝒻ᵤₙ ₒ𝒻 ₚₑₒₚₗₑ 𝓌ₕₒ 𝓰ₑₜ ₜₐₜₜₒₒₛ, ₒᵣ ₜₕₑᵢᵣ ₜₐₜₜₒₒ 𝒸ₕₒᵢ𝒸ₑₛ, ᵢ ₕₐᵥₑ ₛₒₘₑ ₘᵧₛₑₗ𝒻.
  20. It would make a lot of sense to make search smarter that way, for two reasons, I think. For one, you always got heaps of totally irrelevant results, just because they had a word of your search term, only in a totally irrelevant way for you, and also because there will be search phrases that many non-expert users will use, while the gig titles may often only contain concise and precise phrases. In the description, obviously, there's more space for variations and to consider what people who don't know the industry slang will put in. That might be a good use of BRs for the "BRs aren't worth reading" crowd, by the way, depending on your niche, it might give you ideas for additional search phrases that laypeople users use (or even for new gigs). Of course, on the other hand, some won't want to have to do with buyers who'd not input exactly what they wrote in their Gig title, but in any case, might be an idea for some.
  21. Alright, for the sake of ranking science... although... I thought we don't do ranking any longer but only relevanting? 😉 Page 1, row 5 (recently installed anonymous browser, no Fiverr cache, not logged in), not too shabby for Day 1! Up, up, and away! ⬆️ ETA: I left out your adjective for the search, probably more realistic 😉
  22. Thank you for the live stream, and thanks to everyone who took part for their questions, too!
  23. "Thanks to" the forum's inexistent notification finetuning, the tagging notification was burrowed below lots of irrelevant things, but I "manually checked" the thread for updates, but thank you for the tagging anyway, I'll be there! 🙂
  24. I've seen this post only now, "posted 18 hours ago", maybe leave it up a little longer than a day. Day of the week doesn't matter much, happy with anything the "majority" can attend. Indeed. But it always seemed to be the way that actually helpful posts are majorly read by those who need the least help, I wonder why (not really).
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