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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. "jive me a little bit suggestions". That's enough to show people you are not fluent in English. As @filipdevaere clearly said, you are not fluent in English. A lot of people trust these claims when it comes to our fluency.
  2. Don't share that with any clients. It's against the rules, and you will get banned if you do. Most likely those are either scammers, or people that don't know the Fiverr rules and unknowingly, will get you banned. So.. DO NOT!
  3. Most likely CS canceled it. I don't think buyers can choose to cancel an order that's in revision mode.
  4. Did you deliver the order or you just sent the files without marking the order as delivered?
  5. Pretty sure it has to do with your overall success score and performance. I can only assume profiles with bad performance don't have access to it. But it can also be random. In general, every time I needed it, the feature was there.
  6. For me, it's anything that has to do with a charity. I have a soft spot for nonprofits that want to help others, and I had a few projects where I wrote articles to promote certain nonprofit initiatives, like gathering funds to feed poor kids.
  7. Well.. many of these services are identical or existing to similar services that are already on Fiverr. There are already established sellers already offering those services, with lots of reviews. So it's hard to stand out if you offer the same stuff. Try something new, be creative, niche down on a specific thing. If you try to offer general services, it can be quite difficult to stand out.
  8. From what I saw, unless they are changing stuff, you won't be stunned into silence. There are some interesting ideas, a bit more transparency, but a lot of stuff is still uncertain. As I said in the other topic, it would be great if they add a way for people to share feedback. Sure, they added stuff that went well, but what about another section with stuff that didn't go well? I think all sellers are ok with constructive feedback, but unless you ask your customer directly, how do you get constructive feedback (unless of course, the customer makes it a point to talk about all negative stuff in their written review).
  9. She liked everything and now she's wondering why she doesn't have any benefits. I didn't even see her rank, I assumed she's new if she's asking this kind of stuff.
  10. You learn from the knowledge of more experienced sellers. You receive the latest news from the Fiverr team. You see what kind of mistakes people do, so you can avoid them.
  11. Those gigs are extremely general. You have dozens or hundreds of competitors with almost or exact the same gig title. Obviously that's not really appealing for a potential customer.. my 2 cents..
  12. If you delivered the order is not late? Does the order appear in your Dashboard as late? If not, then it's not late. Delivered orders appear as "late" when you see them in the inbox for example. But as I said, if it doesn't say anywhere on the order page or in your dashboard that it's late, you're fine. Did Fiverr send you an email that the order is late? Most likely not..
  13. If you have those previous gigs paused, unpause them. Create new gigs. Improve your English. Catwriter gave you lots of advice.
  14. Like Catwriter said... you have no gigs, no information about you, no picture, nothing. You have to create gigs and sell something. You could be a video editor, designer, even an accountant for all we know. If you don't create a professional presence and start selling gigs, you can't earn a dime.
  15. A lot of people don't, and I don't think they matter other than giving Fiverr ammo for some stats 🙂
  16. You can't. Fiverr restricted it because you most likely did something wrong. They also restrict it for a reason, you can't just unrestrict the account or get unbanned in an instant. It depends on the violations, sometimes you might never get your account back. Since we don't know why you were banned/had the account restricted in the first place, it's hard to know. But if you had the same warning twice, that is sometimes a sign you are fully banned and you won't get the account back.
  17. Sorry to hear that man. But again as I said, it's their platform. If Fiverr doesn't feel comfortable offering a service, they remove it. And if it went through their internal team.. clearly they don't agree with that type of service. They may or may not fully understand everything, but I assume they have some people with development knowledge and if they said no.. then they remove the gig or ban you. As I said, you can find other platforms and maybe you can ask beforehand if you can sell that kind of stuff.
  18. Anyway, I was just sharing an opinion based on what you said. It's sad to see a talented developer get banned, but I am sure you will find other marketplaces to offer these services. Ideally, you want to contact their customer support and see if you can actually sell that kind of service. That will help you avoid unpleasant situations like this. All the best going forward!
  19. I saw that message involving bots. Creating bots in general does bring a risk, because you never know what that bot decides, it's automated, so it could give you a profit or a loss, etc. I think that's the reasoning for Fiverr's ban, they didn't like the idea of bots taking financial decisions, even if they just facilitate transactions, there's still risk involved. And as they said in that link, if the gig has any degree of risk, they might put it down. I think that's the reason behind your ban. But only Fiverr can tell, obviously, we are just forum members, we speculate and don't know the real reason. There's not a lot you can do anyway as a seller, because Fiverr has control over the platform and what they allow people to sell. If their department decided to remove that gig, then clearly they don't want that kind of service on the platform. Sure, some gigs like that might exist, but eventually they are taken down. It's been the same with a lot of services, there were some people banned here and guess what, they were outraging that others are still selling and they were not taken down. But eventually, they were. I can only assume Fiverr's team that checks gigs is too small, and it might take a while until they check everything. But eventually, they do.
  20. Sorry if I misunderstand your service. But I think the problem here was that you were automating transactions and stuff like that, which might be ok if you have your own platform, but Fiverr doesn't really take part into that kind of thing. The fact you had your gig active and no one reported it was why it was never denied in the first place, because there are tons of gigs out there, and not a lot of people to check them. But once they did check it, they automatically denied it. Again, I don't really work with the blockchain/crypto market, so I might not understand properly. However, why would you run an exchange-like system via Fiverr? Even if you are a developer and create that kind of platform, Fiverr might not be the best place to sell stuff like that. Because it does involve some risks, and Fiverr will usually take that kind of gig down. I will say this.. threatening the customer support team when they are just following protocol... come on man. Most likely your service was a part of this list, in one way or another https://www.fiverr.com/community/standards/prohibited-services. The thing is, Fiverr can easily stop any gig because it's their platform, and if they decide it doesn't fit their platform, they remove it or close the account. Ideally, for this type of service, you want to create your own website and try to rank it, if there is any demand for it. Clearly Fiverr doesn't agree, nor does it want the type of service you offered, since they shut down your gig/profile so fast.
  21. It seems you are a buyer and you're not selling anything. I am not sure where and what you are ranking, because there are no "live" gigs. Since you are just a buyer, or at least that's how Fiverr shows your account, it doesn't matter if you leave for a month, 2 or more. If you are a seller and you have active gigs, those gigs will obviously derank because there's no account activity, nothing is happening, so other sellers can and will surpass you. Sure, you can pause those gigs, but you can't expect to maintain the same ranking. Fiverr tracks gig performance for the last 2-6 months, so if you didn't have any orders as a seller, others with orders and great reviews will surpass you, which is normal.
  22. Well the thing with Udemy is that they don't perform any type of background check. So anyone can teach and if they sell, it doesn't matter at all. I am not sure what her username is, but that teacher in particular doesn't seem too knowledgeable, from the course I saw there.
  23. If you even talked with your buyer about the rating, you will receive an account warning for manipulating the review system. I had a buyer that was not ok with the review he left and he went to support without even talking with me. And I received an account warning. I suggest you take the 4.3 star review and leave it. That's not a bad review. Most likely they did, if they know that the buyer is going to support. Otherwise how would you know.. But as I said above, if they did, this will bring an account warning. Is a warning worth it? Nah.
  24. This is a freelancing platform. You work and get paid. It's not a platform for free stuff.
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