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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. That might 100% be the case too. Without a diploma verification system, people can say they have endless skills. And of course, they only work with Fortune 500 companies.
  2. Since they said your account activity violates their TOS, maybe some of the stuff that you developed was not in line with the terms of service. Who knows.. All you can do is wait until Fiverr tells you the results of their investigation.
  3. No, they don't. There are a lot of people stealing content, I even found my entire Fiverr profile including gigs, images and username duplicated entirely on another platform. So yeah, people cheat and steal stuff, they think just because it's online it doesn't matter and there are no repercussions. Not saying that's the case here, but sure seems like it.
  4. That is, IF they decide it's ok for him to be back. He could just remain banned.
  5. True. Again it was a hypothesis. The thing is, they would still have lots of reviews and surpass others. And people can try to cheat the system, although thankfully Fiverr is much better these days at figuring these things out, based on how many people write on the forum saying they were banned. Eh, it's a change coming soon. Don't expect too much of a change. It's definitely a step in the right direction, I think so at least. But there will also be people complaining about changes.
  6. I can see him too. If Fiverr said they will reimburse you, that's great.
  7. Sure, but in that case I was referring to people that are actively selling on the platform. There's no differentiator between someone that sold 50 gigs in 2 months and someone that sold thousands or tens of thousands. They are still level 2. Obviously it was just an example, but even then, 50 x $5 gigs + fees, I think it's $400 or less? What I meant is that people have ways to cheat the system. Sure, they could get caught, but my focus was on differentiating sellers, if someone wants, they can become a level 2 seller by cheating, and they would have an equal level to me or someone else that has been here for years.
  8. I would focus more on creating great, unique and interesting gigs. You want to catch people's eyes and interest. You can also study best selling gigs in your niche. Don't expect someone to share a complete recipe of success anyway, let alone do that for free.
  9. Why would you use AI to create this, I don't know. If you have any knowledge or expertise, use it. Don't rely on AI.
  10. Eye-striking iks very subjective. You might like an image, I might despise it. These things are extremely subjective. Unless you have a very large social following, the chances of someone even looking at your gig (from your friends list), let alone buy it.. let's say they are very very low.
  11. It might not be due to what you said. What did the email from Fiverr say? But in general, using someone else's face to represent yourself is very deceiving. Use a cartoon, there are free logo generators. Lots of ways to not use a copyrighted image.. Copyright is very important and your gig can easily get removed if you're using copyrighted stuff.
  12. To the right of each message, you have 3 dotted lines. Press that button, and choose MARK AS SPAM. There you go, you don't have to report them, marking as spam is enough and it does not affect your response rate. You can also say Hi, and then mark them as spam. I always do that, because I got an account warning once due to reporting a message that was clearly spam. So I am not messing with the reporting button anymore, even if I should. Just keeping it safe.
  13. The leveling system is getting a revamp. However, I am pretty sure they are not adding a new level, which is unfortunate. I agree that there's quite the disconnect between level 1/2 and TRS/PRO. You have a platform with only level 2 sellers, mostly, so that makes it even harder to differentiate sellers. Someone can pay a friend to buy 50 orders from them and all of a sudden they become a level 2, same as me, and I've been 10 years+ on the platform already. There's no differentiator..
  14. Well I don't really have a choice. I know they are unreliable, but most writing clients these days request proof using one of those tools. I will say this, some of them do get it right at times, but there are tons of false positives, as you said.
  15. You're not wrong with the assumption 🙂 And also, that formatting hurts my eyes.
  16. Start by creating great, unique gigs and not something everyone within that niche offers. Less competition = more chances of standing out. Affordable pricing can also be a good starting point since you can always go up in price.
  17. Was there a refund involved or did the buyer ask for a chargeback? Or you still got paid for the order?
  18. Which I assume it will, eventually. But that brief system is not that old either. And it should work hand in hand with Neo, eventually.
  19. Great way to educate newcomers about what they should avoid man. And the thing is, based on that brief, it's believable. As a writer, I had many briefs that were complete nonsense, all they mentioned was the price they shared was fictional and not the real one, and you should contact for more info. It's why I eventually stopped the brief system for me, as it started being a waste of time instead of delivering actual value and potential orders.
  20. Pretty sure Fiverr doesn't allow applications at this time.
  21. I already replied to you here... yet you're creating new topics that are unnecessary.. Check the forum and give those ideas I shared a try..
  22. I mean, you can Google that yourself. https://blog.hubspot.com/website/become-web-developer is the first result, and it has lots of info.
  23. I just replied an hour ago to another digital marketer. Someone that has experience in digital marketing should know how to "MARKET" themselves. How can you claim you're helping other people generate leads, customers and revenue if you are unable to bring clients to your gig? Sorry for being blunt, but when you claim you are experienced in marketing, that means you know how to generate buzz around something. And if you don't have clients right now, that means you're not qualified for that kind of stuff. What did you do to promote your gig? How does your gig stand out when compared to others? What makes you better than the other thousands or tens of thousands of people claiming to be a digital marketer? Ask yourself that, create unique gigs that stand out and also improve your digital marketing skills. Because if you're asking for help to promote yourself as a digital marketer, you are most likely doing things wrong.
  24. No. Fiverr doesn't support crypto. And also don't try to go outside of the platform to accept crypto in any way. You will get banned by Fiverr.
  25. It can. But at the same time, you can't expect to make mistakes and have people ignore that. The problem is that a lot of people that have "digital marketing" skills come to the forum asking for help. As a digital marketing professional, you shouldn't need help to promote yourself. If you can't stand out yourself, then how can you offer these services to others and help their business.
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