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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. I am not from Fiverr and obviously I don't know if they keep this beta version of the review system or not. But based on the changes they made in the past, this will be the final version, what we see right now. The upside is that while you will have lower reviews, other people like your competitors will most likely have the same. Unless, of course, buyers are happier with their work. Regardless of the final version, obviously it should apply to all people, that's the fair thing.
  2. @Kesha, I think one of the main things a lot of newcomers need to know from an official source is that staying online will not offer them any orders. Also, you could clarify that using autorefreshers is not allowed, I saw a lot of posts on the forum about this, especially from newcomers that hear that kind of stuff from YouTubers and other external sources.
  3. An updated level system is coming. However, this review system you are seeing with the value for money, it's going to become permanent soon. So yeah, this will be permanent and it will affect everyone. There are too many people with perfect scores and in most cases, they just try to manipulate the system, cancel orders and stuff like that. This new rating system is meant to offer a more realistic look at how people are rated. So yeah.. you can expect to see more and more of those 4.0, 4.3, 3.7 or 4.7 reviews.
  4. It's been like this for years man. It might change, I am not going to argue, but seeing that other platforms lowered charges, I think Fiverr will find additional ways to acquire $$ from sellers, like promoted gigs or seller plus. They might also force people one way or another to increase prices, which leads to more revenue for them. But we will have to wait and see.
  5. I mean... you're competing with the entire world and not just a single platform, so there are way more competitors. Also, you have to pay for advertising and that can be way more than 20% of your earnings in some cases. But I do agree, having an online presence and multiple streams of income is always beneficial.
  6. I see no reason to complain man, if you already pay your taxes. I can only assume anyone complaining either partially pays their taxes or they fully dodge taxes. If that's the case for some, it was expected things would come to an end. As I said, US people already fill out their W-9 and Fiverr reports directly so it was expected they will do this for EU too, in order to comply with international regulations. I am curious if those sellers will increase their prices.
  7. You don't even have a single sale. There are people that have been selling here for years, have great reviews and tons or orders, yet they were never accepted to become a Pro seller. I suggest you focus on creating great gigs, selling and satisfying your customers. You don't need to be a Pro level seller to sell here, and the chances of qualifying for Pro are very low anyway.
  8. Well it shouldn't matter at all. Everyone needs to pay taxes to their income. The only people that will complain about this form are those trying to dodge taxes. I don't see the issue, US sellers have the W-9, so it was expected that eventually the EU will have something similar as well. And most likely Asian sellers too, I am not sure if they already do, but that will be coming soon most likely.
  9. Even if you sell services via your website, you have to complete that form.
  10. That one is the only free course, as far as I know. All the others are paid courses. They are not mandatory, nor will they give you extra visibility on Fiverr. However, if you want to learn things and improve your craft, they might be worth it.
  11. If you delivered on time, the revision doesn't matter. What matters is the initial delivery. If your initial delivery was sent before the deadline, the order is was not late.
  12. I don't know for sure honestly, because I am at the opposite end, I rarely make changes to my gig. But over the years I heard a lot of people changing their gigs often and sometimes not finding themselves in search. I just change my gigs when I need something changed, which is either once a year or maybe once 2-3 years. Sometimes changes are significant, other times are not. The idea is, I just change when I really need to change something, I don't make artificial changes thinking it will boost search results ranking. There are things like reviews, both private and public, if you cancel orders, etc. For new sellers, Fiverr promotes you high in search for a while, and you receive messages, eventually others take your place and you have to promote your gig yourself. Do whatever you want, ideally I would create multiple gigs that I am just very good at and track clicks (not impressions, maybe check impressions just to see out of how many people see in search, how many of them click).
  13. True, but even briefs are still hands-on because you might end up with multiple people turning down your brief. I will say this, I had only 1 brief job that I accepted and now that client is recurring. But as always, most people either wanted $100 worth of work for $30 or they didn't have any sense of direction or ideas about what they want. Even after they added the option to contact them, people were either not replying when asked for more info, or they asked extra work on top of what was in the brief. So in general, at least for me, Briefs were a waste of time. And I didn't have it at a super low price either, $30 briefs and above I think are fair, yet I was still getting pretty bad stuff.
  14. True, but mostly freelancers. I doubt a business owner that's very busy will stay here and explain the AI what they need instead of browsing and finding on their own.
  15. Go to the seller plus page, and then click here In the new page, go at the bottom and press Cancel...
  16. Which it might become in the long run 🙂
  17. I know. But think about it, you might send a brief and receive the wrong person, same with Neo. You save way more time by searching yourself and picking manually. Anyway, some people might use it, but it's never going to replace manual search for a lot of buyers, I am sure of that.
  18. A lot of buyers don't have the patience to go through a lot of steps like that. It's a lot easier to just browse a few pages and pick a person. I don't have patience when it comes to sitting and explaining to the AI what to do. It should offer a few options to click on and speed things up. I don't want to take minutes to wait for an answer that might not be ideal. So yeah, I am sure a lot of buyers are like this and won't really use it. It's a nice to have thing, but I don't think it will dethrone regular search.
  19. What do you think? Why would they ban you and allow you to create a new account? It doesn't make sense. Clearly you can only have one account and if the account is banned, any new accounts created after that will also be removed quickly. So obviously you can't create a new account.
  20. It's actually going to be very situational, and sometimes you can end up with your gig not going back in search. Updating your gig isn't a way to outrank others, delivering good work and having amazing reviews is what sets you apart. Feel free to try it, but don't bring other people's hopes up since they will only be disappointed when their gig disappears from search if they update their gig too often.
  21. Well there are rules and you broke them. Unfortunately there are no chances to get your account back, most likely. I mean, customer support already saw this and they took their desired course of action which is to restrict/ban the account...
  22. It might, Fiverr is working on changes to the site anyway so who knows, really. I don't even check my impressions/clicks anymore, I just try to focus on work at this point.
  23. You would think that people go to the university to study 😄 Not to freelance. There might be 10 illustrators in the building, but do they all have the same IP? Also, are they all selling on Fiverr? 🙂
  24. I don't see the use for a veteran seller that doesn't buy anything on the platform. I used it for 6 inquiries, each time it provided me with people that were not relevant. When you ask for a roofing article writer and Neo gives you a finance and banking related content with bad reviews, you know it's not exactly great. It might be fine for a new buyer, but browsing the results is still way way better in my opinion.
  25. I will be honest here, you don't have a single review, very low prices, there are some grammar errors in your descriptions, why would you think Fiverr would favor you as a Pro writer? Instead of applying for Pro, I recommend you start working on your orders and building a portfolio first.
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