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  1. In addition to that, they refunded an old order because a previous buyer claimed that their previous ordered script does not work anymore (Thus deducting my total amount to withdraw after the ban). There is no way my month old script would just "stop" working, how on earth am I suppose to give support to my loyal buyers if I'm banned? I tested my old scripts and there are not issues at all. With that, I had a hunch that Fiverr absolutely have no experts that can properly review gigs and orders that involve Cryptocurrency and Blockchains.
  2. As I have mentioned in messages, I don't and I NEVER offered fully automated bots. I never wanted to pose financial risks to any of my buyers before. I have never developed and offered a "profiting" bot. Most of my orders are personal and customized scripts requested by buyers that they want to automate in the blockchain (which mostly are just token developers). The scripts I develop are more like tools and platforms. I've had so many encounters with customer support before this happened. I've had issues with previous orders where CS is fully aware on what kind orders and gig I have. The ban happened right after I made a simple edit on the title and had this "Video denied" notification. I have a strong feeling they only made a quick but wrong judgement and just won't admit that they were wrong. It also feels like they don't even have the necessary experts on their team that is knowledgeable about Cryptocurrency & Blockchain. And I'm sorry about the "threatening CS" part, I was very angry at the moment and was so desperate not to lose what I worked so hard for.
  3. I'm going to post here the whole conversation I had with Fiverr CS, so that you can see how much of a headache I had that day.
  4. I have been banned already 3 months ago and today is the time I can withdraw the funds that was left before. I've been so angry at that time when the ban happened, and I just want to express here how much I hate Fiverr one last time. I have been a seller on Fiverr for almost two years. I have already become a level 2 seller, achieved 50+ 5 star reviews, and earned an average of $2000+ a month. My gig focuses on blockchain development, specifically automating transactions or serving as a platform for exchanges in the Ethereum blockchain for various purposes. Just the day before I was banned, I changed a single word on my gig's title to be more precise with my services. After the gig's name was changed, my gig was suddenly marked as "denied". I brought up the issue to customer service for clarification or to fix it. I assumed it was a faulty automated security error. A few hours later, customer service replied and told me that my account has been disabled because I violated Fiverr's terms of service. Here's what they said: The relevant team reviewed your gigs and account and your account was permanently disabled after a careful review by our dedicated Team due to violations of our guidelines. Fiverr is an open marketplace where users can offer or request a variety of services. However, certain types of services are prohibited, as they can pose unwanted risks for our users like legal or financial risks. Some other services simply do not align with our values and Community Standards. I asked repeatedly what part did I violate, and I kept on explaining how none of my gig ever violated their ToS. I've read their prohibit services multiple times, and it was ambiguous. If my gig violates their terms of service, then hundreds of other gigs that currently exists in their platform should be violating it as well. There are several other gigs that offers extremely similar services to what I had. What's more ironic is I found a user that copied the exact description I had on my banned gig and account on Fiverr, but his account is still up and running. Some people have been stealing my work and yet I, the original developer, got banned on Fiverr. They have mentioned that my services posed certain unwanted risks to users like legal or financial risk. However, as I've mentioned, my gig and services only specifically offer development of platforms and tools for the Ethereum blockchain. Half of the orders are even for non-profit purposes (Tools for token developers). I do not sell any form of pre-made strategies or fully automated trading bots for profits. I never advertise any form of guaranteed profit in my gigs that may just actually pose financial risks on the users. My gig simply falls into their categories, "Exchange Platforms" and "Decentralized Applications (dApps)" which are both subcategories under "Blockchain & Cryptocurrency". Where is the borderline between "Blockchain development services" and "services that can pose financial risks"? The review and judgement made by Fiverr has been completely unfair. I demand Fiverr to review this case again and reconsider bringing back my account. Two years of hard work of building up profile, and disabled like it was nothing. How come the gig was up for almost two years without issues, and all of a sudden it violates their ToS? How about all the other similar Blockchain development gigs? Talking to Fiverr's customer service is like talking to a brick wall. Avoid Fiverr at all cost if you plan to be a freelancer that plans to make a gig that involves Cryptocurrency.
  5. Hi, I'm a Python developer and I sell several different types of programs that has similar names and with small differences. To keep things in order, I like to name my files based on categories and then subcategories. Although I have never sent a wrong file ever on Fiverr, I've always been anxious about sending the wrong file accidentally - which they could possibly get for free if I did because I would have to deliver again but with the correct file they ordered. It have been so hard to check the file name after uploading it. I think it would be helpful if the names are displayed in full in the upload section and in after the delivery instead of the shortened names with periods ("...") in the middle. Another option would be to make it possible to undo/delete delivered files, as long as they haven't accepted the order yet. Here's a sample screenshot of what I was talking about: The pricing of my gig's products are ranging from $500 to $1000. I would really be greatly disappointed if I somehow accidentally gave away a copy a different program/script for free.
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