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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. That's exactly what I think. NEO won't replace the current search system. But will it appeal to buyers like those? Of course. And that's fine, having different ways to find what you're looking for is fine. So unless they make NEO mandatory for all buyers, I am fine with it being there as a tool for buyers. And who knows, it might even drive business our way 😄
  2. I think you are one of the lucky ones @fastadking. I don't see any NEO, and there were reports from other forum regulars stating the same. If it's the way you said, then it's bad for sellers because we get even more exposure. Then again, if people use NEO and it only delivers results that you don't like, I am sure they will revert to browsing the marketplace themselves.
  3. You just want to sell those templates? Obviously you can't do that. If you want to use them in a project, technically you should, but check the copyright and what each template allows you to do. Some of them might not be for commercial use, just saying. In general, you are better off starting from scratch, unless those templates are suitable for commercial use.
  4. Well, you could go through the last few orders and figure out what was wrong. I assume it might have to do with your last 3.7 star review. If you contact someone saying the review is not right, you didn't deserve that, etc, they can report you for trying to manipulate the system and trying to force someone to give you a certain review. It might not be that order, but if you contacted someone specifically to tell them the review is not ok or you talked with them about the review after they wrote it on the order page, that counts as review manipulation. Take the chance to reply to the review and don't talk with the person. If you do and you mention the review, they can easily report you. So yeah, one of your messages was seen as a request to change the review, and that's against the rules because reviews are final.
  5. Hello The solution is easy. Go to the bottom of the page, and click on EUR. Then you just choose USD.
  6. Then why see multiple milestones as different orders, when it's the same result, a single order? Well that's the thing, milestones are meant to provide a safety net for sellers that don't want to deal with a large order's inherent risk. There was a seller that lost $600 because the buyer asked him to create a site identical to other, and he did it, but he did not take into account that copying that website's theme and style was illegal. Now the buyer has a lawsuit due to copyright and he obviously canceled the order. With milestones, you wouldn't have that. So it's definitely a safety net and a benefit for sellers. But that also means it's just a single order. Vickie, I am on the other side of this and I can tell you for a fact it's the opposite. At the beginning of 2023 I had a very bad review from a single client and also a 3 star review from another one, and that ended up ruining my sales for more than half a year. I was also pushed back in search for months and months, despite having only good reviews. Even now I seem to be punished due to a "great work, will come back" 3 star client, so any order hurts and it can be seen in the algorithm. If anything, cheaper sellers have it worse, because you have multiple clients that can give you a bad review and kill your account for months. So the chances of a bad review and algorithm issues are higher, because you are dealing with a higher risk with every client. If you charge $200 and you also have a $5 gig, you might be doing something wrong. But in general, Fiverr's support will help you if it's not your fault. There will be exceptions, but as I said, it's a good idea to go to customer support and see if they can assist with removing that cancelation from your stats.
  7. It benefits you because if it was a larger order without milestones, you would not get paid unless you finalize the entire order. That also means if the buyer bails on the project, you end up without money and lost time. Milestones being approved, that means you get paid as the milestone gets approved by the buyer. So yeah, it's definitely a major benefit and a way to protect sellers. Again, not arguing with your need, but objectively the milestone system is good the way it is.
  8. How does having a milestone count as multiple orders benefit the customer? It just doesn't. Also, you are not penalized. You chose to have a massive order with multiple milestones. No one is stopping you from actually splitting that massive orders into multiple smaller orders. But since it's a single project, it doesn't make any sense right? That's why milestones seen as orders makes no sense. I get it solves your issue of not having enough orders to counter a cancellation, but it doesn't make sense in the grand scheme of things, and sellers could manipulate this to make a larger order with a dozen milestones and thus not worry about order issues. It's a milestone, the milestone system is made for large projects. But those are still ONE order, albeit a larger one.
  9. I think the best thing here is to copy the info from this current brief, cancel it and then create a new one. On a side note, I am a writer myself. What do you need done? Send me a message via the forum or my gigs, and if I can help, I will gladly do it.
  10. The OP is a buyer, not a seller. Your steps are useless 🙂
  11. Of course it doesn't matter, because it's just an order. You chose to split it in multiple milestones, but it is a single order. Making them count as an order would be unfair towards people that actively complete full orders. And also, it would be prone to abuse. People would just do 10 milestone orders just to have more orders. Most cancellations can be dealt with via customer support if it's not your fault. However, sometimes there are abusive clients so I get that. Still, it's so prone to abuse and also unfair to some sellers that I don't see this happening.
  12. Fiverr will automatically detect your country and they will modify it. So if you login and use your profile from Oman only, soon it will change it.
  13. Not immediately though. He will get it at the next evaluation IF he has the completion rate and all the other stats over 90%. Otherwise, if he continues to cancel orders, if he doesn't deliver on time, etc that will keep him away from regaining his level.
  14. If you already marked the order as delivered, even if you cancel, your buyer can leave a review. Yes, canceled orders can also be reviewed if the order was delivered. Regardless of the situation, a cancellation will affect your stats. I don't know if the cancellation will affect your promotion or not, because it depends on how many orders you had, what other stuff was canceled, etc. But it will definitely affect your stats, that's a certainty. The problem is that no matter if you refund or not, the buyer can still leave a review, since you already delivered the work. So you might be prone to receiving a bad private/public review. Private reviews are the worst because a bad private review can really push you back in search for many months.
  15. I agree, I rarely start any topics, I mostly assist others, I think I might have under 10 topics in 10 years.
  16. You don't want to attract buyers to the forum. You want to attract people to your gig. Depending on your niche, there are different places where you can share. On the Fiverr forum you mostly find sellers and not buyers. So if you want to grab the attention of buyers here, you are in the wrong place. Find industry-related sites that allow you to promote yourself (most of them won't).
  17. Damn I thought you were joking and then I entered his gig.. MY EYES!!! Plus, that pink and blue combination doesn't really look appealing, nor professional (speaking about gig images)
  18. Thanks for the great topic idea Kesha. In my case, I started freelancing on Fiverr 10 years ago. The company I was working at that time was preparing to shut down, and I didn't want to go for another corporate job. Instead, I wanted to use my creativity and also be my own boss. Which I will say, Fiverr helped with quite a bit. And since then, I never stopped. It did get a bit harder due to AI damaging the freelancing market quite a bit, but as always, we need to adapt. I am sure there will be crazier stories than mine.. but for me.. I found Fiverr at the perfect time and I already decided at that point to give freelancing a shot, instead of just hunting for yet another job.
  19. Why don't you read the terms of service and see that you are only allowed to have one account. And you're wondering why they don't allow you to withdraw stuff. It's like stealing an item from a shop, throwing it and then saying you didn't do it. Meanwhile there's camera footage of you stealing. :))
  20. @Kesha I do want to ask something, why is there no vertical for Writing? There are separate verticals for designers and logo makers, however none for writers. It would be great if we can also have a vertical for writers in that Verticals section.
  21. Did the customers contact you? Or you want to breach the rules and randomly contact people without them contacting you first?
  22. Contacting support is a good idea, but as I said, it can also be due to still having funds in their account or stuff like that. Regardless, going to customer support should help.
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