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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. It might, Fiverr is working on changes to the site anyway so who knows, really. I don't even check my impressions/clicks anymore, I just try to focus on work at this point.
  2. You would think that people go to the university to study 😄 Not to freelance. There might be 10 illustrators in the building, but do they all have the same IP? Also, are they all selling on Fiverr? 🙂
  3. I don't see the use for a veteran seller that doesn't buy anything on the platform. I used it for 6 inquiries, each time it provided me with people that were not relevant. When you ask for a roofing article writer and Neo gives you a finance and banking related content with bad reviews, you know it's not exactly great. It might be fine for a new buyer, but browsing the results is still way way better in my opinion.
  4. I will be honest here, you don't have a single review, very low prices, there are some grammar errors in your descriptions, why would you think Fiverr would favor you as a Pro writer? Instead of applying for Pro, I recommend you start working on your orders and building a portfolio first.
  5. Simple. Public reviews are permanent. Private reviews will affect your acount anywhere from 2 to 6 months. That's a huge difference. Yeah, a serious business owner would use filters to narrow down exactly what they want. I doubt they would use Neo, you can easily filter stuff to find what you want.
  6. The leveling system is getting changed a bit, but I am sure they are taking into account that most of the platform's sellers will have lower reviews anyway. So I wouldn't worry about losing a level, if you didn't lose it with this older system. However, we will see!
  7. It's a very tricky situation man. Fiverr does promote you organically, so that alone is worth their cut, not to mention they manage transactions and stuff. That being said, I don't think Briefs are very popular to begin with, especially for your niche. And if they kept the old system, you would just have dozens of people trying to make sellers do 20x the work for 1x the price. Briefs are much better, but I stopped them myself because it's not something relevant for me honestly.
  8. That's the new system in testing. The upside is, you will not be the only one receiving these reviews, they are becoming a norm because Fiverr doesn't want every single person to have only 5 stars. According to what was shared here, buyers have a hard time deciding who to work with when everyone has only 5 stars, it feels artificial. So yeah, you should expect more of those reviews to come in. They did lower the level requirement to 4.2 stars instead of what it was, 4.7. I mean, reviews are subjective in general, if you think about that. Everyone has different expectations, some might be ok to spend $2k on something and leave a great review, while other people will barely spend $5 or $10 and say the value for money was extremely bad, because they had similar expectations to a $100 or $1000 product. That's unreasonable, but that's the reason why we need to be more selective. And why either prices will go down quite a lot to make buyers think the value for money is great, or they will go up quite a bit due to sellers trying to avoid people who pay $5 or $10 and have unreasonable expectations for what was paid.
  9. You should consider talking with customer support about this and see if it's ok, only Fiverr can tell you. We are all sellers here, aside from some Fiverr staff replying to questions. I think it would be an issue, because there are so many accounts. But as I said, only Fiverr's team can tell you if it's fine or not. My advice: Go to customer support now and ask them, don't create any accounts for those people until Fiverr says it's fine. If they say it's not ok then.. clearly you can't.
  10. The new review system is going to become the norm in the next few months, obviously. I get where Fiverr is coming from, if you go to a category and start browsing, most people have 5 stars as a gig rating, so it's very difficult to pick someone. My issue stems from recalculating these gig scores, as they said it's coming soon. When that happens, I am certain most if not all gigs will have a lower or much lower rating than now, just because a new system is being used. Those are valid reviews from people accumulated over the years.. Anyway, we will see the new system soon and go from there.
  11. Exactly. Most people here on Fiverr want flexibility anyways, plus hourly stuff can be prone to abuse.. Since buyers might force you to say X gets done in 10 hours, but you spend 20 to finish, and you only get paid for 10. That's why people want project based payments, if you can fulfill the requirement quicker, that's even better.
  12. Yeah, it goes both ways. You can't know it's from that either. We can only assume, and I don't see how adding something new to the interface would affect a specific account. You might be right though, I don't care about impressions, I only monitor clicks, that's meaningful for me. Impressions are way too random anyway.
  13. Pretty sure it's not related to that. Impressions always vary, maybe it has to do with private reviews, a drop in performance, or just Fiverr presenting other gigs for now and rotating stuff. I don't think Neo has anything to do with it. From what I used, it's very random and it takes way less to browse yourself rather than feed Neo the info.. At least in my case, it delivered unrelated stuff to what I was looking, so I am not sure how helpful it might be for buyers.
  14. I shared the solution a while ago, but here it is again: Go to the bottom of any Fiverr page when you are in seller mode, and press the Accessibility button. Then press the Screen Reader button a few times. You want it to appear like I showed in the photo attachment. There are 3 screen reader settings, and then if you press once more, it turns it off. I had the same issue and this worked 🙂
  15. Fiverr is changing the review system and we will all start having less 5 star reviews, just so you know. Congrats, but keep in mind that things are changing, and 5 stars are far from the only option. It will be reserved for the best of the best, most likely.
  16. Are you sure you didn't send any contact info yourself? If you didn't, maybe try to contact support, but only if you know 100% you didn't break any rules.
  17. Top Rated Seller, which is what you asked about.
  18. Top rated seller is a level manually awarded by Fiverr. You might get it next month, you might get it in a year or never. I was TRS, lost it and never got it back, even if I am qualified. And that was 5 years ago. So just because you are qualified that doesn't mean you will ever be TRS. Some people do, but I suggest you focus on your gigs and orders. Some things like being a TRS are out of your control, and if that's the case, you should just focus on what's under your control.
  19. You did not reply on time to people. You need to reply within a day. Most likely you didn't. That metric covers the past 2 months, so sometime in the past 2 months you haven't replied to a few people within 24 hours. That's all.
  20. I have no idea because I don't use milestones. I stick to regular orders, if the order is very large, I split it. I also found that splitting is a lot better when compared to large orders because it pushes away scammers. It's easier to cancel an entire, huge order when compared to smaller ones. Plus, since I work alone myself, massive orders are a lot harder to schedule. So for me, even if I always had access to milestones, I don't see the need for those. I am also not sure how many milestones you can have, I know someone said 6 one time, but since you used it and said there are 3 milestones only, I don't really find it useful, unless you really want to be paid as you get a part of a project done. I assume for developers you can't really have too many separate orders, because there's nothing to deliver.. You can have a milestone for a prototype, etc. That's the only place where I could see some use for these. But as I said, never used milestones and unless they revamp or add some extra features, I don't see the benefit. Then again, writers might not be the target market for this feature 😄
  21. True. The only upside I can think of is that instead of having a single larger order, here you get paid a bit quicker and in small bits, and in case the buyer cancels, you already got paid for some of the work. Whereas a single order... if it's canceled, you end up with issues. There was a person that had a $600 order canceled, which wouldn't happen if he uses milestones. Other than that yeah, you are better off splitting into smaller orders. But some customers don't agree with that.
  22. No problem. Good luck with your orders. Aside from Promoted Gigs, maybe try to find some industry forums and places where you can show off your work, then link to your Fiverr gig. Just make sure it doesn't feel spammy. You never know where orders might come from 😄
  23. Obviously you get paid for the order. There's no order.. so there's no agreement here. I had dozens of "give me a deal for this order and I will come back with 20 articles" when people never came back and got a deal for their order. So yeah, don't trust anyone that doesn't purchase your gig. What you can do is to have a 30-day window or how many days are there until the end of the month. And he can purchase the gig now, you get paid at the end of the month. Or he purchases at the end of the month and that's when you send custom offers, with the ideal timeline for gig completion.
  24. Hey @gisellevargas! The official requirements from Fiverr if you want to access Promoted Gigs are: You are a Level 1 Seller, a Level 2 Seller, a Top Rated Seller, or a Pro seller Your Gig scores are 4.7 in the public rating Your Gig has at least 20 reviews. Pro Gigs and Top Rated Sellers' Gigs require only 5 reviews You meet additional quality metrics When it comes to quality metrics, it's unknown what exactly that is. But in general, we can only assume it's not having late deliveries, lots of cancellations, stuff that might bring your gigs down in search. Maybe even bad private reviews. But yeah, you need at least 20 reviews for the gig you want to promote. So from your 3 gigs, 2 would be promotable.
  25. How is ACTIVE work for lazy people? If you would say PASSIVE income then maybe, but even then you have to do a lot of work to create something that brings you income passively! Or are you posting just for the sake of posting, without adding any meaningful input to the conversation?
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