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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. I edit my gigs quite often, depending on what price changes, images or stuff I want to modify. Don't edit your gig daily or hourly.. but once in a while is fine. I never had issues with that.
  2. I agree Filip, I never promoted any of my gigs on socials, and that's not an issue. The problem is most of these sellers offer copy/paste services and expect orders. Some of them are also very overpriced for what they are offering, they charge the same as people with dozens or hundreds/thousands of orders.
  3. Why do you want to deactivate your account? I see you already have some reviews, if you want to disable this and create a new account, you will start from scratch and reviews might be way worse. You should always continue with the current account. As for why you can't.. maybe you have an order in queue, maybe you have funds remaining in your account, or Fiverr gave a warning. It can be a lot of things, go to customer support, they have access to your account's info and should be able to help you more than us. We are just sellers so.. we can only do so much here.
  4. You only had a single review, so most likely others within your niche had more orders and reviews than you. Also, who knows what private review that person left for you, even if the public review was positive. Continue delivering great work and offering exceptional customer service, then eventually things should get better. But in general, getting more work helps.
  5. Fiverr will automatically update your country based on your IP. It might take a little while, but if you login a few times from the same IP, it should do that automatically. If they don't update it automatically in a week or two, go to Customer Support and let them know. Regarding the currency change, scroll at the bottom of the screen on the Fiverr main site (not the forum). You will see a currency sign, like in this screenshot. Press on USD or whatever it says right now for you, and then you can change to EUR. It's simple.
  6. You can't contact people unless you do that on the platform. Those are scammers, just say Hi and mark them as Spam or report them. That way your response time is not affected, and you are not dealing with them either.
  7. A great sign that something is wrong with our society. Topics that really want to help people get 10-15 replies at most, yet this unnecessary topic gets so many replies. All of which are "congrats". No value to the forum, nothing needed or helpful in any way. I get it man, we all need an ego boost, but do we really have to gloat when we receive a new review? The forum would be flooded. Maybe we leave this as a positive review gloating topic, so we don't have dozens of these every month.
  8. When it comes to writing, AI has eaten up a lot of the market. And there are also way more sellers than usual so.. it's easy to see why there are less orders. Same with graphic design I think.
  9. Hey Sifat. I will say this before others do it... You are a lead generation expert. How do you expect people to trust and hire you when you should be able to generate leads without a problem? If you're a lead generation expert, generate leads for yourself 🙂 Also, there are maybe tens of thousands of topics like yours on the forum, just search. In general, people will create gigs that are unique and not identical to all the others, promote via social media and any other personal sources, provide a good starting price or deals for a first time buyer, etc. You should come up with ideas yourself, no one is here to tell you how to make money 🙂
  10. Most people that ask this tend to have the same gigs like everyone else on the platform. My suggestion is to try and be unique, create amazing and unique gigs that stand out. If you deliver the same old thing other people do, it's hard to stand out at all. Buyers will just gravitate towards people with great reviews.
  11. That means you're not spending money on your Fiverr gig, lol. You said You are not spending anything on your Fiverr journey. Courses related to skills you want to sell on Fiverr, that I might see as a loosely related Fiverr expense. But even then..
  12. Fiverr gave you a push as a newer seller, but now they promote other new sellers. That's why you have less impressions.
  13. Not necessary, people can find your gig the same way, no matter if you are online or offline. Just enable notifications and you receive a notification every time there's a new message. No need for manual check.
  14. How are you spending the money though?
  15. Maybe your last delivery ended up with a bad private review. It might happen. Is the promotion feature disabled for you?
  16. You don't have any services, how do you expect to sell something when there's nothing to sell? Start creating a few services first...
  17. Unfortunately it's account-wide. It's a signal that your performance is lower, and the entire account is affected. That's why you want to avoid those, then again people can easily leave a bad review randomly, it happened to me, in the past 12 months I had 2 reviews that were very positive text-wise, yet with not that many stars. It is what it is..
  18. What's the point in congratulating someone for an order they received 2 MONTHS AGO????
  19. Hey! Well, December is usually a slow month. Maybe people didn't need your type of service. That being said, there might also be the fact that someone left you a bad private review. My success manager told me that some people might leave a great public review, but the private review they leave can sometimes be very bad. It's either due to not having time and rushing, or maybe not caring. Regardless, that might be a thing too. Aside from December being a slower month in general.
  20. Well, I do want to say, how can you generate leads for others, if you are unable to generate leads for yourself? That's a problem, if people see no sales, no reviews and no way to trust you, they won't buy a lead generation gig from you, at least I wouldn't as a customer because it doesn't inspire any trust. Also, I agree with @filipdevaere, staying online will never work, people don't care if you are online or not. If someone does eventually use that online filter, that means they are in a rush, and that's the worst possible type of client you can get. They have massive expectations, short deadlines, and usually those people expect 10X the value from you. But in general, staying online won't give you sales anyway, so don't see that as a solution. I can tell you for a fact that me, Filip and many other sellers don't stay online to receive orders.
  21. Study the market and create a few unique services aside from what you have. Honestly your services are fine, but nothing out of the ordinary. You will find a lot of people selling the same stuff.. So try to come up with something unique, that would usually deliver better results.
  22. Ah yes, the endless and useless congratulations train...
  23. Obviously it depends on the niche. As a writer, I don't need to add screenshots because the work is there, in the attachment. But when you don't have the work in the attachment, having screenshots showing it was done according to the customer guidelines should help. So yeah, learn from this and include screenshots when you are dealing with new clients. I assume older clients don't care, but clearly new ones do. And as I said, delivering ahead of time and having a longer delivery time will help you too. That way you can see if the customer is problematic and handle the order accordingly. Or if they have anything to modify, you can learn and change accordingly.
  24. I think it's obvious, if you check sales for various sellers. There were dozens of sellers with 10-20 sales in queue at once. Nowadays, even the best selling writing gigs have under 10 sales in queue, those with more have a longer delivery time. It's dropped quite a lot, and I think it will continue to drop. But hey, it is what it is.
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