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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. But that one day when a hippo walks into that bank with a cashier's check, BOOM! There are parts of Minnesota, Michigan, Texas and Florida that are like that and have been for years.
  2. The answers you have been given so far are 100% wrong. Fiverr most aggressively promotes the gigs that make them the most money. The only way to get to page 1, is to sell a lot of services. This is not easy, nor is it fast.
  3. Could have not been confused with the NYT, as it lacks their hallmark conclusion as demonstrated in this fable: Four Headlines on the day the world ends God decided He was finally fed up with the human race and decided to end it for good. He called up a reporter at the New York Times to tell him the news: The world would end the day after tomorrow. The reporter tried to talk God out of it, but God was firm and wouldn't be swayed. The reporter then asked if he had an exclusive. God said that He was going to call three other newspapers. Headlines the next day: The Washington Post: "God says world to end tomorrow; story and analysis on page B11." The Wall Street Journal: "God says world to end tomorrow; market to close early" USA Today: "IT'S OVER!" The New York Times: "God says world to end tomorrow; women and minorities hardest hit."
  4. I read recently that the average American uses less than 8% of the vocabulary available. And usually with horrible grammar. Pop culture is not helping there.
  5. Do most other languages have such words like "lead" and "lead"? Which is a verb meaning to guide, and at the same time, with a different pronunciation, a toxic metal.
  6. The good news is that my Italian is sufficient to negotiate any bar, hotel or restaurant. So, it is not like I'm debating political issues in Italian.
  7. In my ongoing study of Italian, that is the hardest thing. Not conjugation, because there are rules, but knowing if a teapot is masculine or feminine. Then there are the hundreds of exceptions where a masculine word is still preceded with La.
  8. And gendered words in Spanish & Italian. OMG, why does a chair need a gender that drives an entire set of verbs and pronouns? Really? "The" may be the simple best word of English, as opposed to Il, La, Le, etc...etc.... etc....
  9. Is it honest to try to appear online when you are not?
  10. 3 times? Hardly! Just like calling someone "dear" That is a term for someone you want to kiss on the mouth, not appropriate here. You are not fooling anyone when you claim to be "fluent" in English. Please adjust that to something more honest and believable.
  11. English is not the problem. It's the way people mangle and misuse it that is cause for concern. As to ISO's somehow relating to the bible, I won't even try to unscramble what you were attempting there. And I believe the Geneva convention prohibits you from trying to explain it to me.
  12. You seem like a very confused person. First, and most shockingly incorrect, is the fact that Christianity is not a "race." Your premise is absurd. Words mean things. Take time to learn the meanings of words you so sloppily toss about. Second. You literally have "Namaste." in your profile. Which only encourages racism, to follow your "thought process." And finally, since I looked at your profile, I thought I'd mention that you should be honest about your level of English proficiency. You are certainly not "Fluent," as you claim. Please adjust it in order to be honest with potential buyers.
  13. Were you here in the good old days when we had a dude who offered satanic spells? Was a member of forum too and interacted like anyone else. I used to get the biggest kick out of the forum posts that were like, "OK then folks, been great swapping recipes for cookies, gotta run and insure more souls burn in hell"
  14. I am sure it is frustrating. Perhaps even though Fiverr is based in Israel, they certainly realize that the concentration of business is in the English speaking countries? That may explain their lack of formatting for languages other than English. I have several regular clients in Israel, and most of the time they have formatted their Word documents for English, but occasionally forget. That takes 2 clicks in Word to fix, but with chat I'm sure you are stuck. The TOS has plenty of mentions such as: Fiverr is also 8 years behind in giving us dark mode.
  15. 3 red flags right there Auto reply does not count as a reply with regard to response rate. Even though auto reply may tell your customer that you will reply soon, you still must respond manually within the 24 hour period as always, otherwise you will be marked as unresponsive. It is not a replacement for an actual response.
  16. Another reason to never to agree with a refund just to try to sanitize your reviews.
  17. Rayhan, Regarding your advice, I have questions. First, if this is actually useful advice then why have you made only one $5 sale in your entire 1 year presence on Fiverr? Secondly, how can someone stay active on Fiverr 24 hours per day without sleep, unless they find a way to lie about that? Speaking of honesty, you should adjust this in your profile, because it is clearly untrue.
  18. Upsells are a standard practice, and should always be offered to enhance the buyer's product or service. "You want fries with that?" This is missing the point. You are describing bundling, which actually lowers the overall price of the order. Remember, the algorithm favors the highest average selling price. Therefore, doing this not only decreases your earnings, it would hurt your ASP, meaning less visibility. Also, have to disagree. If my quote is above someone's budget, I tell them nicely that I understand and offer to direct them to a cheaper seller. This is for several reasons. First, often, they go ahead and order anyway, realizing that the "above my budget" haggling tactic is not working. Second, you are again damaging your ASP, and most importantly, agreeing to work for below your standard wage demonstrates that you are not a serious professional and certainly not entitled to your asking price. There is the issue of retaining your rate integrity, not suppressing wages in your vertical and the dignity of being paid what you are worth to be considered. Let hagglers go to someone else. They are usually difficult buyers. Always look to offer more services to enhance the buyer's experience and drive revenue up.
  19. No idea? You checked the box that said you had read and understood the terms of service. Was that true? I'm asking because it seems that you have provided a second piece of untrue information:
  20. Don't steal other's words and pass them along as yours.
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