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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. There is a huge difference between people who can't learn and those who will not learn.
  2. I'll bow to your greater knowledge of English language and Western culture and agree. Thanks my dearest love.
  3. Plus it is a miserable mindset, that allows you to be taken advantage of out of fear.
  4. I think it stems from a fear of asking because of the possibility of a bad review, which is why of course, every restaurant gives you all the free food you want, NOT. Once you free yourself from fear of a bad review and start acting like a real business it makes all the difference.
  5. You are looking at it wrong. They can ask, and you reply, "Of course, that will be just $25", or whatever you need to charge. Just like in a restaurant, you can keep asking for whatever you want, and they are happy to bring it, and it goes on the bill. It is just an opportunity to sell the revision, but most people here are for some reason that I don't understand, afraid to charge for it.
  6. They cancelled "The Golden Girls" as well, I think it was in 1992.
  7. You should only refer to "Dears" as people who you wish to kiss on the mouth.
  8. Have we ever infiltrated that club to see if it is 100% "here's how to assimilate or improve", or if it is 100% "here's how to cheat?" Anyone willing can DM me for a custom order. Strange there is a closed club from the location that drives the most traffic in regard to lack of compliance to TOS, and we are prevented from seeing the posts.
  9. I'd suggest you start by reading the TOS. It lays out the rules of the road. Also, just about every possible question has been answered here many times, so you might try searching the forum for any questions you may have. People here will answer question for new sellers who are trying to educate themselves, we generally only roast the ones who come in and expect to be spoon fed every step of the way.
  10. Are they any better than the one you designed for the forum?
  11. Wouldn't that be a proposal that addresses the buyer's needs?
  12. Isn't that dishonest to lie about your online status? Why are you trying to be dishonest? And while we're on the subject of honesty you may want to fix this on your profile.
  13. Sure, scroll up and READ. You're welcome.
  14. And the award for "Patience of a Saint" goes to @vickieito
  15. Leo, Bravo! All good advice for seasoned sellers who have the basics covered. In no way am I attempting to hijack your thread, but I wanted to add some context that none of these will matter if the seller is making elementary mistakes, the mistakes that we are asked about hourly in the forum. So while these are all good to follow, beforehand make sure that you are doing the following: 1. Only make gigs for services that you are truly skilled in. Otherwise you will not get sales, or if you do, they will cancel and you lose anyway. 2. Start with 1 gig and expand only when the first one gets some traction. The "make 7 gigs, myth" is dumb, and false. 3. DO NOT LIE. Ever, about anything. The biggest joke on the forum is when we call out sellers who claim to be "Fluent" or "Native/Bilingual" in English, but actually speak like a 3 year old American child. Unless you are offering writing or translation services, it is fine to be honest and say "Basic" for your language proficiency. In fact it makes a buyer trust you more, because believe me, you cannot fool a native speaker. We see it right away. As long as we can communicate, I will let you edit my video or create a logo. But if I know you are lying about English, then I distrust you and will not hire you. 4. Point number 3 is so important, please read it again. Don't lie about English skills or about your qualifications. We laugh when we see people claim to be "PhD of SEO." from the University of Elbonia. Neither the degree or the university exist, and people do check. 5. Anyone who says "stay online always" is a clown and you should block that person because life is too short to take advice form clowns. 6. Show your actual work in your samples. Do not copy other people's work, and do not use stock images, because we can look them up with www.tineye.com in 2 seconds and see that this is not your actual picture. Especially when you use this for your gig, but your profile picture is a 40 year old dude with a wooly beard. 7. Speaking of profile pictures, congrats if you are using an actual photo of yourself, but make sure that you are choosing one that does not make you appear as if you are in the middle of a bank robbery. Trust is built visually first. 8. That's just a few off the top of my head. But to rip off Garrison Keillor: "Be honest, offer quality and do good work." If you ignore my steps, none of Leo's will matter because his are higher level.
  16. Hey Sabbir, I liked it much more when I wrote it. Congos you just won the forum "plagiarism badge" for stealing this entire post from me verbatim and starting a new thread with it. Just as you copied your gigs and description from ChatGPT. However, I'll give you a chance. How much to build a website exactly like this for me? https://voice123.com/#how-to-search Give me a good price and I'll order right away and post updates here for all to see.
  17. Did you actually ask a question only to answer it yourself thinking that we would not notice? You have a total of 4 sales, so you should probably not be offering advice and learning instead. Pretending to be a knowledgeable, seasoned seller does not fool anyone, nor does it rank your gig. Especially when you post AI written content. Finally, you should not claim to be Native/Bilingual with regard to English, as the title of this post displays your actual level, and everything else you have posted here and on your profile and gigs is loaded with ChatGPT artifacts.
  18. Yes, tighten as needed so heart does not fall out.
  19. I have a question. If your problem is "that you cannot rank your gig", how can you call yourself "SEO TOPRANKER?" And how can you try to take money from people when you can't rank your own gig.
  20. Purchase only from TRS/PRO or Level 2 sellers with > 200 5 star reviews. That is the only way to insure that you will not be scammed.
  21. But you should because @leannelrivers is a top PRO and has given you great advice.
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