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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. @filipdevaere You cannot argue with mek-sells.
  2. False. Please don't make up nonsense advice.
  3. If that were true... Then how did you get a sale? I'd also adjust your English proficiency from "fluent" to "basic" in order to he honest, with phrases like this on your profile: "Why do you order me?"
  4. What does that tell you about nonsense such as "be online maximum time?"
  5. Notice they never mention skills, or quality of service. Just the same old phony nonsense.
  6. You have made 4 sales in 4 years. Why in the world would you even try to offer advice to anyone, especially when it is nonsense?
  7. I agree there. They should give you anonymized feedback to be able to improve. They are too opaque.
  8. Why? I can think of only one reason why a seller would be afraid to be reviewed.
  9. Actually, quite the opposite is true. Buyer's requests matched up the very worst sellers with the very worst buyers, all in a $5 race to the bottom. And as far as private reviews, if you are delivering quality services you have nothing to fear. It is only sellers who deliver junk who fear review.
  10. I would suggest respecting your buyer's wishes would be a option.
  11. Wrong. Most people will never get it.
  12. Believe me, we know. We know. But the conversation is about SELLERS who fake it, not buyers.
  13. A perfect example of what I'm talking about. This inability to communicate does not help Fiverr's image.
  14. Glad you asked. I am illustrating that Fiverr is supposed to be an English speaking business platform, yet it suffers from a ton of people who are barely literate in English trying to fake it. You may want to run Grammarly on your profile and gigs as well, and certainly reconsider calling others stupid. LOL.
  15. Looking at your gig. You claim to be a leader in data. How can that be if you can't follow simple things like written descriptions of metrics and ranking systems? Instead of acting hurt, try to admit that you did not fully understand what you should have, and now try to get through the rest of the review process. If I were reviewing you for TRS, this thread would not convince me that you were either detail oriented, open minded or or have the personality to deal with customers. Good move displaying this publicly while trying to get TRS. Noted misplaced sarcasm to deflect your failure to read and comprehend.
  16. Not an opinion. They explain it in writing, you ignored it, and now you are mad. Maybe if you paid more attention to learning how Fiverr works you would have better results? Do you understand what the word NOMINATED means vs. AWARDED?
  17. By your logic, everyone nominated for an Academy Award should receive one. Did you even read that before posting? Maybe you should read up and learn that once you hit the minimum requirements they will look at your gigs and decide, based on additional factors if you have the quality necessary to be promoted to TRS. Most sellers who get reviewed after hitting the minimum requirements will never get TRS, this is both common knowledge, and explained in writing by Fiverr. Your failure to learn it is hardly bait and switch.
  18. Good point. Research has shown that people who sleep cannot be successful in business. This is why retail stores have big neon signs that say "OPEN" even when they are closed and the door is locked. It is a great trick to make sales.
  19. That's the part that is frustrating. No sense of problem solving or business strategy. First apply minimal effort in an area you are honestly not skilled in. Then when you don't become rich immediately, ask others do do it for you. This is the difference between running a business and panhandling.
  20. What are you offering that the sellers who got here before you are not? What makes your gig better as opposed to carbon copy # 38,643 of what was here before. What is it that compels people to buy form you? Obviously if you are not getting sales while others are, you need to ask, what are they doing that you are not? This is how business people are supposed to think.
  21. Since you are able to time travel, I would suggest you go back to the future and not make the "mistake."
  22. Don't lie about your qualifications and don't make up nonsense advice to mislead others. That's a good starting point.
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