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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. I've seen divorces settled with less drama than this.
  2. No, you are realistic and business minded. There is a reason why McDonald's charges half a million just for the "franchise fee" to make sure you are serious. Then the rest of the fees to actually start the restaurant kick in. Imagine if every street vendor with a charcoal grill and some leftover kebobs from their sister's wedding could hang a McDonald's sign? Wait, that would be Fiverr. $250 per month to sell on Fiverr seems highly reasonable.
  3. It is relevant when one misrepresents themselves in their profile. I notice you have yet to change it on your profile. The issue is not your lack of proficiency, it is your lack of honesty when you claim proficiency, yet write like this: "Why we are having such religious sentiment Gig on Fiverr is it Safe or I Misunderstood ? Don't you think Such Keywords should be avoid on Tittle" Particularly interesting , as character studies go, is that after I pointed out that you are clearly not fluent and obviously misrepresenting your level of English proficiency, instead of adjusting your level to be accurate, you decide to double down with a silly AI written response. I don't respond to AI written content. The difference in proficiency levels between what you just posted and your original question demonstrates clearly that you are not speaking with your own words, but instead, that of ChatGPT.
  4. This has actually been discussed many times here on the forum. There is actually a small group of countries (4 at present) which make up the vast majority of sellers we see that fabricate their qualifications, locations, English proficiency and steal their portfolio samples. There have been links posted to the YouTube videos that offer the "get rich quick" advice as well, and in at least one case, there is a government sponsoring this activity, although it appears that the government is merely promoting freelancing, while the YouTube "gurus" often offer advice as to how to cheat the system and appear as a qualified seller without any actual qualifications. To your point specifically, a small group of us have called for a "pay wall" that would charge a monthly fee to sell on Fiverr. This would largely reduce this problem in all countries including the big 4. So far they have not enacted it, but we are hopeful.
  5. Imagine Rolex meeting: "Sir, the people who sell counterfeit Chinese Rolex's for $15 at the Rome Termini are angry as hell about the laser etched QC code of authenticity on the back we were prepared to launch, so we're going to abandon it so as to not ruin their business. Elon, please buy Fiverr
  6. Good point. Instead of a disclaimer on the menu that says, "NOTE: The line cook working meat tonight overcooks the steaks 55% of the time," the better decision is to get them out of the kitchen and hire experienced cooks.
  7. True. I am assuming that we have lost that and won't get it back. The good news is that this reversal totally negates the "Fiverr only cares about buyers," argument. Fiverr has sided with, and protected poor quality sellers, allowing them to shield from visibility, complaints which buyers deserve to know about prior to ordering. This reversal is definitely anti buyer.
  8. I hope so, like the private review maybe. But I suspect they buried it because of the yelling. They need to just implement something quiet in the background that collects data on the cancels and makes the algorithm reflect that, but most of all, not announce it. That's where they went wrong. This way people can certainly sanitize a bad review with a cancellation, but it makes that seller invisible for 60 days if it was related to lateness, poor quality of product or service, etc.... an enhanced version of what we have now. "Just between us, why did you cancel that order?"
  9. Agree. They caved to people who want less transparency in the process. Very telling, but they did not want the noise, so they folded. Fiverr tried to to the correct thing, but decided the prison riot was not worth the time. So yay, angry mob got less transparency and continued sanitized reviews.
  10. That is exactly how Yelp, Amazon and all the big sites operate. The fact that on Yelp you can leave a review without even having made a purchase in the first place is far worse, yet it seems that businesses survive. At least on Fiverr you have to make a purchase first, then even if cancelled, you don't get a refund, you get a Fiverr credit. How much would experienced sellers waste on less successful sellers when they lose revenue they worked for and have to pay taxes on, only to end up with a bunch of credit on Fiverr? It does not seem likely that anyone would spend the time or money necessary to make such an effort, especially against less successful sellers. But I guess it could happen occasionally. I just don't see it as much of a threat, or it paying out because even in small verticals it would still take a good deal of money.
  11. This seems very unlikely as there are currently 1,666 TRS Voice Over sellers with an average minimum of $50. And another several hundred PRO sellers at a minimum of $100. Figuring an average of 2000 sellers at $75 each, it would cost $150,000 to purchase and poorly rate them, and that would only slightly ding the top sellers. Plus Fiverr might notice that I have given 2000 consecutive 1 star reviews. This has always seemed a specious argument.
  12. My guess is that this is their way of burying it permanently.
  13. Alex, I think you have nailed the single most important thought in this entire series of hundreds and hundreds of panicked posts. Of course it is predictable that the majority of posts offer knee jerk fear fueled half thoughts such as this deep think: "Its not Fair." Or it's sequel, "But it can be abused." Which is ironic because the routine sanitation and suppression of negative reviews by offering refunds is the very abuse this will end. Bottom line is that you have the best analysis. We now return you to our feature movie, "The sky is falling, and it's not fair." Starring Joe Pesci, Sean Penn and the Meksell Cathedral Choir.
  14. You my friend, are NOT fluent in English. When you lie about something so obvious it makes people wonder what else is untrue in your profile.
  15. So why do you lie about it by claiming to be fluent?
  16. There are many more scam sellers than there are "bad buyers." That is why they are doing this. The site is overloaded with sellers who have untrue statements on their profiles and fake credentials. For instance you claim to be "fluent" in English, and you clearly are not.
  17. I don't think so. I bet the same simpleminded and self serving arguments would be made.
  18. Works for me. At the end of the day the so called "bad buyers" are certainly spread around randomly and not concentrated on a small subset of individual sellers. So when you see higher that normal cancels you know that they are either delivering poor quality work, or else you'd have to believe that they are some sort of magnet for the "bad buyer." As long as people can steer clear of these sellers, it works.
  19. Great. That allows the buyer to differentiate between the seller A and seller B that I descried earlier.
  20. No the numbers are the truth, however for varying reasons. When I read a restaurant review I know that some customers had legitimate complaints and some were jerks. But that does not make the case to suppress the bad reviews in order to inflate the reputation of the restaurant.
  21. The most honest approach is the good answer. We are talking about nothing more than making the truth visible, not jailing innocents.
  22. No, you were excluded. I was referencing the panicked meksells. But there is no way that "bad buyers" outweigh the scam sellers, you know that by forum traffic alone. I do not believe that it is ethical to make sellers with cancellations appear otherwise. In fact it is dishonest itself. Buyers deserve honest facts to make their decisions upon.
  23. I know, but Fiverr's problem is a massive amount of fraudulent sellers, So far hundreds of complaints and every one about "bad buyers". I think I am literally the only one who has even acknowledged that sellers can contribute to cancelled orders. It is clear who is mad about this change and obvious why.
  24. What about when it is because the seller delivered bad or stolen work? In these conversations, no one is addressing when it is the seller's fault. Fiver has far more fake sellers than it does bad buyers.
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