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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. Are you suggesting that none has ever received a refund for a bad product or service and then left a bad review? "I waited 3 hours for my meal, waiter was an idiot, they didn't charge me, but avoid. This place sucks" It happens every day, business is not perfect, unless you are a "perfect" Fiverr seller expecting a fantasy Island environment.
  2. That, unfortunately is a different topic and should never be tolerated.
  3. But that is a fact in business. Go look at airline reviews, iPhone reviews, any real product reviews...It's all there, the good, the bad and the ugly. This idea that Fiverr sellers should live in a bubble free of criticism with a mechanism to censor unhappy buyers with a quick payoff is ridiculous. There are no legitimate businesses with 100% positive reviews because it's fraud and fantasy, yet that's what the mob is demanding here. It is laughable.
  4. I am fine with sellers reporting bad buyers. I see your point there. I am commenting on the large vocal group of people getting hysterical over the fact that buyers who were disappointed can review even after getting a refund. Many sellers try to use the cancel feature as a way to "sanitize" their poor deliveries from being public. Essentially saying, "Here. I'll give you your money back because it prevents you from telling others how I performed." In essence a payoff. That is the main reason why people are upset about this. It no longer allows them to censor reviews that they don't like. It is nothing more complicated that that. Many prefer to refund occasionally and present a false history of 100% satisfied buyers merely because they bought off the bad reviewers. I applaud Fiverr for not allowing such censorship of reviews, which is in essence allowing sellers to trick the system. The seller can always respond to the review.
  5. Perhaps if you searched and educated yourself on years of forum history you would know, fella. Have you considered educating yourself PRIOR to posting?
  6. But you keep repeating the helpless, "what can you do?" if someone wants a cancel line. From there you and I have very different answers.
  7. But both of those are better than caving in the first 5 minutes and not even fighting for what you deserve. At least fight for what you earned every last step of the way.
  8. I never suggested that you could. Again, you refuse the cancel, as many times as it takes.
  9. There are too many sellers now anyway. That is one main reason why I advocate for the pay wall in the first place. Retailers have known for years that there is a sweet spot of choice that allows a customer to feel as it there enough choices to offer selection and variety, yet at the same time does not overwhelm. Same goes for Fiverr. The platform is far stronger if someone looking for a Voice Over can browse through a few hundred sellers once they have selected sex, accent, and price. Every one of them can be vetted, legitimate professionals. Now they have to sort through 30,000 people claiming to be VO sellers, and I can tell you that he vast majority have absolutely no business selling that service, either because of lack of talent, equipment, or experience. But join as a lark and see if you can snag a $5. Yeah that damages all serious sellers. And probably frustrates any serious buyer.
  10. It is better to try everything as opposed to caving on first attempt. TOS backs you on this. Order cannot be cancelled if work is as described in gig. Most sellers are too lazy or scared to fight for it and cave to avoid conflict. You have to make policy to benefit and protect your best sellers. not your weakest. There are too many sellers now anyway, and as we have discussed, a HUGE percentage that are unskilled fakes. Culling the pack would only improve the talent pool.
  11. True some do, but there are plenty of dim bulb sellers here with faked credentials who accept jobs they have no idea how to perform, and then deliver crap results which lead to cancellations. They are a huge problem here as well, and that's why the hysteria in this thread.
  12. 1. Sellers only get abused if they allow it. Weakness and an inability to say NO is the usual reason. 2. Quality buyers will will remain because the weaker, inexperienced noobs are gone, meaning a better chance of dealing with a PRO. This in no way sends great buyers away. 3. Purging sellers who get their orders cancelled is not greed, it is Quality Control. My God, purging sellers who can't even complete orders successfully and "The Sky is Falling, The Sky is Falling."
  13. I know you and I have discussed this before, however I still disagree.
  14. I'm thinking that Fiverr knew exactly what they were doing. Sending all the folks who get their order cancelled to Up****. Brilliant.
  15. As I said, also a good move. I also support a monthly fee in order to sell on Fiverr
  16. Amazing watching so many argue against transparency and accountability. Absolutely amazing. This only affects people who get their orders cancelled.
  17. Good move. An important first step in removing poor quality sellers from the platform.
  18. Better than cowering to blackmail or threats, no? Gotta be able to look in the mirror.
  19. If the work is poor quality then no compensation is deserved. Completely different topic. No one should be abused, but many people use it as an excuse to avoid conversations. If real, report to CS. No one can blackmail you unless you allow it. Saying NO has a real superpower.
  20. I can tell you that I'm sure they have no problem with it. That's the idea behind studios. https://blog.fiverr.com/post/introducing-fiverr-studios
  21. I'm wouldn't say that a group of talented people operating honestly as a team is either unfair, or the cause of Fiverr being untrustworthy. Those distinctions are attributable to the hordes of unvetted, sellers with absolutely faked profiles, credentials and portfolios, hiding behind ChatGPT and a VPN in order to misrepresent their location, identity and lack of skills.
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