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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. Right. Fiverr can (and probably should) lose 50% of its sellers and not lose one cent in revenue. The sales simply move to the remaining, more experienced sellers. But if they lose 1 buyer, that is a loss in revenue, and it is clear that unskilled, lousy sellers drive buyer loss. That's why there are so many people here railing against anything that identifies bad sellers, because the low hanging fruit is the first to go.
  2. It isn't. We have demonstrated in the past that forum posts contain both sides of the argument. Sellers and buyers make the same claim "Fiverr only cares about the other people" every time a decision goes against them. Humans are subjective and only see how things affect them.
  3. Why not research the OTHER requirements for be Top Rated. There is more to it.
  4. Because sellers never admit they delivered a bad piece of work. Like the thread going on right now, they consider themselves victims when people they ripped off complain that they were sold lousy work and hold to the false belief that their work is 100% perfect, 100% of the time. That's junk data.
  5. Then don't. But you do a disservice to people who are actual victims.
  6. That is so sadly misguided. But good luck with your whole "we are all victims" delusion.
  7. Are you serious? I'll give you another shot before responding as that is absurd on all levels.
  8. Have you asked yourself why you suffer so at the hands of buyers while delivering great work? I don't experience this. What is it about you that makes you a magnet for such things? Should your buyers not be thrilled with your work?
  9. Not in this discussion. It is you who injected the "insults and injustice" topics into a thread where it had no place, and are switching back and forth. Again, a separate discussion. This one is about people refusing to admit that not every delivery is perfect and that Fiverr should reward bad work with a free pass and a cookie. Like Grandma.
  10. You are getting confused between two issues. First off I can guarantee you that I have dealt with more unscrupulous buyers over the years than you have ever encountered. But to get this mixed up with issues of insults and abuse is an entirely different conversation. One I'll gladly have, but yo might want to untangle the two arguments because you are tripping over yourself logically. If, as you say, Fiverr reviewed what you consider to be abuse, but disagreed, then perhaps you should learn from that and not be so sensitive? This is business. Justice does not mean is not getting your way every time.
  11. You know, as I think this whole issue through the thought occurs that the "buyers can rip me off just by "lying" and cancelling" argument actually makes very little sense. Reason is that if I wanted to get your work free, I would simply order, then pull a credit card chargeback after delivery. One may argue that by doing so the buyer loses their account, but that does not hold up because, as we know quite well, accounts are infinite and easily fabricated. That's why we see people on forum daily with 3 account buying from themselves to "rank gig" If I just wanted to get my work for free and not have to argue with seller, that is the clean way. Buyers who are communicating about what the buyer did wrong, and end up eventually cancelling, seem much more like they are disappointed by the seller and want to be heard. It means they probably suffered at the hands of an inept seller. Otherwise, why waste all the time and hassle of arguing when you can end it all in 10 seconds? After all, if I'm going to shoplift, I don't go leave a review for the store afterwards. People take time to leave reviews for sellers who either pleased them, or disappointed them. Thieves don't waste their time.
  12. Yes, but we must consider others as well. You asked for fairness. That what fairness is.
  13. You are only looking at one side. Would the buyer's perspective be something like, I ordered, sent requirements and received terrible work. This seller could not perform what I needed?" As a result, the buyer loses his time, misses deadlines and is late to market. Does this sound like something fair? You are making my point. Every seller who receives a cancellation blames the inept buyer who cannot appreciate the perfect delivery that was provided. This is the "infallible buyer fantasy" we hear about every day in the forum from sellers who, in their minds, only provide "immaculate, perfection" yet still suffer cancellations. It makes no sense.
  14. This should add some clarity as buyers can indicate whether they simply ordered by mistake or did not need the service, which should not come with a penalty, or if the cancellation was due to poor service, quality or lack of professionalism. The latter would qualify for a punitive strike against the seller. There is no reason to ask the seller, because as we see here in the forum, every single cancellation, from the seller's point of view is unjust and "for no reason." Why waste time processing the inevitable junk data?
  15. You literally just said that when ordering without a discussion, it is best to have a discussion.
  16. Fiverr offers the very tool you are asking about. Join Seller Plus and use "request to order" Learn what tools are already at your disposal. Wasn't that easier than writing an ALL CAPS manifesto?
  17. Sell more than the people who are there now. Fiverr rewards sales.
  18. Posting ChatGPT written material as your own is a violation of forum rules.
  19. False False This is violation of TOS. Don't do it. False
  20. Now a brief Public Service Message...
  21. Speaking of TOS violations... who wants to take this one?
  22. Probably gig was pulled because it is a TOS violation to promise "Rank #1 on Google" which her thumbnail claims.
  23. Maybe I'm reading this wrong, but OP is a seller, no? If that is the case, you will not be successful with that approach because you will work for free on your first couple of orders as people take advantage, and then if you refund many orders, the algorithm will bury you from visibility forever. Fiver wants people to make sales and keep the money, or else they lose also.
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