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Everything posted by smashradio

  1. Fiverr will still pick the most relevant/best-performing gigs out of the ones being promoted, so it's no guarantee that they will promote your gig, even if you use the feature. You should focus on improving your gigs to make them attractive and professional (great thumbnails, perfect gig descriptions, a well-made gig video, and so on), plus delivering outstanding results for your buyers. Your performance on Fiverr dictates whether or not your gig gets promoted. You say you lose access to the feature from time to time. This tells me that your performance has been lacking at times.
  2. Here's the thing: the algortihm rewards great work, happy clients and revenue (plus a bunch more things!). In other words, if you manage to create trust, you have a higher chance of converting the impressions into orders, and orders are far more important than impressions alone. You don't want to aim for the highest number of impressions. You want to aim for the highest number of dollars and the highest possible customer satisfaction rate. 10 highly relevant impressions from buyers who are more likely to order your gig, is way better than 100 impressions to random buyers that aren't likely to order your gig. Receiving a five-star review does not mean that the buyer left positive private feedback to Fiverr, and that counts more than the public review. It could also be a buyer who didn't leave a public review, but instead left a negative private one to Fiverr. This could come from any one of the previous buyers you've had, and I see you had a few orders in the last part of july. Even positive feedback isn't guaranteed to give you more impressions. Things like how your competition is doing, the demand in your niche, weekends and holidays, factor in to this as well. Weekends and the day before it tends to be a bit slower for many sellers. This is to be expected, since people are signing off from work early to enjoy their weekend, rather than shopping on Fiverr. The most important thing you can do to "gain favor" with the algo is to do great work, deliver outstanding results and make sure your buyers are happy all the way. That increases the chance of you getting positive feedback and repeat clients, and those things will in turn lead to more business in the future.
  3. You're not the only one. I'm still pretty much out after nearly a week. 😞 Birthday on the 5th. 😄 I'm getting old(er). The void of out-of-office-mode, not so much. Awesome. In terms of business, it has been one of my best months ever, revenue wise. Expecting my absence due to Covid will kill my august earnings, but it's just part of doing business. Never had anxiety. Hope it works itself out! Congrats again on achieving TRS. Well deserved! Always wanted to go there. Japan looks awesome! I'm looking forward to Madrid in september. It's only for a couple of days, though, but it will be a nice change from Gran Canaria. Haven't left for what.. 3 or 4 years now? Been easier to just stay in hotels around the island during Covid.
  4. Your inbox response rate is the percentage of messages you've responded to within 24 hours in the last 60 days. So if you waited more than 24 hours to respond to a message, that will lower your response rate. It will keep dropping until you start getting new messages that you respond to in time. Think about it this way: If you receive two messages in 60 days and only responded to one of them within 24 hours, you would have a 50% response rate. If you don't receive any new messages, and the one message you did respond to was more than 60 days ago, your response rate would drop to 0% because you didn't answer any messages in the last 60 days. The only way to improve your response rate is by responding to all messages you receive within 24 hours.
  5. I see no reason to share my internal business figures with the public here on the forum. Your impressions depend on your performance, competition, relevancy and demand in each niche. It will be different for everyone and varies throughout the day/week/month/year.
  6. It might. From what I understand, based on my conversations with Customer Support, having similar services in the same categories while working from the same IP, can cause system flags, even if you are unique persons who usually work from different IPs. This will often cause the site to stop working for a while, and you would get a message that they are looking into things. If you have ID-verified accounts, this should be an easy thing to fix for support: they will immediately see that you're two different persons entirely. If not, it would be slighly more complicated. At any rate, I'd avoid this if possible, just to be on the safe side. A solution could be for your friend to set up a remote desktop at home, so he can connect to his computer and remote control it from anywhere. That way, he'd be working from "home". Another solution is to just use the app when he's not at home, and a regular mobile connection instead of Wifi. If you're two different persons, you wouldn't be breaking any rules by doing this, but the system might flag the usage as such automatically, causing delays and annoyances that could be avoided. Besides, you can never be 100% sure that the trust and safety team won't make a mistake (it happens) and that can cause account reviews lasting up to 90 days – enough to break your business.
  7. Another copy/pasted and pretty much useless "guide". This has to be the shortest one to date.
  8. Which "authentic" TRS and Pro sellers have told you not to use the promoted gigs feature? What exactly did they tell you? I've never seen a true professional who didn't invest in their business marketing. If you've gained great results from promoted gigs, of course you should use it. It does not negatively impact your gig ranking. When you see noobs telling you that they became invisible after losing access to promoted gigs or after stopping the feature, that has a very simple explanation: they a) lost rank due to bad performance, b) lost access to the promoted feature due to bad performance (or both) or c) they didn't perform well enough to have a good organic ranking in the first place and the promoted gig feature helped them achieve visibility that they otherwise wouldn't get. I'm a TRS. Authenic, even!
  9. SInce I'm out of names to use from Stranger Things at this point, we're going to have to innovate our naming strategy for additional types. Your description of them did help me arrive at a great name for your buyer: Decepticon. From The Transformers franchise, of course. I would block that buyer, btw. Ugh! A buyer can't use the revision button unless the deliver didn't match the gig description/custom offer, especially not if they don't have any requirements/info about what they need changed. That's abuse of the revision button. I would just re-deliver and explain to them that they can't ask for a revision without providing the material/specifications. Never offer unlimited revisions, make sure you charge for them with custom order extras if anything they ask for wasn't included in the original order. You're not here to work for free.
  10. I guess a name for them could be Demovision (after the Demobats in Stranger Things, of course, combined with "revison").
  11. Yeah, sometimes you get a bad feeling about a buyer, and it can be a good thing to listen to your gut instinct. Other times, it can cost you a great client because of a misunderstanding. Over the years, I've learnt that making it as simple as possible for the buyer is key. So for example, I never combine Commercial and Broadcast rights. If they need Broadcast, they only have to get Broadcast. Just makes it easier for them. Instead, you could just add what the commercial rights costs to your Broadcast rights. That way, you don't have to deal with both 🙂 Happy to be of help 😄
  12. If you're in it to do pro-bono work, that's fine, but I'm pretty sure Fiverr isn't set up for us, as sellers, to give away our time and work for free. That's not to say that you can't help a regular buyer out for free every now and then, but even if you know the solution is really simple, you know that for a reason: experience. That experience is worth something. It's worth the time and energy you've put into becoming knowledgable in your niche. So you might see this as just a simple solution, but that's thanks to your expertise. Don't give that away for free. At best, it will make the buyer feel valued and special (and this could be great if this buyer has already left thousands of dollars with you on previous orders) but most likely, the buyer now has the impression that you're willing to give away your experience, time and work for free. Next time they come around with something not so simple and expects the same treatment, what will you do? If you try to charge them your usual rate, they would probably think "but it's just another simple solution".
  13. Yeah this can happen from time to time. This is why selles need to learn to stand up for themselves. You should never include more than a single free revision and make it absolutely clear that a revision is a "small change of the excisting product, not additional work/added functionality". If the buyer asks for anything more, send them an order extra and require them to pay.
  14. First of all, I don't pretend to know the truth here. I'm giving you options as to what may have happened and sharing my experience with customer support regarding cancelations as a buyer. I can only hear your side of the story. As I'm sure you're aware, many sellers come to the forum with their complaints when things go wrong. As fellow members, we can never know the whole story. For this reason, I don't know if your buyer had a legitimate reason to cancel the order, if customer support made a mistake, or if the buyer scammed you. All three are options on the table. I'm not trying to blame you for what happened, precisely because I can't know what happened with certainty. But based on my experience, customer support will not cancel an order without just cause, under normal circumstances. It makes no sense for a company to say, "Ah, so you want us to give you back our money for no reason? Sure! Here you are!". Fiverr doesn't want its support representatives to cancel an order. The staff is clearly trained to avoid it. But sometimes, the buyer will have a legitimate reason – or at least make customer support think that they do – and the result is a cancelation. Even when that happens, support will never tell you exactly why but instead give you some generic reason. From my point of view, this is all hypothetical. That said, if the buyer indeed had no legitimate reason to cancel the order, then no, I don't think that's the right thing to do. And just so you know: I'm also a fellow seller and have been here since 2014. I've had my share of bad buyers over the years.
  15. If you already shared the delivery inside the order, the buyer can access it via their order page. Instructions for your buyer: Click on Orders in their main menu: In the Orders menu, click on View all orders. Under the Completed tab, the buyer should locate the order. Click on it. Scroll down towards the bottom of the order inside the Order page. The last message on that page should contain a delivery message, a link to the delivery, or the attachment. Sharing a link to Google Drive or similar service might get you in trouble if done outside of the Order page.
  16. No need. You can send a custom order extra within the order. You do so at the bottom of the order page: Then click "Add custom extra". You can input the task and price there and send it to your buyer. They can then order it and it will be added to the excisting order. You should always avoid cancelations if you can. They hurt your stats.
  17. Thank you for providing a great example to prove my points above. Thanks for what?
  18. Glad it worked itself out! 😄 I tend to be rather understanding of clients who misunderstand or don't know how the pricing and rights work, because it can become a bit complicated at times. Taking the time to work with a buyer, even when they don't understand something, has landed me some of my best, regular buyers.
  19. The fact is that you don't know what the buyer told customer support. Perhaps they noticed something wasn't right, and talked to support about it. The last time I wanted to cancel an order as a buyer via support, they required me to prove that the work delivered was not representative of the gig description. So no, the buyer can't say anything to cancel an order. But with all that said, I absolutely understand that this is frustrating to you. Unfortunately, support will never tell you what the evidence is. But they rarely cancel an order without a good reason. Of course, the buyer could have made something up and planned this all along. You never know. So I get why this is infuriating.
  20. It depends. If you didn't download it or gave away any information (like your login information to your Google account), you're most likely safe. Modern devices will also have a built-in antivirus, and protections against automatic downloads. If you downloaded the file, your computer could potentially be infected. I recommend running additional antivirus scans, using a good antivirus software. Bitdefender is consistently one of the best in reviews, but it is a "noisy" software, and by that I mean that it will bother you with notifications and popups from time to time. For that reason, I only install it if I suspect I'm infected. I uninstall it when I'm done scanning. You could run Malwarebytes in addition to Bitdefender, just to be sure. If you're on Mac you're a bit safer, since most malware is designed for Windows, but you're not 100% secure. It could have been a file running in the background without you noticing it. In regards to what could have been compromised, I'd say the biggest risk is ransomware. It encrypts your files and demand a payment in Bitcoin to release them again. But it could just as easily be malware that turns your computer into part of a botnet (a network of computers that hackers can control and use for illegal activity) or a simple keylogger, logging every keystroke you make, including your passwords. This is if your computer was infected in the first place. But I prefer to be better be safe than sorry about my cybersecurity.
  21. Up to a point, this can be very smart. But I also have some strict boundaries that will lead to immediate blocking. An example is if a buyer continues to be a Negotodog after I've explained my pricing and why it is what it is. Another is obvious spam. Obscene language is another, surefire way of getting blocked with me. One buyer attempted to call me an idiot once on a 2000 dollar project. I guess the guy didn't expect me to immediately contact customer support, cancel the order and block the buyer. The fun part was, he was so sure that I wanted the project and I had to laugh at the fact that this was a previous client, and that they could only use my voice to continue the project. So I'll easily throw thousands out the window, if the buyer misbehaves too much.
  22. You should never work without an order. You're supposed to receive the order, then do the work, and deliver it inside the order. That's how Fiverr works. I don't know why you would ever do work before you get an order, but it's not a very smart thing to do.
  23. Cancelations can hurt your chances of showing up in search results. Fiverr hates cancelations, so it's best to avoid them when possible.
  24. Typically, a gig will become less visible and/or lose access to promoted gigs after receiving negative private feedback. Other reasons could be because your stats dropped, like order cancelations or late deliveries. To improve, you could work with existing clients and make sure to do a great job in order to get that buyer satisfaction rate back up. You could also try things like updating your gigs with new and improved videos, thumbnails, gig descriptions and higher prices. This will sometimes help. Remember that being a TRS does not guarantee a good placement in search or access to features like promoted gigs.
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