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Everything posted by smashradio

  1. You could try to use the resolution center to send a request for more time + a reminder to give you all the requirements. Hopefully, they will respond to the request. If not, you can contact customer support to have the order canceled without it affecting your stats. Disappearing buyers are annoying, but not a big problem. Support will take care of it if you've tried and failed 🙂
  2. No, you can not. I don't know if the others here didn't read the question right, or what, but the OP is asking if she can use two accounts on one PC. No. You can not. You're only allowed to have a single Fiverr account active at any given time, as per the terms on Fiverr. If you're two different people, it might be very difficult to prove that if you're on the same computer and network, so it doesn't really matter if that's the case or not. From the terms: Multiple Accounts - To prevent fraud and abuse, users are limited to one active Fiverr account and one active Fiverr Business account. Any additional account determined to be created to circumvent guidelines, promote competitive advantages, or mislead the Fiverr community will be disabled. Mass account creation may result in disabling of all related accounts. Note: any violations of Fiverr’s Terms of Service and/or our Community Standards is a cause for permanent suspension of all accounts. https://www.fiverr.com/terms_of_service
  3. Fiverr has always been based on competition. We, as sellers, compete against eachother all the time. What's new? Also, it's Fiverr. With a V. 🙂
  4. No serious business person would share their internal business figures on a forum.
  5. You could reach out to support for additional help with this. https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/
  6. I guess this would be another way of dealing with quality of output-issues with excisting buyers. That is exactly what the message they got says: review due to being flagged for low-quality deliveries. I've never seen anyone getting suspended for this before (not that specific message) so it would make sense that they are purging some bad gigs. Or it could just be a coincidence. If this is happening en masse, I would expect far more posts about it in the coming days/weeks. The initiative you talk about is already in effect in certain categories, right? I know some sellers have to go through skill tests to open a gig. I've PMed you the links. From what Frank already told us, this has more to do with new sellers having to verify their skills. But I wouldn't be surprised if other metrics will be used on excisting sellers, like buyer satisfaction rate and the other options to flag something as Frank mentioned.
  7. It's odd, indeed, unless they have started some sort of automatic process for sellers below a certain satisfaction rate. I'd guess they would know based on the buyer satisfaction rate. They already have a system for QC in place, so why not use it more actively to clean up the marketplace? Then again, it happened to a level two seller as well, and you don't get to level two by delivering low quality (usually). It happens, sure, but it made me sceptical. It might be a bug, but wouldn't it happen to even more sellers if it was a bug in the system?
  8. Just today I've come across multiple (three or four) topics about people having their profiles put under review for being flagged with "low-quality deliveries". At the first couple of posts, I thought little of it. I just thought the Trust and Safety team got a new coffee maker in the office and were celebrating. But then another showed up. And another. Now I'm beginning to think that Fiverr is actually doing some much needed housekeeping. I'm by no means taking sides when it comes to the individuals being put under review. That's not my place nor my desire. But we have talked about this for quite a while now, and I do remember @frank_d saying something about upcoming changes that would address some of the issues on Fiverr. Might this be it – or part of it? We used to get the odd post from sellers who got their account suspended, sure, but 3-4 in a day with the exact same message?
  9. So that's how you become a mod these days? Reporting the hell out of the mod team? 😄 I'm on it! (To be honest, I could never be a moderator here, even if I wanted to. I don't have the patience any more. I used to be the chif mod/admin of Norways biggest online community back in the day. Thinking back to it, I'm gonna need a valium). But I'm sure you guys/gals will do a fine job of it! You're absolutely the right members for the job! 😁
  10. Yes. Because a buyer will sometimes think that it would be a waste of time to ask for a revision. An example would be if I ordered a translation, but received a machine translation. In that moment, I would simply know that the buyer is a scammer and report the person, rather than ask for a revision. I'm not saying that is what you did; I'm just illustrating that a buyer can opt to report you for low quality instead of working with you to solve it. If that is the reasonable thing to do or not, depends on the situation. Based on your initial e-mail, yes, your account was restricted. Here are the two types of account restriction, copied from the Fiverr Help and Education Center. -------- Two kinds of disabled accounts Restricted The account is partially disabled. The customer, either buyer or seller, can access the account, withdraw funds, complete ongoing orders, and review their order history. They cannot place or receive new orders, nor can they communicate with other customers through inbox messages. seller's Gigs will not show on the marketplace, and buyers will not be able to place new orders. Once an account is temporarily disabled, the customer needs to wait for the trial period (which can take upwards of 90 days) to be completed—to know if the account will be restored or permanently disabled. Customer Support can neither influence the result of this review nor can they update the customer on the review's end date. Permanently Disabled The account was disabled and will not be restored. When this happens, the customer cannot log into the account at all, and the reason it was disabled was due to a serious violation of our Terms of Service. Sellers with funds available for withdrawal will need to wait 90 days to withdraw, as described in our Terms of Service. Sellers will then receive an automatic email that allows them 7 days to withdraw the funds. Buyers can receive an immediate refund of any funds available on their Fiverr Balance. ------------ You can read more here: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360014585217-Why-accounts-are-disabled#:~:text=Restricted,other customers through inbox messages. At this point, you could contact support for clarification on what happened, but they can't influence or change the outcome of your situation. It's a different team handling these cases. But you can relay information you think might be relevant to them, and they will send it over to the Trust and Safety team.
  11. I've worked with sellers before who also offer unlimited revisions (a bad idea, by the way, to offer unlimited revisions). Even so, there have been times when their first delivery shows be that they obviously aren't professionals. In those cases, I wouldn't waste my time asking for revisions at all. An example would be if you order a translation and what you get in return is machine translated. Then you know that seller is just a scammer. I'm not saying that you are, or that you did anything like this: I'm just saying that buyers could simply report you for low quality instead of spending time asking for revisions if they think it would be a waste of time.
  12. This has been asked on the forum many times already. You should search the forum before you make a replica of previous topics with the same question. 🙂
  13. It says so right there. Did you not read the response from support?
  14. Awesome! Well-deserved to all three of them. You've gone for some active, engaged community members who really care about the forum, but not only that: they put out great, high-quality content. The forum will be a better place because of it. Congrats to all three of you, @lloydsolutions, @imagination7413 and @williambryan392!
  15. A 5% click-through-rate is not bad. How good/bad it is depends on your competition and how many of them there are. My CTR is about the same and even lower, yet I would consider myself very successful as a top rated seller with almost 900 reviews. When it comes to your conversion rate, it also depends on your niche, offering and so on. Some categories tend to have a lot of window shoppers, while others just clicks, orders and that's it. I wrote this about increasing conversions: If 5% click on your gig but almost no one orders it, you need to focus on the message they see after the click (i.e. gig videos, gig description, packages and so on). I hope this helps!
  16. The position of your gig on Fiverr is not permanent or fixed. It depends on your performance, your competition and the relevancy Fiverr thinks your gig has to each individual search. In other words, you might show up on page 2 or page 50, depending on who is searching and what they are searching for. There is no fixed "gig rank".
  17. Buyers can leave negative private feedback to Fiverr. Buyers are far more likely to be honest about their experience when they are anonymous. They feel uncomfortable telling it to your face or in public, but that doesn't mean they won't tell Fiverr about it. If your account got suspended this could mean that you received such feedback, or that a buyer reported you to customer support. Normally, an account won't be suspended for no reason, so there's most likely some evidence against you in this matter. The job of the trust and safety team is to carefully review that evidence to determine if your account shall remain on the platform or not. There is nothing you can do to influence this process. All you can do is wait, I'm afraid. You could try to contact customer support to ask for further clarification. They might be able to tell you a bit more about what's going on, but don't expect details about the reports/evidence they might have against you, as they most likely won't give you that. You might not think so, but if a buyer thinks you did, that's probably the reason. I would be inclined to think that Fiverr is tightening down on their quality control of gigs, since this is the second topic on this I've seen in a short while. As the message you've received said: your account is under review. This does not mean that it's gone forever. It means that the Trust and Safety team will now review your recent and relevant deliveries, to consider if you shall remain on the platform or not. That has not been decided yet, so yes, there is a chance that you could get your account back. Or not. We can't give you any further details here on the forum, since we're just sellers like yourself.
  18. I just keep it on all the time. I don't care if I get an order at 2am on a sunday or 9am on a monday. I've set my daily budget to 50 (I rarely use anywhere near it) and my caps are all at automatic. I see no point in pausing it at night or weekends, since you're paying for clicks, not impressions, so you're only paying if someone actively clicks into your gig.
  19. No, when it comes to your buyer satisfaction rate, we don't really know that much, other than the fact that it's super important and based, at least in part, on the ever-important private feedback. Yeah, this can happen to us all if we don't do our best every single time. Keep at it and work in improving, and you'll hopefully see some awesome results! 🙂
  20. Access to this feature is controlled by your performance on Fiverr, including the results from private feedback given to Fiverr by your buyers. If you lose access to promoted gigs and/or experience a drop in sales, this is most likely caused by your buyer satisfaction rate or other stats dropping. In other words, you are stopping the algorithm. A drop in satisfaction rate would also cause you to disappear from search results. The solution? Make sure you never misrepresent yourself, don't claim to have skills you don't have, always under-promise and over-deliver, and make sure you deliver stellar work to your buyers. Communication is also key, so keeping buyers updated on the progress of their order, making them feel safe, and ensuring a super-polite and professional tone from start to finish will help you achieve that. Also, it helps to be good at what you do. Remember that even small things can piss a buyer off.
  21. There could be many reasons not to use it. For example, if you already have as much business as you can handle, I wouldn't pay to get more. But marketing your business is an essential part of running it. It makes no sense that Fiverr would punish users of promoted gigs with lower rankings. Rankings are based on your performance. As it happens, so are the results you can expect from using promoted gigs. Fiverr still picks the best and most relevant gigs when they promote them, so if you have a gig that isn't performing well/you do a bad job on a project, this might cause Fiverr to ignore your gig, even if you promote it. I see it like this: Great gig + promoted = algorithm says "yeeeeah🤌😍🤑" Great gig + not promoted = algorithm says "yeah🤑" Bad gig + promoted = algorithm says "meh🤢" Bad gig + not promoted = algorithm says "ugh🤢" This is very simplified, of course. Yes, I'm actively using promoted gigs. My results vary each month. Some months, the algorithm really wants to promote my gig and I get tons of impressions, but not as many orders. Other times, the algorithm seems less likely to promote my gigs, and I don't get as many. One month, I earned almost the same as I spent on promoted gigs, the next I earned 20 x what I spent. I prefer to look at the results over time. So far this year, I've earned 10x what I've spent from Promoted Gigs. That's a good ROI in my opinion. As my esteemed collegue, @donnovan86 pointed out, increasing your prices can cause fewer sales. That's not important though, as you should look at the total revenue per year, not number of orders. I'd rather have a single 2000 dollar order than 20 x 100 dollar orders.
  22. See what I mean? 🤣 There's a community plan for you guys. Remove every member who goes into every post to say "Thank you" without contributing anything else.
  23. Your gig placement in search is based on your performance and the relevancy Fiverr thinks it has to each individual search made. In other words, your placement will change all the time, depending on these things. You might see yourself on page two, someone else might see you on page 50. One thing I would consider to avoid being dumped in the search results, is increasing your rate. Fiverr prefers higher priced gigs. When I search for "lyric music video", hardly 4-5 gigs are priced at five bucks. The rest is 10, 20 30 or even more. The algorithm prefers to sell a gig for 20 if it can, instead of a gig for a measly five dollars.
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