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Everything posted by smashradio

  1. How can you be active for 24 hours? Do you not sleep? Regarding your online status: Click on your profile picture, and then hit Settings. You should be able to check your Online status there. If it's not showing for you on your gig, it might just be a cache thing. Remember, caches aren't just a local thing that can be fixed by using Incognito mode. Fiverr is probably also implementing server-side caching that sometimes can bug up things like this. You show up as online on your profile, so the system knows you're online.
  2. How can you be online for 24 hours? Do you not sleep? Your position on Fiverr is based on your performance. If your gig has lost ranking, this is most likely due to feedback from buyers or you not selling enough. Fiverr rewards sellers who manage to pull in orders. If you don't, Fiverr will not keep showing your gig to buyers forever.
  3. Yeah it is. The problem with locking posts is that it stops all discussion about a subject. One good thing about all the pointless posts, is that guides and so on gets pulled out of the dark from time to time. If it gets locked, it will just disappear. I think it would be more helpful to issue warnings/remove points if users do this. But I wish the forum was less gamified. I get why it is like that, but it didn't really solve the spam problem we had before. It might have improved it a bit, but it just caused the bottom-feeders to look for other ways to spam the forum. 😂
  4. No, that shouldn't affect it. How strange. You could reach out to customer support and ask them. Perhaps it's a bug.
  5. It's so annoying when I write a guide or helpful post, and I keep getting notifications about replies. 99% of them are "thanks" "eficient post" "good post" and so on. Completely useless. It has gotten to a point where I no longer check notifications unless I recognize the username.
  6. Dearest mademoiselle. As I'm sure you're aware, I'm too fine of a monsieur to do housekeeping. I leave that up to the sirs and madams. Us in the upper class of monsieur and mademoiselle may relax while others take care of the back room. Besides, I fear we need more than a broom for this task. A bulldozer would be preferable. I think those are the three main ones, yes. And I would be surprised if they don't all count in some way here. I rarely have anything negative to say about my buyers. But when I do, I always wait until the last possible second. It's not fair that they can read our reviews before impacting our profile so much, yet we don't get the chance to read their review before we post our own, public one. Oh lord. I just complained about something not being fair. Time to re-grow that beard, put on my boots, and fire up that grill. My manhood is at stake.
  7. Buyer requests is just a pointless race-to-the-bottom pit of trash. Instead of getting dependent on them, sellers should focus on their gigs. The reason why they don't add buyer details in the requests is simple to understand. Just look at the stupid amount of spam in the requests. How do you think the inboxes of the poor buyers would look, if the same sellers had access to their username?
  8. So the buyer ordered social media posting/managing. Is that what you're doing when you promote her books? Or is the buyer asking you to do more work that is outside of the original scope? If she sent you an order dispute, what does it say, exactly? I'm not 100% sure if I understand your situation fully, so it would help to know more about what's going on, in order to help you.
  9. Yup. I've seen this too. I think it has something to do with the fact that we're not viewing ourselves as artists only, but business folks, too. Perhaps the music crowd is just too creative, and don't like to deal with anything that isn't "artistry"?
  10. Nothing is wrong with Fiverr. Your success on Fiverr is based on your performance. I suggest you look at your performance, optimizations, business strategy and presentation. Fiverr works perfectly fine. 🙂
  11. Why would I share my internal business figures with a complete stranger on a forum?
  12. This has been asked thousands of times on the forum already. I suggest you search the forum. 🙂
  13. No it does not. A revision that is not used was still included, but the buyer foregoes any revisions when completing the order. They won't get a refund for those. Don't feel bad. The buyer ordered it as a safety precaution in case they needed it (most likely).
  14. If you have experienced a recent drop in your gig stats, it could be because of negative private feedback given to Fiverr. This can affect your buyer satisfaction rate and result in lower ranking.
  15. Performing work before you have a contract in place is "communication"? Communication is "Hey, can you do XYZ?" - "Yes" - "Great. Can you do it today?" - "Yes". It is not sitting down to create free samples or finish the work before you have a contract (order) in place. So the seller has in fact worked for you, for free, and you have no obligation to compensate them for their time. Likewise, they have no obligation to follow up with the work. This just seems fishy to me. Pure review sanitizing. This is what the revision button is there for. What they are doing is basically review sanitizing to give off a false impression of their skills. How can you, based on the reviews, know how many buyers left them dissatisfied to begin with? You can't, because those buyers had no way of reviewing the work. If the seller thinks something is challenging or they don't want to complete the work they have been hired to do, they can simply block the buyer and get away with it, no matter what the "deal" was. That's exactly why there is an order system in place.
  16. This is where most fail, in my opinion. They think Fiverr is an easy way to earn quick cash without having an education, without having a unique skill, and without doing much work. Without real talent, you can't get anywhere in business or on Fiverr. Even understanding that takes a bit of talent, that I'm afraid is lacking amongst most of the people who need to read this. A general IQ test before being allowed to create a profile would be nice. Great post, though, @vickieito! A food scientist for 17 years? I don't know why, but I always thought you were in your 20s. 😂
  17. Isn't that, in fact, finishing the work before they get an order? Once they are done, they want to place the order, because if you place the order before that, they risk getting a negative review if you're not happy with them. This is called review sanitizing. These sellers are so unsure of themself and/or so afraid of negative feedback, that they try to circumvent how Fiverr works in order to avoid the risk. It's also totally unprofessional and no true artist/business person will work this way.
  18. Am I right in assuming that you wanted to buy his services, then he promised to deliver a preview before you bought it? Why would you do that, instead of just asking for the order? Sellers do this because they want to avoid a negative review. If you guys don't have an active order, there's nothing you can do about it. You shouldn't ask sellers to work without an order in the first place, and he has no obligation to provide you with any service unless you pay him. I would simply explain to the seller that you're no longer interested in working with them, since they stopped responding. Then I would find another seller and use Fiverr the way it's meant to be used: you pay for the service, the buyer renders said service, you receive it and then you ask for revisions if needed. As long as the seller has an active order with you, they are obligated to work for you. If they don't, you have no protection, and they have no real consequenses for not doing anything. I hope this helps! 🙂
  19. By doing great work, improving your service and communication and under-promising while over-delivering.
  20. As I said, it's negative, private feedback. Buyers can leave anonymous reviews at the end of each order. Only Fiverr will see this, and it affects your buyer satisfaction rate. If that drops, your gig drops. You wouldn't know if you have received negative private feedback, except that you would notice your gig rank dropping.
  21. A drop in impressions/visibility/sales on Fiverr can be caused by any number of things, like: Your competition moving ahead of you Receiving negative private feedback, leading to a lower buyer satisfaction rate Negative gig reviews Regular gig rotation (gigs are rotated around in search results) Lower stats/metrics and performance in the last 60 days Cancellations
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