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Everything posted by smashradio

  1. If you're not a designer, you shouldn't design your own thumbnails. Hire a professional. There are tons of them right here, on Fiverr.
  2. Several reasons: It offers me a lot of freedom when it comes to adapting my services to my client's needs Fiverr has the buyers that I'm interested in working with. Certain other platforms have mostly low-quality clients and projects. I started out in 2014 and I have gotten to know the ins and outs of Fiverr over the years. As the platform has grown, so have I. Fiverr offers by far the sleakest and easiest approach to doing freelance work. I don't have to mess about with contracts, and the UX/process is more user-friendly Fiverr is not the only platform I work on. I also own a company outside of Fiverr and I'm on several platforms within those niches.
  3. Did you take the time to read and search the forum for guidance? It's full of topics, guides and helpful threads. 🙂
  4. The following is from the terms: "Multiple Accounts - To prevent fraud and abuse, users are limited to one active Fiverr account and one active Fiverr Business account." So even if you're a buyer, you're only allowed to have one account. The exception to this is if you create a Fiverr Business account. So if you want to have a personal account + a business account, you would need to make that account via business.fiverr.com If you have two regular Fiverr accounts, you should delete one of them, as it's not okey per the terms to have more than one. Hope this helps 🙂
  5. Give it some time. If it doesn't pick back up in a week or so, you should try changing it back. Testing what works and not is key. Keep in mind that it's a weekend now. Not much activity on the platform from friday to sunday 🙂
  6. Going by your post here on the forum, I'd say you should work on grammar, punctuation and your general English skills. As a writer myself, I'd say there are a few skills you need at a bare minimum, to be a good writer: Impeccable grammar and being fluent in the language you want to write in Being able to say as much as possible with as few words as possible, while still making it engaging for the reader. In other words: clarity. Attention to detail. A passion for your craft and for learning new things. In addition, you need some basic marketing skills in order to create a great gig. You also need good customer service skills to communicate with your buyers.
  7. You can't. But you can report spam when you get it. It helps Fiverr remove the spammer accounts sooner. If everyone reports spam when they receive it, there will be less spam overall on the platform.
  8. Indeed. I think the buyers using it are looking for the most desperate sellers out there. They want sellers to fight over it, meaning they will be "extra thankful" to get that five-dollar 2000 word article job. It's a bottomless pit and I'm not jumping. I mean.. Look at this! 51k words translated for 160 freakin' dollars? And in Norwegian, even! A country where you can't even buy food for a week at the supermarket for 160 dollars.
  9. Yep. And when I get the "30 new requests" notification, it's too late. I'm so glad that I never depended on the BRs to get business. I see seller after seller talking about how they struggle with it.
  10. That doesn't matter. I'm talking about the private feedback buyers leave to Fiverr, that you don't see, and that counts towards your buyer satisfaction rate. If that drops too low, your gigs disappear. A buyer is far more likely to be honest when they know they are anonymous.
  11. Did you read the post? My house is spotless. The thing is: I don't do it myself. 🤣
  12. If you don't see its value, that's your decision. Of course, it's hard to run a business. As it should be. I do see your point, though. I've noticed that many of the buyer requests coming in already have 10+ responses when I get them, even though I'm a Top Rated Seller with Seller Plus. Sure, they might be other Seller Plus members, but I've clicked on the notification the instant it came a few times. Perhaps they got it before me, but since it has been happening consistently (I've tested, out of curiosity) I doubt it. That indicates that someone else is getting the requests before me. I don't care. I never use buyer requests in the first place (BRs are for bottom-feeding clients and not worth my time), but if Fiverr touts early access to BRs as an advantage of Seller Plus, it should be an actual advantage. To answer your question about why one would want Seller Plus: Success Manager Advanced Analytics Coupons Even if they removed BRs from the equation, I would still use Plus.
  13. It might be a good idea to document the work you've done, even though it's coaching. Make a recording of your screen and keep logs of conversations and progress, that you can attach to your gig delivery.
  14. A dip like this is often caused by receiving negative private feedback or reviews.
  15. I can understand this argument, but I honestly believe that if people of such talent want to start a business, they can. Money is and will always be a good measure of skill. If you look at some of the best talents on Fiverr, they come from a background of doing this before they started on Fiverr. If you're not willing or able to invest a small monthly sum into your business, I don't think you deserve to have a business. Outside of Fiverr, we expect people to have their own house in order before we trust them with our business. You don't open a design agency or a shop without the funds to do so. If you do, you're doomed to failure. Why should Fiverr be any different? Why should Fiverr pander to people who aren't willing or able to invest in their business when the rest of the business world requires it? I think it would take Fiverr in the right direction. Currently, the platform is a giant example of the paradox of choice. It becomes difficult to choose when you're presented with too many options. 100.000+ sellers in a single category? I'd call that a disaster, not a success. 99% of the sellers will never land enough sales to defend their existence on the platform, and the buyer will become confused by the sheer amount of options. We can see how Fiverr tries to mitigate that by using Fiverr Business and "wizards," where a buyer inputs their information and gets presented with a single seller Fiverr recommends. They are constantly trying to tweak the algorithm, and the whole idea is to limit the number of options by offering up the best sellers first. It's illogical to have a platform with so many sellers, when most of them are just noise that Fiverr constantly works to hide. It's a band-aid on a broken leg. That's exactly it. Is Fiverr a business platform, or a hobby platform? Rarely have the two gone hand in hand. For some reason, Fiverr still tries to hold on to that mentality, but combine it with business. It used to be what Fiverr was. Perhaps someone has difficulty letting go of it. Side note: Have you heard about the ESG score from BlackRock? I call it the Woke-o-meter, but it's basically a score on how eco-friendly and woke a company is. The woker they are, the higher the score. And this ESG score is used by investors when deciding where to invest. Many companies who want to grow via investment work to get a high ESG score. It's all about inclusiveness. It starts hurting the business at some point because the consumer isn't onboard with BlackRock's little game. They just want good services. I believe that this mentality and fear of a lower ESG rating causes companies to be afraid of making tough decisions needed to keep a business viable.
  16. Yeah, I've had some similar issues happen before (right after my son was born, for obvious and very loud reasons in the middle of the night - haha) and my satisfaction rate suffered because of it. I was warned by my SM that it would be best to get it back up again, as she didn't want to see me "drop out of search results". So that's how important this stuff is.
  17. It can help, but most users don't hop into specific categories. These posts should be deleted. But to have a team constantly doing so would require a lot of people. It could help to remove the topics, but then there are all the stupid and pointless replies to topics. With the community involved in the m 0 d-side of things, it has gotten better, but it's nowhere near aggressive enough. No, it doesn't add value. Fiverr is a business. We – the successful sellers – are business people. I'm not at all convinced that just ten dollars qualify as value. Granted, it's not just about the money but also the productive contributions people make to the community. Earnings are an excellent indicator of success. Being able to invest in your business depends on more than skills. Mediocrity has no place in a professional environment. But that's just my opinion. That is true, but it is also part of the problem: far too many sellers from third-world countries come to this platform without skills, thinking Fiverr is easy money. It is understandable, given their situation, but it doesn't make for a productive environment for people with real skills, no matter where they come from. Raising the bar by charging for access would avoid that. I agree with you about the screening and vetting process. But doing that would require lots of resources when a simple "$29 per month" would do something similar. I've been through Toptals screening process as well. It does work. You have a fresh perspective, and I like your ideas, though I think your opinion is influenced by being new. Being one of the "veterans" (now I feel old) has certainly influenced my take on this. I've seen Fiverr go from a laughable "I will sing Happy Birthday out of tune while wearing a cowboy costume for five dollars" marketplace to an industry leader in freelancing to being swamped with new sellers with little to no talent. The pandemic certainly didn't help. When they fail, they come here whining about it. Your ideas might work. Preferably, I'd like to see them in combination with a price tag for selling on Fiverr. As a business environment, Fiverr should support real talent, not pander to the masses of unskilled labor.
  18. Unfortunately, in this case, the Customer Support is the only "Relevant Team". There are no other teams offering support, unless you have Fiverr Plus. If you do, you could talk to a success manager. I'm not sure if your stats not showing changelogs will affect your visibility on the platform, but I doubt it. There could be many reasons why your visibility has dropped. Perhaps the warning took you down for a little while, and that caused a cascading effect. Fiverr seems to reward sales with more sales, so if you went invisible due to a warning, that could affect you going forward as well, even if the warning was removed. You say this happened a year ago. If you lost your "edge" back then and still haven't been able to pick things back up, I'd look into improving my gigs further to (hopefully) land some sales. I see that you only have one gig. The thumbnail on that gig could be improved. Too much text (and small fonts) will make the thumbnail look messy and even unreadable on mobile. Getting a professional gig video made can help increase engagement with your gig (up to 40% increase, according to Fiverr), so that's also something you can look into. Your gig description is on the right track, but it could become even better. Look into hiring a pro writer or just a proofreader to help it shine. Perhaps launch a new gig or two, based on what you're good at, in hopes of getting some sales coming on from new niches. As a level two seller, you can create up to 20 gigs. If you lack the skills to offer something at the moment, you could go learn some new skills over at learn.fiverr.com or another eLearning site. Tons of great courses out there to help you improve and expand your business! Make sure to follow all best practices and impress your buyers by over-delivering and ensuring great communication from start to finish, with top-notch delivery quality. Getting that buyer satisfaction rate up will help you become more visible. Best of luck!
  19. It is sort of what they are trying to do with Fiverr Business. It's not just PRO sellers, though. I think it should be reserved for select TRS and PRO only, and then moved to a different brand name.
  20. Sudden drops in visibility on Fiverr is usually caused by negative private feedback. But other reasons could be regular gig rotation, other stats dropping or your competition improving and moving ahead of you. It's difficult to say for sure. To fix it, you need to do great work moving forward. Hopefully, that will help you get the buyer satisfaction rate back up. I know you're up for it, because I've ordered from you before, and you're a very talented seller. Best of luck! 🙂
  21. It's ridiculous. I've spoken with the product managers at Fiverr about this, sent them examples and this has been discussed multiple times on the forum. It's a disgrace, yet it doesn't seem to help no matter what we say or do. Having 64 kb audio at 22.500 kHz in 2022 is total insanity, especially when we're talking about using it for voice-over talent where audio quality is key. They are doing it to save bandwidth. It's been weeks since I spoke directly with the product manager at Fiverr. It's all in the hands of "relevant teams". People have been complaining for years, so I'm not optimistic. Here's my last thread about it:
  22. Nope, never used it. I use the Fiverr Dashboard to control next, delivered and in revision projects. 😄
  23. I know. I've been trying; you've been trying; we've all been trying. But spending an hour writing a good post, only to see it get five views, a single like, and 20 "thank you for vallububble advice"-comments... It's disheartening. I believe the solution is simple: Make Fiverr a Pay-2-Play platform. Charge every single buyer an amount per month. Perhaps that amount could be lowered as you move up the ranks, given that you're earning more for Fiverr through commissions. Make it harder to get started. Require the english test for every single seller. If you fail, you're out. Make misrepresenting your skills a suspendable offense.
  24. The idea is to have someone else do all that for you. 😄
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