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Everything posted by melanielm

  1. Your client isn't a third party. This rule specifies third party information... like if your client gave you someone else's information who is not part of the actual contract here. It seems to be mostly an anti-scam, anti-spam, and anti-fraud measure. (This is not an official statement and I know nothing of tax preparation laws specifically.)
  2. Ah, well that's ridiculously hidden. On my screen, the dots are so pale gray I can hardly see them. It would make sense to add the ability to make labels next to the existing labels. Thanks, Vickie!
  3. I've poked around in my Inbox for a while and cannot figure out how you create labels. How do you add more?
  4. $20 per hour is absolutely not four times the industry standard for ghostwriting... at all. I agree with katakatica. You can increase what you offer for the price if you'd like as long as what you offer is worth it.
  5. melanielm

    Tea Party

    I made myself tea this morning and accidentally put too much ginger in it. My tongue is both on fire and numb at the same time. It's weird.
  6. You absolutely can do this. When you click on the "Offer More Extras" at the bottom of the order page, there is a checkbox for "Add Custom Extra." You can write in whatever the buyer agrees to.
  7. How were they blocked by Fiverr? Did you get four messages in your Inbox and Fiverr said they were spam or something?
  8. Hm. I see it now too. My gig page starts off with my profile and you have to click a "Read More" link to actually read the gig description. This is on my beta reading gig but not other writing ones. I don't like it. Wouldn't potential buyers rather read about the service I'm offering right away?
  9. I bet most US (and other higher COL location people) do not use Fiverr as 100% of their income. Whether it is part of a larger business or a side hustle, we undoubtedly have more than one basket for our money-making eggs. I certainly do. Also, it is quite possible to make more per working hour than you would flipping burgers here. There are still many reasons why someone would be fine with making less: staying home with kids, disability that prevents outside work, an entrepreneurial spirit, no local jobs in their skillset, etc. There are even towns out there without burger joints.
  10. Ah-ha. I saw that topic and saw his gigs at that time. I revisited his page and saw no gigs when I posted above. Mysterious.
  11. You don't have any gigs. What is the purpose of this thread?
  12. I understand you were not taking business off Fiverr and you were not saying you would review their book for pay. However, what you said looked like you *could* be offering that. IF you bought their book and left a review and said anything about it, you would essentially be sharing off-Fiverr information with them. They would be able to identify you as the person who left a review and would therefore have another way to contact you. It looks like a way to possibly circumvent the rule about no off-site contact. Therefore, it's a bad idea. Intention doesn't really matter when something looks like it breaks the rules. At this point, probably just better to move on and not do that again.
  13. Buyers can't play with your rates. There's no way they can change your rates in any way. They may ask or beg you to give them discounts, but you have the power to say 'No.'
  14. If the gig did not reveal that's what the seller offers, it is a misrepresentation of services (i.e. They're lying.) I'd contact customer service and report them and cancel of the order. This doesn't sound like a matter of you just not liking the end result.
  15. Do you mean Inbox messages? I can edit forum posts. There's a good reason why we can't edit Inbox messages. Imagine the difficulties if unscrupulous sellers edited offers or conversations after a potential buyer already answered.
  16. This sounds to me like a general complaint against nonsensical and incorrect forum posts. A lot of us have been complaining about that forever and they never disappear. I agree that it would be great if people didn't post if they didn't truly know what they were talking about.
  17. I'm not sure if I'm depressed or invigorated now. What I do know is that Livin' on a Prayer and scat singing don't really go together. Probably get stuck in my head anyway. At least it will drown out the worry for a little while.
  18. Thanks for this thread. I have a lot of questions about what SMs are supposed to or allowed to do. I'm trying to use mine more regularly and specifically for the first time this year, but the results are dissatisfying. The mysterious, multi-faceted slump needs to be addressed somehow. Fiverr depends on a solution as much as we do, I think.
  19. Well, I understand that. Intelligent people who stay up-to-date with things do. People looking for a blog post for their plumbing website may not, however. They help pay my bills. Periods of adaptation always include some pain.
  20. I think the main challenge of 'The Rise of AI' right now is that many people don't know or don't believe that it doesn't provide good information, verified data, skilled writing, etc. There are a lot of people who would copy-paste even the fake studies into their blog or whatever without caring because AI is free. Absolutely agree with the difficult transition period -- on all sides. AI is improving. Buyers need to learn its limitations. Sellers need to stay on top of its capabilities.
  21. Just reporting that I got the same response. I wonder if the people who received the error email but didn't contact anyone also got the 'This was a mistake' message.
  22. Gosh, this thread is invaluable. The same email arrived around the same time for me, and I contacted my SM this morning, so no response yet. I both hope it's an error and not. If not, maybe there's something I can do to improve things. For the first time ever, I'm also looking into other platforms. Fiverr isn't my only income, but it was a decent chunk I don't want to give up. If I have to go elsewhere... Ugh. Thank you guys. You're helping tamp down the stress!
  23. My plan echoes Frank's quite closely. I'm overhauling my gigs, considering a price reduction, and working on all the gig-adjacent stuff I've -- to be honest -- neglected a bit (portfolio, etc.) I'll probably bug my seller plus manager, too. That's what they're there for, right?
  24. they are the foundation of selling on Fiverr. Go read the Help files and 'how to' stuff.
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