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About asifhassanantue

  • Birthday 09/09/1992


  • Location
    Dhaka Bangladesh

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  1. Yes, I'll start the conversation and then mark it as spam. Hopefully, this won't cause any response rate issue on my profile.
  2. I tried this and my response rate deducted so I decide no to mark spam.
  3. Hello Freelancers, I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to discuss a recurring challenge I've encountered on Fiverr, and I'm reaching out to seek your insights or advice. One of my primary frustrations stems from receiving unsolicited messages from sellers, often seeking work or suggestions on how to enhance their presence on the platform. Initially, my response was to promptly report such messages as spam. However, this approach backfired as I noticed a decline in my response rate, prompting me to seek assistance from Fiverr Support. These messages not only divert my attention but also create complications for me in managing my Fiverr interactions. I am eager to explore alternative solutions to address this issue more effectively. If you have any recommendations or if there's a method you've found successful, I would greatly appreciate your insights. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance. Best regards,
  4. Daily I am getting around 6 to 10 spam messages. I think if this continues, my response rate will go further down. I hope Fiverr solves this spamming issue quickly.
  5. So disappointing. Though I did not face this issue from promoted gig but I can understand your pain.
  6. Yes, I am marking spam but within 3 or 4 days I got around 20+ messages and after I marked all of them spam, my response rate went down to 99% from 100 %. I may have to contact support for this downgrade.
  7. Hey, Fiverr community, I hope this post finds you all in good health and high spirits. I wanted to bring to light a concerning issue I've been facing on the platform lately, which involves receiving a significant number of unsolicited work requests from fellow sellers. Over the past few months, Fiverr has been doing an excellent job at filtering out spam and improving the overall experience for both buyers and sellers. However, recently, I have noticed a noticeable increase in unsolicited messages from other sellers, asking me to give them work. While networking and collaboration are essential elements of any community, it's crucial that we respect each other's boundaries and maintain a level of professionalism. Unsolicited work requests can be disruptive and can hinder our ability to focus on providing the best service to our clients. To tackle this issue, I've had no choice but to mark these messages as spam to ensure that my inbox remains clutter-free and allows me to focus on serving my clients effectively. I kindly urge my fellow sellers to refrain from sending unsolicited work requests to their peers. Instead, let's foster a community of mutual respect and support by engaging in meaningful conversations, sharing tips, and offering constructive feedback. If you're looking to collaborate or seek advice, I encourage you to use the appropriate channels, such as the forum, to connect with other sellers. Let's work together to maintain a positive and professional environment on Fiverr. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Best regards, Asif
  8. It depends on many factors. Average earning per month is an important matrix. Thanks
  9. Yes, after I paid back the full amount, I got it for 2nd time. Now, I got it for 3rd time also. After you fully paid back the amount, wait for 24 hours. It will be available if you are eligible. Thanks
  10. Yes, I do have to report or block but sometimes, I think if there are better solution to this problem or not.
  11. I can totally relate to you. I know it is hard to build a business on Fiverr. I can also recall my struggle at first. I did not get order for first 4 months but on those 4 months I prefer using my time to learn new skills. I think it is more important rather contacting with co-sellers, Now, I do the same, report as soon as possible. Happy Freelancing.
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