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Real answer: There isn’t one simple way to do this. Fiverr usually takes effort, skill and time before you get rolling.

Fast Track for Challenged Rich Sellers:

Now, you could use Facebook groups to do a giveaway. Everyone that really buys a gig should PM you on Fiverr only (no off-Fiverr contact) to claim their prize. You can give them a link to download a code for a $50 gift card. You’ll sell lots of gigs but you’ll lose $46 per gig so you’ll need a high marketing budget. Financially Terrible but you would sell gigs. I’d suggest telling the buyers not to review you at all to avoid the appearance of review manipulation.


So far, Fiverr has done these thread types and I guess someone on staff just picks out a few real questions. To date the forum team hasn’t been asked to moderate unless a comment violates the rules. I don’t disagree with you and perhaps the thread is here just for advertising. Perhaps this will change for live events down the road.


Hey Gary,

I had brought it, but Fiverr doesn’t allow audio. I wanted to standout and be different. That’s okay Fiverr!

Gary, I’m seeking your assistance on your favorite pass time… FOOTBALL! If you can look at my current punch combination to offer suggestions or a whole new punch combination, it’s greatly appreciated. Thank you.

In nutshell, we provide video syndication & distribution to a national and international TV audience via media streaming devices. The target audience are amateur football players. They pay to air their game footage and we also provide marketing, too as an add on to over deliver.

Here’s what’s been done thus far. A small blueprint to help provide context and to give you an idea, Gary.

1. Created a questionnaire to engage the target market. It included about 6 to 7 questions in addition to phone, address, email, and so on.
– Got about 80 who completed it
– Received 100s of comments on Facebook about the project.

2. With favorable responses, then we built a website

3. Throughout this time I continue to touch (jab) the target audience with 3rd party content, motivational images, videos and so forth.
– Now creating/developing our own content w/ your help. Watched the Ask Gary Vee EP with the NY Jets. Reached out to DD (Demario Davis) to interview and other former NFL players. Taking that content and re-purposing it.

4. Partnered with a league in the SE region to drive our OXYGEN which is game footage and sign ups. Learned that there are some cracks and missing nails in the foundation of these teams and leagues. The league owner may have a business mindset, yet he struggles with team owners who are only focused on game. This makes for poor execution, which makes for not valuable partnership. Just discontinued it.

QUESTION: Gary, what and/or how would you drive sales for this service within this target market? Is there a better question I should be asking of you?

Gary, that’s it in a nutshell since Fiverr deleted my audio version.

Thank you so much for your genuine desire to help as many people as possible in your own unique way.



Are you saying something important is meant to drop today, like, say, a video?

I wouldn’t hold your breath, though it is only midday in NYC. The video isn’t coming from Tel Aviv, that’s for sure (7pm)!


Hehehe, I was just passing by and checking (out of curiousity) if anything is coming. I will be in bed already if something comes later (it is 6.20 pm in my place now as I am typing this) but I will come back tomorrow anyway 😛


I was assuming it was going to be on the YouTube channel that’s linked in the OP. I guess a video was posted there as of May 5 and I’ve only watched a few moments of stuff. I haven’t seen a mention of Fiverr on it so I don’t know if it’s in there or not. All I know from the comments is that I guess there was some spit involved and I don’t know if I want to see spitting. 😃

Oh, edit- the episode that has May 5 is called GREAT TO GREATER - BEING THE BIGGER PERSON IN ALL SITUATIONS | DailyVee 035.


Right, phase one: release the video on time is a failure. I looked at the video released and it looked super boring and not related to Fiverr, so I didn’t watch. Remember guys, we’ve been waiting SIX MONTHS for the xmas party video and interview with Fiverr CEO, so don’t hold your breath.

One month, 2 days until the competition winners are “announced”. The current leaderboard in this competition have been spamming their social media with the competition, BTW. Great job, guys, inadvertently spamming Fiverr to randos.

Of course the fact it’s only 50% of the vote total (no matter how many votes are cast) to be mixed with the 50% of Fiverr’s undisclosed panel of judges and GV himself means lol.


I tried again but I lost my curiosity when I got past all the censored words and the spitting started. I never did see a mention of Fiverr so I think it might be some other May 5 video. 😉


I didn’t–it’s too early in the day/not enough caffeine for me to be dealing with hyperactive internet marketers screeching at me. Maybe later…


Here is the link to the video.

Here is the whole point of the message at 20:36 when he said,

“I still have to eat s*** on an every day basis. If I do it every day… then I expect you to do it, no matter who you are, what you are, or what your f****** title says you are.”


#AskGaryVee is different than his #DailyVee vlog. The #DailyVee is a day in the life of Gary Vee and the #AskGaryVee is a show specifically geared toward answering questions presented to him via his listeners. This video was pre-recorded. 🙂


Actually, I said I didn’t see a mention of Fiverr but it was the only video I saw on May 5. I stopped watching because it was kind of hard to follow. I think it has something to do with SnapChat. I wasn’t sure, the OP wasn’t clear to me. I didn’t link it myself since I couldn’t find reference to Fiverr.


It’s not the Fiverr office. It’s just a generic office full of twentysomethings hanging onto a guru’s every word.

Remember, the video is meant to feature the CRO of Fiverr, presumably answering questions pre-selected from here. Sadly, they got a load of mek sells crap so dropped the idea. I guess.

Still though, poor show. I’m looking forward to the winners not winning anything on June 7th and that backlash!


Man, he’s still way too hyper for me. I like that he usually has subtitles so I can turn the sound off. What was that weird thing in the middle of the table? some kind of Google telephony thing?


It was a speaker for conference calls. I’ve never heard anyone that sped up.

So he is talking to a guy who wants to start a company and is scared he won’t make it and then he’s quit his job with no money left. And Gary says, “don’t be scared. Who gives a shit. Who’s gonna make fun of you? Your mom? You can always go back to the *** **** job.” The man’s financial savings, the fact that he may not get the job back, he may not be able to pay his bills, etc. are not on the radar.

He gave a good answer to Dante, about how to get his program into schools and get superintendents to approve it when he said make some content titled:
6 mistakes superintendents make although I doubt any school superintendent will hire anyone who writes an article on the mistakes they make. He said to post the article on FB and Twitter. He was telling how to sell without selling by making them come to you and writing some attention getting context is a good idea.


I didn’t know anything about him, but the part of the video I watched didn’t make a lot of sense to me. It was just a lot of fast talking, swearing to someone on the phone, spitting in various places, saying really “hypey” (not a word) things about different companies and so on.

It reminded me of one of those motivational speakers who says a lot but you can’t quite remember what they said afterwards. I’ll have to watch some of the phone one if it’s amusing.


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