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Update: Addressing new level system questions and feedback

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3 minutes ago, filipdevaere said:

Articles about this crazy situation are popping up on the internet.

Fiverr's Bungled Product Release Turns Toxic | Defiant Phoenix

If many sellers say something about it, the company will likely be compelled to reconsider their stance.

Given their status as a publicly traded entity, they are accountable to shareholder interests and public sentiment.

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2 hours ago, creativecolumn said:

Hi guys. What about the current TRS with 9-10 Success Scores?


I mean, based on the info shared by Fiverr, you need to have a success score of 9 and 4.7 to be a top rated seller. Unless Fiverr's team says otherwise, you should be able to keep your TRS.


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2 hours ago, voicedbyken said:

Honestly, your guess is as good as mine and I don't believe anyone here knows any more than that.


The only thing here that matters is the overall review average. If it's under 4.7 then yes, you might get demoted. But it's 4.7 or higher, and your success score is at least 9.. you should be fine. 

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1 hour ago, filipdevaere said:

Articles about this crazy situation are popping up on the internet.

This one you shared has a direct link to Levi's post about him leaving. The post is now gone. 

"Fiverr is still testing its new levels and rating system, with the final release scheduled for March 14th. While it has been a dramatic few days in Fiverr’s online communities, the company has promised that it is listening and taking notes, and, in the face of the storm of criticism and missteps of staff speaking out of sync with the official line, the company is wise to observe quietly.

However, it’s simply not good enough. Many of Fiverr’s sellers rely on the platform to feed their families and pay their mortgages. Some of them have had that income ripped from them and are scrabbling for answers and not getting support.

Sellers can only feel that Fiverr, a billion-dollar company, views its sellers as little more than disposable assets on its ever-growing spreadsheet. But behind the numbers and the tech, real people are suffering.

The question is when will Fiverr respond? Will its response be the traditional tone-deaf statement of big tech or a genuine, heartfelt attempt to fix the many issues its update has wreaked on an upset community?

Or will Fiverr simply choose not to respond at all, hedging their bets on the storm passing?"

Edited by leannelrivers
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11 minutes ago, leannelrivers said:

OK. I don't have permission to view it. 


I can see the post you're referring to; it's puzzling why it's not visible on your end. The only explanation might be that you've been blocked. Interestingly, I encountered a similar restriction a few days ago where I couldn't reply to any posts. It turns out there's a daily limit to the number of posts one can make, a detail I was previously unaware of. 

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Although I have worked with some wonderful people during my 3 years presence on this platform, I have also come across some very rude people and also some people that don't respect or want to exploit the seller, e.g. not submitting the requirements, not responding and eventually having to cancel the order, or asking for more work which in most cases I did deliver without extra payment. I have numerous examples that could have me writing for hours here, and certainly have kept me awake at night from the stressful experience, because I have had more than 4500 complete orders within 3 years. 

If Fiverr would be fair and kept the balance between sellers - buyers (which is I think one the most important issues here), they would need to find a way to filter buyers that are dishonest. For example why not introduce a secret rating system (from our input or from behavior on the platform) to rate buyer and use this score to weight their input and the severity of a cancellation etc. For example, I don't think that a buyer who has several cancellations should have these cancellations taken into account. The problem is definitely theirs. 

Furthermore, I would be happy to have an option to accept orders. Most of the time, people just order from me without even contacting. I don't have an option to have them even send me a message to check with me before ordering. There are some very rare people who send me a message to ask me if I am available to work with them and I really appreciate this. 

Having said this, I'm really tired with all these and since I realized some months ago that this rating system was active in the background, seeing my work going down hill, I started working on my own website, which is almost done. I'm not going to leave Fiverr, but wont take it as seriously as I did. This is a very TOXIC environment that even though I appreciate the chance I have been given, my health is seriously affected by this whole situation and it is not worth it any more. 

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It's pretty clear that Fiverr is ignoring the toxic thread in the hopes that sellers will burn themselves out of complaining. 

Also, that blog appears to be the only one covering this in any sort of depth. I had a look on Google news and it's all boring stock stuff largely unedited from whatever ChatGPT produced. 

This is a literal storm in a teacup, particularly as large parts of the forum cannot be viewed unless one is logged in. If you're not on r/Fiverr or this forum, you'd have no reason to suspect that anything was wrong. 

You know who also knows this? Fiverr. This is just a small handful of disgruntled disposable assets as far as they are concerned. Fiverr has bigger fish to fry. Mostly because it has already fried the smaller fish 🙂

Fiverr is also aware that any "fresh meat" (new comments from staff) will just inflame the debate longer as people nitpick over inconsistences. Seems like CS is taking 36+ hours to respond to tickets ATM too, at least for non-priority "customers".


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4 minutes ago, celestialsteps said:

Furthermore, I would be happy to have an option to accept orders. Most of the time, people just order from me without even contacting.

You can have this feature if you pay for Seller Plus Premium. It's a feature we should all have anyway, especially now. 

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8 minutes ago, emmaki said:

It's pretty clear that Fiverr is ignoring the toxic thread in the hopes that sellers will burn themselves out of complaining.

I get that this thread is only a small sample size, but it’s a sample of the people who are the most passionate and invested in the platform.

Also, when everyone is saying the same things, it’s relatively safe to infer the same sentiment across the whole population.

Edited by charlsmcfarlane
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1 minute ago, charlsmcfarlane said:

I get that this thread is only a small sample size, but it’s a sample of the people who are the most passionate and invested in the platform.

And who still don't mean much, not really. There were outrages before when new stuff was introduced, some people even left the platform, a lot more people joined... And that's about it.


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I've actually converted someone in the inbox (Fiverr immediately had a pop-up which must have been triggered by a keyword the buyer used, which suggested I "use coupon to close the deal". I closed it.). 

So, a week of on-offf consulting, delivering a lot of value to the customer, driving her expectations sky-high....

She wants the rewrite gig. I'll get... $100 after Fiverr's cut. A bit less after the exchange rates and the taxman have sunk their fangs into my tender skin. 

I'm currently trying to decide if I want the gig or not. I mean, I'm mostly trying to think of ways to gracefully extract myself, but then I had the idea I could just say that I was now on str... due to the new levels system. 

But then I thought that was a waste of time because a one-woman strike generally is. Either way, there's none of me that wants to take this job. Because of the levels system. And also $100 really doesn't reflect any of the work I put into the inbox gig. Which would be fine except the value for money thing is bothering me and I'm not sure my rewrite will match her expectations. 

So instead of converting the buyer - with or without a coupon - I am here on the forum, ready for another day of little people outrage against Da Man. 

Fear and Loathing in Las Fiverrz.

I will probably say yes anyway because I need the money

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After the last update which is about the Level overview.   got a popup message that was a update from fiverr ( Level overview) After this when I click on that I'm totally shocked cause that showing my accaount is has been flagged,

But I do my Job very honestly and maintiain my accaount. Also I'm try my best to follow the terms and condition

After that, I contacted Customer support He told me


"After careful review, your account has been flagged due to location inconsistencies or other activities indicating a connection to violations of our Terms of Service. Consequently, your participation in Fiverr's level system is permanently restricted."


So Can you please let me know what the meaning of Location inconsistencies? Many other people have the same question but no one answer that from Fiverr Staff. Please solve that issue.

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Reality is reality, my friends, and Fiverr is banking on it. 

Fiverr is not going to change very much about this at all. You'll see. We'll all get used to it. Or move on. And if we move on, new sellers will mushroom up inn our place.

It's not going to stop me outraging away, but unless this gets in the media, nothing will change. And even if it does get in the media, Fiverr will do the bare minimum to make the story go away while keeping as much of the core (which created the issues in the first place) intact.

All this is a lot of hot water in the teacup. Let the sellers converge together in a few posts rather than sprawl out. Don't touch it so it becomes huge and all the little complaints get lost. 

EDIT: this isn't meant to be defeatist. This is one example of when airing your dirty laundry outside is a good idea. Because right now, it's just festering on a few threads here and there. 

Edited by emmaki
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3 minutes ago, nomsgraphic said:

Many other people have the same question but no one answer that from Fiverr Staff. Please solve that issue.

I wouldn't hold your breath. They're not answering questions, period. Customer Support are the only people who are answering questions.

So, uh, good luck with that. 

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