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Bring Back Buyer Request

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Hello Fiverr Forum Community,
I hope you all know the new disease in fiverr call briefs! Seriously the worst update fiverr did. Yes in old buyer request people do too much scamming but this briefs thing doesn't work for new sellers. In my observation throughout the internet only the top rated sellers are getting briefs but that's not fair! No newcomers will come to fiverr then. Here is my warm request to fiverr please bring back the old buyer request and you guys are highlighting a thing the NEW ALGORITHM bring that to the old buyer request train your system to auto detect if the buyer request is fake or real. I don't think its necessary to make this brief functionality. And other people please also say your thoughts here. We need to stand and report together before its too late :)

Please don't take my words in heart! I really love working in fiverr and got some awesome clients who are now my friends! But this BRIEF thing changed all....

Screenshot 2022-11-10 230722.png

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Absolutely horrible, disgusting idea. 
Here's the moment when Fiverr will go down the drain, just like all other platforms that implemented too much AI.

PEOPLE working for other PEOPLE should have the CHOICE MADE BY SAID PEOPLE, NOT by some AI.

Since they (Fiverr) started testing this feature by not allowing us at first, to select WHICH GIG we wanted to respond with, to a buyer's request, I have submitted many feedbacks about the fact that IT'S A BAD IDEA TO AUTOMATE to this level. 
I had potential jobs/gigs lost, because TO A TRANSLATION JOB  the only gig that was selectable was BUILD A WORDPRESS WEBSITE, or vice-versa, for cases in which the customer was asking for A FULL-FLEDGED E-COMMERCE WEBSITE, the only thing I could answer with was FIX ERRORS ON WEBSITE. 

This is just stupid, counterintuitive, and meaningless. 
So yeah, the fact that this all-AI approach is taking over this platform too, even though it hurts most of sellers, is a clear sign of the fact that the leadership of the company never cared, and doesn't care for us sellers, and making a profit is not even the intention any more. 

Well, Fiverr, it was nice in the beginning, but since you've started this more and more political correctness bullshit, AI this, automate that, DISCRIMINATE AGAINST THIS, against that... you ARE GOING DOWN THE DRAIN.


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We all know from this month fiverr deduct the option of buyer request. Many new seller is now in turmoil what to do? They thought it would be easier to establish as a freelancer in this platform will be really helpful. Now when this option is gone many are waiting for job request from buyer like for eternity and even getting fake buyer requests. So what is your thought about it.

Was it really helpful? Or do you want fiverr to enable the feature again?

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You joined in September and you have had no orders on Fiverr. How could you possibly say that you're in turmoil due to the lack of buyer requests if you didn't benefit from them?

It seems that there is a blame culture on here where some freelancers accuse Fiverr of being the issue as to why they haven't made millions in their first few months on the platform! 

YOU have to work hard to build up a reputation on Fiverr, and YOU are one of 35000 virtual assistants all competing for a piece of a very small pie. It will come, but only to the people who are prepared to work hard and make the effort! 

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3 hours ago, breals said:

You joined in September and you have had no orders on Fiverr. How could you possibly say that you're in turmoil due to the lack of buyer requests if you didn't benefit from them?

It seems that there is a blame culture on here where some freelancers accuse Fiverr of being the issue as to why they haven't made millions in their first few months on the platform! 

YOU have to work hard to build up a reputation on Fiverr, and YOU are one of 35000 virtual assistants all competing for a piece of a very small pie. It will come, but only to the people who are prepared to work hard and make the effort! 

Congrats, I wouldn't have said better, it becomes so ridiculous 🤣🤣🤣 🤣

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9 hours ago, hiraamalik said:

Team Fiver,

The Fiverr Forum members are not "Team Fiverr". 



9 hours ago, hiraamalik said:

please grant me an option to have buyer request on my fiver account.

Buyer requests are no longer an option. They have been replaced with a matching service called "Briefs". 


10 hours ago, hiraamalik said:

Kindly review my profile and get me access to buyer request.

No matter how nicely you ask, you will not get access to something that has been eliminated from the Fiverr site. Buyers can no longer send Buyer Requests—they can only send briefs. 

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Can any one tell me more about this new matching system? I am level 1 and my friend is level 2 here but neither of us received any kind of matches ever. I still received direct inquiries into inbox from old and new customers but never any matches. The customer support is insisting that matching system works irrespective to seller level but I am starting to believe all the buyer's requests or "briefs" as they say it go directly to top level sellers now. If that is the case, can anyone suggest a better platform to switch to?

Edited by vishdrawings
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5 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

Can any one tell me more about this new matching system? I am level 1 and my friend is level 2 here but neither of us received any kind of matches ever. I still received direct inquiries into inbox from old and new customers but never any matches. The customer support is insisting that matching system works irrespective to seller level but I am starting to believe all the buyer's requests or "briefs" as they say it go directly to top level sellers now. If that is the case, can anyone suggest a better platform to switch to?

@vishdrawings I'm afraid it's up to Fiverr now, you can't apply to a request, Fiverr will do it for you, if they ever get this thing called BRIEFS to work properly

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17 minutes ago, webdevexpert0 said:

Buyer request bring need back

This thinking is new seller thinking, not buyer thinking. As a buyer, I was not too fond of Buyer Requests. Whenever I posted one, my inbox was spammed by desperate sellers even though they were only supposed to contact me by responding to my Buyer Request.

My experience was common among buyers. So, new sellers can blame themselves and other new sellers because their desperate spamming got Buyer Requests removed from the Fiverr platform. 

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18 hours ago, evp_productions said:

@vishdrawings I'm afraid it's up to Fiverr now, you can't apply to a request, Fiverr will do it for you, if they ever get this thing called BRIEFS to work properly

I don't think they ever will, I have a pretty generic work profile i.e. graphic design for video games so not getting matched by AI is acceptable, as there are hundreds of people doing the same on this site but my friend has a pretty specific job profile for a specific work. He falls under top ten on this site in his category but he didn't get any match ever either. He never had to use buyer's request in the first place but considering how many queries he gets in the inbox he should have got matched at least once. 

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On 12/1/2022 at 3:22 PM, vishdrawings said:

The customer support is insisting that matching system works irrespective to seller level but I am starting to believe all the buyer's requests or "briefs" as they say it go directly to top level sellers now.

I've seen brand new sellers mention that they got a brief or few. I'm a level 2 seller and I was getting a bunch of briefs until I turned the feature off.

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15 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

I posted a brief and was matched with level one and level two sellers. 

I have a few questions:

1. How many sellers did your request/brief got matched with at a time and how many simultaneous bids/response/offers your received from them?

2. While posting the request/brief, did you get to choose which level seller you want to be matched with?

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11 minutes ago, catwriter said:

I've seen brand new sellers mention that they got a brief or few. I'm a level 2 seller and I was getting a bunch of briefs until I turned the feature off.

Can you tell me what job you do on fiverr? My friend is also a level 2 and he gets tons of inquiries in inbox but haven't received any matches ever. I am level 1 and I haven't been matched either.

Edited by vishdrawings
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