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Can buyers leave a private review if they just marked the order as complete without reviewing it


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This is a question I meant to ask for quite some time.. I have a lot of buyers that just mark the order as complete and they never leave a review. My question is, can these people still leave a private review even if they didn't review the order? Does someone that buys from Fiverr often have any experience with this? 

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5 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

This is a question I meant to ask for quite some time.. I have a lot of buyers that just mark the order as complete and they never leave a review. My question is, can these people still leave a private review even if they didn't review the order? Does someone that buys from Fiverr often have any experience with this? 

I was actually curious about this as well.

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I placed an order for a gig from a seller who made happy birthday videos on behalf of my son for his brother last Thursday morning. The order was delivered Friday morning, but I did not complete it because I wanted to see if a request for private feedback would show up.

Sure enough, the day after the delivery and before I had accepted the order, I received an email asking me to give private feedback. I also received an inbox message asking me to leave feedback, and I deleted both reminders.

Today I got a notification from Fiverr with suggestions of other sellers who provide greeting card video gigs. So not only does Fiverr ask buyers for 'secret' feedback, but the platform makes suggestions to buyers concerning other sellers who offer services similar to yours. 

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@donnovan86, Buyers actually have the option of leaving  3 reviews for each order (2 private and 1 public). It gets annoying if you are purchasing multiple orders and you decided to leave all three reviews (which I normally do). As a buyer, you don't have to leave any review and each of the three reviews allows you to opt out of leaving the review. I don't know if the 1st private review is weighted more heavily or if the 2nd one is. So that is in addition to the reminders that @frank_d mentioned.

As soon as you (the buyer accepts the delivery of an order), you will be asked to give this 1st review:


Then it will immediately take you to the public review:



After 1 day, you will then be asked to leave another private review which looks a lot like the first. I believe the question is slightly different, but I can't remember. I'll provide a snapshot of that review when I do it tomorrow (this order just closed today). Or maybe @vickiespencer can provide a snapshot of that review sooner than I can.

Edited by vickieito
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Does the second prompt occur if a tip was left after the first prompt? 
I'm probably not going to test this one, but; Does the second prompt occur if a negative review was left the first time.

For me, the Leave A Tip prompt always seems to immediately follow the second Private Feedback prompt, so I feel suspicious that the second prompt is actually a retry to funnel people to the Tip flow rather than to refine their data. There has been times where I accepted multiple deliveries from multiple sellers in a day, so I couldn't remember which delivery the second prompt is referring to when it shows up later (it just shows the gig and not what I got). I just put a positive to be safe. It'd be bad data. I can see Prompt 2 be weighted less, even zero, due to how wildly it would end up varying from Prompt 1. They would put it out there anyways if they found they were getting more tips by doing it.

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10 hours ago, vickieito said:

After 1 day, you will then be asked to leave another private review which looks a lot like the first. I believe the question is slightly different, but I can't remember.

I just got my 3rd prompt to leave private feedback today. It looks like this. ⬇️ As you can see it is a bit different.



9 hours ago, moikchap said:

I feel suspicious that the second prompt is actually a retry to funnel people to the Tip flow rather than to refine their data.

Interesting, The image I posted above was from my second prompt for "secret" feedback. I did not leave a tip as my son did not want to pay for a $5 tip on a $10 order. 

I do not like it how Fiverr reminds you to tip and there is not a choice not to tip. The buyer either chooses to tip or must choose  "Later", which was not my intention. This time I just closed the tip window and ignored both choices. 


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14 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

I just got my 3rd prompt to leave private feedback today. It looks like this. ⬇️ As you can see it is a bit different.


Thanks @vickiespencer! This is exactly how my 3rd buyer review looks like, too! ...Looks like my memory is really bad, even though I do fill these out quite often! I could only remember that the 3rd review had radio buttons like the first one did. 😅

I also don't like the tip reminders. It confuses and causes undue stress for buyers from countries where tipping isn't part of the culture. The way Fiverr "reminds" buyers to tip makes it seem like tipping is mandatory.

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On 7/19/2022 at 5:47 PM, vickiespencer said:

I do not like it how Fiverr reminds you to tip and there is not a choice not to tip. The buyer either chooses to tip or must choose  "Later", which was not my intention. This time I just closed the tip window and ignored both choices. 

I can see why regulars don't post reviews. They are tired of those tipping reminders most likely.

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Hello donnovan86,
As further clarification on what others said on this topic, we can confirm that users indeed can leave a private review even after they mark the order as completed, and is very important for keeping a safe and secure environment on Fiverr, let us shine some light on this argument.

On 7/18/2022 at 7:51 PM, donnovan86 said:

This is a question I meant to ask for quite some time. I have a lot of buyers that just mark the order as complete and they never leave a review. My question is, can these people still leave a private review even if they didn't review the order? Does someone that buys from Fiverr often have any experience with this? 


As a Fiverr seller, you should always encourage people to review your work critically because this not only will make you improve but also will improve the Fiverr community userbase, a happy client is more likely to be a returning customer or promote the platform to other people, and this is something the Fiverr big robotic brain like to see.

The reason why private review exists is for two main reasons, 

  1. User sometimes forgets/doesn't care about leaving a review.


"It's difficult to imagine in this day and age where all is based around people reviews and thoughts that there is still a big chunk of people that are not interested in feeding the poor Kirby algorithm with stars".

so having a call back to action mail by Fiverr is a very good marketing strategy not only for you but for the whole platform, we all know that most people on Fiverr work hard to make their clients happy, and Fiverr knows this too! So if you delivered quality work, which we are sure you did and will continue doing, your client is most likely a happy person living his beautiful day but forgot or dint care about leaving a review, the moment he press on the "call to action" button in his/her email he will for sure leave a much more honest review, why? 

Privacy is important, when you go to vote in your country ("we assume you live in a vote-based state"), the vote you make is done in total privacy and anonymity, this will make sure you vote for what you truly think it's best for your country, or what the media engraved in your brain. The same applies to Fiverr, We know it's fun to have 5 big stars shown near your names but the real question is, are those real? We don't want to digress into the deep existential conversation here because we risk going off-topic. So in short having a private vote is good to ensure you keep pushing yourself and make sure the customer is more than happy, you have always to aim for the 110%. 

So what happens when the customer leaves a secret review?

Well first of all it's on the Fiverr platform, maybe after he completed the questionnaire because it was a happy client he can browse some more of your gig or maybe he can find another gig from another seller, from there it's the wild west, most users tend to close immediately after because they feel they completed the task they were assign to do, but Fiverr has some sexy trick up their sleeves, you sexy robot...

2. Community safety

So now at the opposite end of the scale we have, a Fiverr gig creator that was not able to make the client happy, in most of the cases it is proven that the user will immediately feed a negative visible review to the system to manifest his experience. but there is still a big portion of the market that will leave the platform unsatisfied and will probably never come back. this is a big nono. to ensure this after a gig is completed Fiverr does the hard job of trying to understand what went wrong in your work, they don't need to tell you what went wrong but they must do, but if the client was not entirely satisfied as a gig seller if you have some brain you can analyze his responses or simply ask. 

So in the rare occasion an unhappy customer decides to come back and post a secret score review after the gig is done there is a small chance that the Fiverr robot find a nice way to make them a new potential customer for another seller, for example, he can offer some discount code, or simply an apology message, what you have to know is for sure Fiverr eye will look at you differently from that moment, not that will shadowban you or blacklist you but simply imagine that you throw a punch right in the face of the principal at school, what will happen next can vary drastically vary on how strong the punch was, but the action itself will be punished for sure, not much you have to worry about, I mean what is a punch to the face of a person compared to the grand scale of the universe?


We hope that we delivered some insight and make you feel more comfortable about the argument, please don't punch people.

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3 minutes ago, hbfs_studio said:

As further clarification on what others said on this topic, we can confirm that users indeed can leave a private review even after they mark the order as completed, and is very important for keeping a safe and secure environment on Fiverr, let us shine some light on this argument.

I just asked a question, I didn't mean to start a long conversation. Simply put, I mostly work with regulars and they don't leave a review, yet I still rank pretty high when people search for services like mine. Since I don't buy services here at all, I just wanted to know if regulars can still leave a private review. 


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8 hours ago, hbfs_studio said:

As a Fiverr seller, you should always encourage people to review your work critically because this not only will make you improve but also will improve the Fiverr community userbase, a happy client is more likely to be a returning customer or promote the platform to other people

Actually, as a Fiverr seller, you shouldn't ask your buyers for reviews at all. Fiver already asks buyers multiple times to leave a review and asking for reviews from your buyers could get you a warning (even if you ask for a "honest" review). Buyers also don't have to leave reviews if they don't want to.

I used to ask for "honest" reviews from my buyers, but stopped after I learned from various forum members that we shouldn't even ask for those types of reviews. You can look at posts from @mariashtelle1 and @vickiespencer to read more about this. They both mentioned this multiple times.

@vickiespencer shared feedback from Fiverr CS stating that sellers shouldn't ask for any reviews. I'm hoping that she can share that post with us again! (Please, Vickie!🙏... I ran into that post before I knew how to bookmark things on the forum and can't find it again. I promise I'll bookmark it this time!) 

If we want to improve as sellers, we don't need feedback in the form of "reviews." Private reviews are never seen by sellers, public reviews usually aren't very helpful, and if you were to ask for further clarification on why a buyer left certain comments, you could get a warning (@donnovan86 could tell you more about this). Instead, each interaction with our customers gives us "clues" on how we can improve our services and keep our customers happy.

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10 hours ago, hbfs_studio said:

As a Fiverr seller, you should always encourage people to review your work critically because this not only will make you improve but also will improve the Fiverr community userbase,

I’m sure @donnovan86 knows how to handle clients 😉 He used to be a TRS seller (if my memory serves me well) and he has close to 20000 reviews on fiverr. 
And he also knows well that fiverr gives warnings right and left if you ask for reviews on this platform. 

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Slightly off-topic, but then again not - unless they changed it, it seems buyers can also leave private feedback after a cancellation; or at least, that's what a buyer told me after a mutual cancellation, where he didn't need the service, after all, and I hadn't started with the work yet.

He'd said he left good feedback, so I'm guessing it must have been a private review.

But it's been quite a while, and my only cancellation as a buyer myself was a 'seller never delivered/reacted' scenario, so it wasn't a "standard cancellation", but led to that automatic public 1*-review by Fiverr on your behalf, and I can't remember if I was asked to leave a private review, maybe someone who had to cancel a Gig as a buyer more recently can confirm, or not.

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13 hours ago, hbfs_studio said:

Hello donnovan86,
As further clarification on what others said on this topic, we can confirm that users indeed can leave a private review even after they mark the order as completed, and is very important for keeping a safe and secure environment on Fiverr, let us shine some light on this argument.


As a Fiverr seller, you should always encourage people to review your work critically because this not only will make you improve but also will improve the Fiverr community userbase, a happy client is more likely to be a returning customer or promote the platform to other people, and this is something the Fiverr big robotic brain like to see.

The reason why private review exists is for two main reasons, 

  1. User sometimes forgets/doesn't care about leaving a review.


"It's difficult to imagine in this day and age where all is based around people reviews and thoughts that there is still a big chunk of people that are not interested in feeding the poor Kirby algorithm with stars".

so having a call back to action mail by Fiverr is a very good marketing strategy not only for you but for the whole platform, we all know that most people on Fiverr work hard to make their clients happy, and Fiverr knows this too! So if you delivered quality work, which we are sure you did and will continue doing, your client is most likely a happy person living his beautiful day but forgot or dint care about leaving a review, the moment he press on the "call to action" button in his/her email he will for sure leave a much more honest review, why? 

Privacy is important, when you go to vote in your country ("we assume you live in a vote-based state"), the vote you make is done in total privacy and anonymity, this will make sure you vote for what you truly think it's best for your country, or what the media engraved in your brain. The same applies to Fiverr, We know it's fun to have 5 big stars shown near your names but the real question is, are those real? We don't want to digress into the deep existential conversation here because we risk going off-topic. So in short having a private vote is good to ensure you keep pushing yourself and make sure the customer is more than happy, you have always to aim for the 110%. 

So what happens when the customer leaves a secret review?

Well first of all it's on the Fiverr platform, maybe after he completed the questionnaire because it was a happy client he can browse some more of your gig or maybe he can find another gig from another seller, from there it's the wild west, most users tend to close immediately after because they feel they completed the task they were assign to do, but Fiverr has some sexy trick up their sleeves, you sexy robot...

2. Community safety

So now at the opposite end of the scale we have, a Fiverr gig creator that was not able to make the client happy, in most of the cases it is proven that the user will immediately feed a negative visible review to the system to manifest his experience. but there is still a big portion of the market that will leave the platform unsatisfied and will probably never come back. this is a big nono. to ensure this after a gig is completed Fiverr does the hard job of trying to understand what went wrong in your work, they don't need to tell you what went wrong but they must do, but if the client was not entirely satisfied as a gig seller if you have some brain you can analyze his responses or simply ask. 

So in the rare occasion an unhappy customer decides to come back and post a secret score review after the gig is done there is a small chance that the Fiverr robot find a nice way to make them a new potential customer for another seller, for example, he can offer some discount code, or simply an apology message, what you have to know is for sure Fiverr eye will look at you differently from that moment, not that will shadowban you or blacklist you but simply imagine that you throw a punch right in the face of the principal at school, what will happen next can vary drastically vary on how strong the punch was, but the action itself will be punished for sure, not much you have to worry about, I mean what is a punch to the face of a person compared to the grand scale of the universe?


We hope that we delivered some insight and make you feel more comfortable about the argument, please don't punch people.

Sorry, for some reason this reads as though it's coming from Fiverr staff. Could be misleading if you are not.

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Guest lloydsolutions
23 minutes ago, yannisenglish said:

Could be misleading if you are not.

Definitely not!

This is a new seller with no sales who joined Fiverr just this month.

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On 7/20/2022 at 4:13 PM, hbfs_studio said:

Hello donnovan86,
As further clarification on what others said on this topic, we can confirm that users indeed can leave a private review even after they mark the order as completed, and is very important for keeping a safe and secure environment on Fiverr, let us shine some light on this argument.


As a Fiverr seller, you should always encourage people to review your work critically because this not only will make you improve but also will improve the Fiverr community userbase, a happy client is more likely to be a returning customer or promote the platform to other people, and this is something the Fiverr big robotic brain like to see.

The reason why private review exists is for two main reasons, 

  1. User sometimes forgets/doesn't care about leaving a review.


"It's difficult to imagine in this day and age where all is based around people reviews and thoughts that there is still a big chunk of people that are not interested in feeding the poor Kirby algorithm with stars".

so having a call back to action mail by Fiverr is a very good marketing strategy not only for you but for the whole platform, we all know that most people on Fiverr work hard to make their clients happy, and Fiverr knows this too! So if you delivered quality work, which we are sure you did and will continue doing, your client is most likely a happy person living his beautiful day but forgot or dint care about leaving a review, the moment he press on the "call to action" button in his/her email he will for sure leave a much more honest review, why? 

Privacy is important, when you go to vote in your country ("we assume you live in a vote-based state"), the vote you make is done in total privacy and anonymity, this will make sure you vote for what you truly think it's best for your country, or what the media engraved in your brain. The same applies to Fiverr, We know it's fun to have 5 big stars shown near your names but the real question is, are those real? We don't want to digress into the deep existential conversation here because we risk going off-topic. So in short having a private vote is good to ensure you keep pushing yourself and make sure the customer is more than happy, you have always to aim for the 110%. 

So what happens when the customer leaves a secret review?

Well first of all it's on the Fiverr platform, maybe after he completed the questionnaire because it was a happy client he can browse some more of your gig or maybe he can find another gig from another seller, from there it's the wild west, most users tend to close immediately after because they feel they completed the task they were assign to do, but Fiverr has some sexy trick up their sleeves, you sexy robot...

2. Community safety

So now at the opposite end of the scale we have, a Fiverr gig creator that was not able to make the client happy, in most of the cases it is proven that the user will immediately feed a negative visible review to the system to manifest his experience. but there is still a big portion of the market that will leave the platform unsatisfied and will probably never come back. this is a big nono. to ensure this after a gig is completed Fiverr does the hard job of trying to understand what went wrong in your work, they don't need to tell you what went wrong but they must do, but if the client was not entirely satisfied as a gig seller if you have some brain you can analyze his responses or simply ask. 

So in the rare occasion an unhappy customer decides to come back and post a secret score review after the gig is done there is a small chance that the Fiverr robot find a nice way to make them a new potential customer for another seller, for example, he can offer some discount code, or simply an apology message, what you have to know is for sure Fiverr eye will look at you differently from that moment, not that will shadowban you or blacklist you but simply imagine that you throw a punch right in the face of the principal at school, what will happen next can vary drastically vary on how strong the punch was, but the action itself will be punished for sure, not much you have to worry about, I mean what is a punch to the face of a person compared to the grand scale of the universe?


We hope that we delivered some insight and make you feel more comfortable about the argument, please don't punch people.

With the rise of private reviews, I'm beginning to think that public reviews are now overrated seeing as they are optional. And I'm sure that's exactly what most buyers are thinking. This doesn't really sit well with me as a seller as I can't read a buyers mind to know whether he/she is actually satisfied with the work. 

Like you said, one of the purpose of private feedback is for buyers to leave a more honest review ANONYMOUSLY. So if a buyer wants to remain anonymous, maybe Fiverr should consider censoring out the buyer's name and make that review (not necessarily public, but) visible to the seller after each evaluation period. 

Edited by dean_a_plus
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11 hours ago, lloydsolutions said:

This is a new seller with no sales who joined Fiverr just this month.



Um... @frank_d, I think they stole your profile image. I mean... can't prove it, but...

image.png.e5e2eef0d73ef969ed890df36e7da808.png image.png.4dc83ab36cfdb8c8fb57d7b943c078ad.png

Those sure look like the same lighting artifacts over the shoulders to me.

Edit: which, after glancing at the main Fiverr profile, means they've probably stolen other stuff too. (They have, but I'm not going to point out specifics here.)

Edited by imagination7413
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12 minutes ago, imagination7413 said:



Um... @frank_d, I think they stole your profile image. I mean... can't prove it, but...

image.png.e5e2eef0d73ef969ed890df36e7da808.png image.png.4dc83ab36cfdb8c8fb57d7b943c078ad.png

Those sure look like the same lighting artifacts over the shoulders to me.

Edit: which, after glancing at the main Fiverr profile, means they've probably stolen other stuff too. (They have, but I'm not going to point out specifics here.)

Yeah this member is definitely not happy with their restriction (which I didn’t actually have the pleasure of pulling the trigger of) and it seems that they are doing this to get back to me, or whatever.

What I find weird is how a 0 sales brand new account jumped right in and tried to act as if they have all the answers on all things Fiverr.

They also claimed they were a big team and threw around several names and titles.


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11 hours ago, yannisenglish said:

Sorry, for some reason this reads as though it's coming from Fiverr staff. Could be misleading if you are not.

They are full of baloney.

Whoever is behind this account is trying way too hard to sound like an expert on all things Fiverr.

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