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What's for dinner tonight?


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I would do everything to have a slice of my granny’s pie. 🙂

You will, be patient, you will. 😀

Note: Somehow some folks have misunderstood this. I was merely suggesting that one day, he will see his beloved granny again.

How the heck does someone flag as inappropriate a comment suggesting that someone will meet their granny again in the afterlife?

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Here is what was somehow misconstrued:

Hey all, I suggest trying not to worry too much about an occasional flag. I haven’t looked at the flag history on this thread and I don’t plan to, but I know that sometimes people flag because they misunderstand something or because something that is happening to them currently makes them see a post through another “color of glass.”

Think of the forum as a huge room full of people from all over the world, of all ages, all experiencing different things. Naturally there are going to be differences of opinion and communications that are confusing. No worries, grab a :milk_glass:

Since this was a food thread, I’m trying to stay in the food theme. I offer up these peace-making snack tables for everyone reading:

Forum North Party Wall:


Forum East Party Balcony:


Forum South Party Table:


Forum West Coffee and Drinks Area:


(Fiverr may impose St. Levels Day on us soon, but we forum mods know how to set up a party anyway!)

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Hey all, I suggest trying not to worry too much about an occasional flag. I haven’t looked at the flag history on this thread and I don’t plan to, but I know that sometimes people flag because they misunderstand something or because something that is happening to them currently makes them see a post through another “color of glass.”

Think of the forum as a huge room full of people from all over the world, of all ages, all experiencing different things. Naturally there are going to be differences of opinion and communications that are confusing. No worries, grab a :milk_glass:

Since this was a food thread, I’m trying to stay in the food theme. I offer up these peace-making snack tables for everyone reading:

Forum North Party Wall:

Forum East Party Balcony:

Forum South Party Table:

Forum West Coffee and Drinks Area:


(Fiverr may impose St. Levels Day on us soon, but we forum mods know how to set up a party anyway!)

Ohhhh dear, boy am I in trouble.

Once I finish eating everything on those tables, I’ll hit the gym…

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Guest sara19841

Ohhhh dear, boy am I in trouble.

Once I finish eating everything on those tables, I’ll hit the gym…

We’ll help roll you there :rofl:

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I would say so . . . they say it is all right as long as you do not answer yourself!

image I meant to only post one, but there were so many good ones!



Just found this one too! I really need to stom and get to work!


Oh, my gosh! B E A U T I F U L!

Vickie, now this is what I call an excellent skillet presentation. 🍤

I’m a seafood lover, so yes this is right up my alley. 😍

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