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Everything posted by zeus777

  1. I went to Starbucks and bought this. VERY strange looking to say the least. No it's not Mothra's egg. It's supposed to be a "cocoa blueberry cream pie." It tastes better than it looks.
  2. Excuse me your majesty ( or is "your grace" better??), how in the heck do you pronounce this word?? Alright then, I'll give it a try. Hello dear. Always a pleasure to read your posts. I wish I had writing skills like you. How do I get writing jobs? I don't own any hats. I guess I'll have to DIY one? Long live the new king.
  3. What makes me stand out?? As a Fiverr seller?? To be honest I'm not sure. I draw and translate, but there are SO many people here with multiple skills so I don't think I'm that unique. I do understand two languages and the differences in the culture between the states in Japan but...again there are plenty of people like that here. I have cats at home, nothing new, my hair is getting pretty long because I'm growing it out for donation but I'm sure there are people with longer hair...I'm a foodie...I'm a nerd...I suck at whistling and I can't snap my fingers... OK, I have dozens of kimonos, that makes me a bit different. Sorry, that's the only thing I can come up with!!
  4. OOOOOHHHHHH, my favorite!! Buta-bara-ramen!! I dunno why but in Japan fall is said to be the season for a big appetite ( for me the season doesn't matter at all!) so I'll be eating a lot for sure. Just need to make sure to hit the gym and keep the weight off! I'm looking forward to the temperature cooling down, the humidity in Tokyo is just....annoying. I can take the heat, but the humidity is a killer.
  5. I'd say this. The piano solo is just so damn PERFECT.
  6. I'm glad I was able to make you guys smile. 😄 And true, he does look unimpressed, he's got the "Meh" look. What can I say, he's a cat... While I was on the bus/walking on the street, a good number of people came up to me to say hi to him. That' was nice!
  7. YIIIIIIIIIIIIIKIES, that's a big one!!!! It's good to know that it's not dangerous, but that's a HELL NO for me, even though I am OK with spiders. Of course if I ever go to Australia and see one, I'll just take it outside. No need to kill it. As for cockroaches, I just let it go. Because I know my cats will butcher it...
  8. zeus777


    Oh but I sure damn do!
  9. Well, kind of. I took him to the vet and as you can see the little cat carrier has a dome on it and it looks like a mini space ship... So I had to do this. I hope this makes some of you smile even for just 3 seconds!
  10. zeus777


    I'm a grown-@$$ adult myself, but I'll gladly join you any day, good sir. BTW when I saw the word "Balls" I went "huh?" but then I saw that it was posted by Mike I knew I had to click on it. No regrets. I like the blue ones, my favorite color.
  11. Generally speaking, I'm OK with bugs. I love ladybugs, (if I see them land on me, I let them stay there and chill), I once had a Disney princess moment when a butterfly landed on my nose, I also saved a praying mantis standing in the middle of the road (I didn't want him to get run over by a car), back in Japan we see cicadas all the time. If I see a spider in the house, I usually take them outside. Mosquitoes though...sorry, I slap them with zero hesitation.
  12. Dang, now that's a hard one...There are actually many things I'd like to ask. I can get pretty serious with this, but I don't want to offend anyone so I'll need to be careful. <Insert Jeopardy music.....> OK, I can't come up with anything that's witty and yet not too serious at the same time. I'll just ask why he decided to create cockroaches and mosquitos.
  13. @vickieito I've never been to Taco Bell, but I have been to Chipotle a few times. Also Taco Del Mar and also this place near my college in San Jose, La Victoria. I like burritos, but was never a taco fan. There's this also this authentic family owned Mexican restaurant near my friend's house, I go there quite often. 😄 Also just the other day I ate tamales for the first time in my life. It was good!! ( sorry damooch, I'm going off track on this post. If I come up with another good bad movie advice, I'll post it!)
  14. I've lived in the states for nearly 20 years and I've never eaten at Taco Bell. And now that I've read this, I think I never well. OK now I need to come up with my own example... The only one I have right now is this: "OK, let's split up." ~any random teenager/college student horror movie~
  15. So I got up, made some coffee and banana pancakes, started up my laptop and noticed I had a message. OK, let's take a look. It said "Hi. How do I message you?" ..............I think you have already messaged me....? So I reply with "I'm sorry I don't understand your question." He replied pretty quickly and said something like "I want to message you." ........OK, I give up. Good bye. Sorry. I'm not good with riddles.
  16. Hi there, Just wanted to say that I went and saw your video of the little green character. I laughed out loud when I saw the lips popping out. I used to to traditional hand-drawn animation for my college classes so I can easily imagine how long that short clip must have taken. I wish you the best of luck! 😄
  17. Awe dang, does this mean I need to respond with lyrics? I can't come up with anything, and to make things worse the horse with no name song is stuck in my head. ( dang it, thanks Mike...) I can't get it out. I need to release it from my brain. I need to.... LET IT GOOOOOOOO LET IT GOOOOOOOOO
  18. Whuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut?? Sorry, never heard of that before. Where did you get that info?? I didn't know our bodies came with an auto self-hair-cleaning ability like that. I always use shampoo, but there really isn't a particular brand I prefer. So far all the shampoos I've been using are working quite well for me. Also @mandyzines that fluffy white fellow is TOO cute, love the way the tongue is sticking out and the face is smooshed! Here's my fur monster btw.
  19. Love to see a pic of your awesome cat! (Or have you posted one before...? Oh well, I want to see more 😁) During the lockdown my cat clearly enjoyed taking over my lap and using my foot as a pillow. It felt pretty good though. nice and fluffy. I think having animals is another way to stay healthy. BTW I want a weaponized umbrella too. Instead of bullets and darts, it shoots lightening from the tip and when I spin it around it produces M&Ms.
  20. I admit, I have some "chub rolls" in my thigh area and I was having the hardest time trying to getting them off...and I've given up. Right now my goal is to keep it the way it is, not add butter to those existing rolls! 🤣 I don't mind gray/white hair, but I want them to grow in a certain way. If I can have those cool skunk-streaks in my bangs, that will look so awesome. But a strand here and a strand there...nah. I know, I'm being picky!!
  21. That name sounded familiar....and I went back and checked my orders, and yup, 2013, there it was. I ordered a "make your wish come true" gig from him, out of 100000% PURE desperation. I've mentioned this before at the forum so some of you guys might remember, but my dear cat ran away from home, and while we saw him walking around in the neighborhood, he showed NO signs of coming back in the house. Now some might think "Pffft, that poor cat didn't want to be trapped inside your damn house, just let him enjoy his freedom!" I get that, but this cat was....strange. Once he goes out of the house, you can TELL he wants to come back inside...but he can't for some reason. While he is walking around, he will give us this "Why won't you come and get me human?" look as he runs away each time we got close to him. He's gone outside several times BTW and the same thing happened each time. When we fiiiinally managed to catch him and get him inside the house, again he'll give us this " Sheesh, what took you so long human?" look as he purred on my lap. That's just how he was. (We call it "tsun-dere" in Japan, if you are an otaku you know what this means.) Anyway, this one particular time it was really bad, he kept meowing and walking around the house but juuuuuuust won't get his furry butt back inside the house, we spent days making the clinking sounds with forks on the side of his favorite can food but wasn't working. (This works like magic on the other cats though) So out of pure desperation I bought the gig, asking him make my cat come back inside the house. Fast forward a few weeks later ( yes, WEEKS!! ) he came back home. Now you might be thinking did this gig work? Did his prayer or ritual make my cat want to come inside the house? I...don't think so. Again, it took weeks of me and my mother calling his name, walking around with his favorite snack, chasing him as he tried to run away etc etc etc etc, basically it was pure hard work that got him back inside the house. Now IF he was sitting right outside the door one morning and casually walked back inside, I would have started my own "The House of Gabonne Worshiper" cult.
  22. I can say that I AM trying to age somewhat gracefully. While I do enjoy eating junk food/unhealthy stuff ( like tonkotsu ramen and tempura, yakiniku etc etc, you know how food is in Japan) every now and then, I do drink but not that much, I go to the gym once a week, during lockdown I took walks. I still ended up gaining 4 pounds or so, but after working out I'm back to my previous weight. I think I get enough sleeping time too. My skin looks OK overall, my hair is VERY strong and thick and my hairdresser calls it the "shimenawa rope of the Izumo Shrine" (if you guys don't know what I'm talking about, you can Google it), and I guess it's the Asian genes but I do look younger than my age. Still, I do see some gray hair poking out every now and then ( when you have black hair it reaaaallly stands out), and I'm not 18 years old anymore where I can workout and lose weight right away. Aside from eating/sleeping/somewhat working out, my secret to staying healthy and taking care of myself is to laugh. Not joking, I'm serious. Laugh out loud. I make sure to watch a funny Youtube video or something before I go to sleep, laugh out loud, and go to sleep in a happy mood. It works!
  23. zeus777

    lets talk

    If I had anything, I mean ANYTHING, a rope, twine, ribbon, even duct tape, I would have given that to the guy. Too bad I only had a dog leash in my hand...and I can't give that away!
  24. zeus777

    lets talk

    OK, sure, we can talk. ( but for some who posted a thread that says "Let's talk," your post is very, very short OP) First of all to answer your question, more than 10 years ago when I started out as a new seller, I got about 5~6 orders during my first week. What's my secret you may ask? I performed this ancient Japanese ritual where I danced under the full moon with my cats on the roof, wearing a pink and purple polka dotted kimono while holding a basket of vegetables and fruits. That's the best way to get those orders coming. Sorry, that was clearly a lie. But I hope the visuals made you smile. I wish I had an interesting story to tell you, but there really isn't much going on. Here's what DID actually happen a few days ago; I was walking my friend's dog on the streets of Seattle, I came across a dude who was clearly high on something, and it was pretty clear that his pants were way too big. Yup, you guessed it. As he was crossing the street, his pants fell to his ankles, exposing his underwear. He started yelling and cussing at his feet, I'm guessing he was angry at his...pants for falling down. I think he was shouting for a good 5 seconds, then he finally pulled his pants up again and started walking. I'm not sure where the guy was headed, but I bet his pants fell down at least 10 more times before he reached his destination. The End.
  25. Awe dang, how did I miss this thread/post? It's a lot to read though, I'll have my coffee ready later so I can take my time to read through everything. It's just hard to look for topics that are interesting, I need to swim through a bunch of spammy posts and in a lot of cases I end up drowning in them 😅 (Good to see you dropping by again, @newsmike!! ) I'll also need some munchies to go with my coffee, I need to decide whether I get the cheesecake blueberry muffin, the lemon bar, the walnut cinnamon rugalech, or the pecan brownies. Gosh, so many options at the Three Girls Bakery!
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