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Everything posted by zeus777

  1. I started as a newbie 10 years ago. We all were newbies at one point. There is a clear difference between a newbie who got orders eventually VS a newbie who never gets orders. THERE IS A REASON why this happens. I'd say 99.9% of the newbies who comes here and complain about not getting orders clearly are not ready to do business. You go check their gigs and in most cases it is no surprise that they are not getting orders. The first thing they need to understand that simply creating a gig is not enough.
  2. Hmmm, @mae_creativity, is this similar enough?? This again is a rather old image but I think it has a similar vibe to it?
  3. Might as well post this too then 🙂 An image I worked on ages of ago. I named it "What pigs dream of" ....well, more like what I dream of.
  4. I think I got 3 or 4 more, in the past 2 weeks but I deleted the email without reading the contents. The first three was completely unrelated to what I offer so I stopped caring. Even if the ones I've deleted were actually something I can work on, I guess I'm OK. Not missing anything really.
  5. Hmm, I think pretty much everything has been already said...but here's mine. Pros: If I am making enough, I can refuse to work on certain gigs/work simply based on the fact that I don't like the client for whatever reason. I know it sounds unprofessional, but I've done this before. Cons: The inconsistency. And oh, I can munch on any snack as much as I want when I want to, and nobody will complain while I am working at home. I don't think I can enjoy my garlic chips at the office, my boss will kill me.
  6. I can't believe I missed this post...I'm sorry Frank, I know I am late but happy birthday!! I hope you had food, cake, drinks, singing and dancing, laughing, hugging and high-fiving, all the good stuff! 😄
  7. With this guy sitting on the fabric rolling around, that number sounds about right...
  8. I've done it 10 million times but he STILL didn't get it!!! What kind of magic did you use!??
  9. Actually I came across this youtube tutorial, and it's SO easy to follow!! I believe the Youtuber is Japanese, but her instructions are...well, veeeery simply so anyone can follow it. In my case I took some leftover fabric scraps that were laying around and made a half-size kimono as a practice first, and after that I went full size. The curtain fabric is synthetic material and some areas were SO DARN hard to sew, the stitches are crooked in some areas but since I made sure the thread/fabric colors match up, the crookedness isn't that visible. Now that I know am capable of doing this, I can see myself sewing more kimonos in the future for sure. In fact I'm thinking of making one using Halloween pattern fabric. I now, it's way too early to think about Halloween, but nothing wrong with getting started early! 😄 Hahaha, hmmmmmm.....I can charge hundreds of dollars, muwahahahahahaha. Jokes aside, here's the tutorial if anyone is interested. It took me over 10 hours for me to sew it by hand, but I'm sure you can finish this in less than 5 hours if you use the sewing machine. And oh, if you have a cat (or any pet) at home, the part where you cut the patterns will take a very long time since they keep sitting on the fabric!
  10. I'm not sure if there are people still checking out this thread, but since I'm seeing the usual spam-ish posts increasing again, I'm just gonna add my newest creation here to distract myself from them. I'm sure a lot of people are familiar with Studio Ghibli and the wonderful world of Hayao Miyazaki. I love Totoro, I grew up with it, and I don't care how old I get, I will always love that creature with the dead fish eyes. A few months ago I was shopping and passed this Studio Ghibli shop. At the entrance was this thing called "noren," basically it's like a piece of cloth. I guess I can call it a Japanese style curtain?? Anyway, on the noren was Totoro. First I thought hey, that looks cute, but then I thought hey...that's pretty wide...and long...maybe I can cut that thing apart and make a kimono...? I went home, did some sketches, made sure I planned everything out, then I went online and bought 3 pieces of the noren curtains. BTW it took me FOREVER!!! to decide because there were about 12 designs and all of them were so darn cute. I started sewing, and 13 hours later I was done. Me is very happy.
  11. Well guess what, I myself just received a brief for the first time, and it's translation! Problem was, it was a German to English translation. Uh, hello, WHERE in my gig description does it say that I can speak/understand German? I was BORN in Germany but I lived there for only a year, if I try to gather all the German words I somehow know, it'll be less than 10 for sure. The whole "You're a match!" is so.....I dunno. Just wrong.
  12. OK so I was working on this kimono for the past 2 days. I CANNOT use the sewing machine so I did this all by hand, and I'm quite proud! 😄 I found the fabric and fell in love with it, I had to make it. My mother looked shocked when she found out I've hand-sewn the whole thing. I'm sure she said something like "You're crazy." at one point. Thank you mother, I'm your dang daughter.
  13. Looks like the OP likes anime stuff, I guess I can add this one too. I drew this during lockdown, and maybe you've already noticed but once I start drawing detailed backgrounds I can't stop...
  14. I'm no voice actor ( in fact I don't like my voice) but my English (according to my US friends) is "pure west coast American English with some odd British accents sprinkled on top here and the for some reason." Not sure what that means, but I sometimes jokingly switch over to a fake British accent in the middle of the conversation and usually everyone laughs. I might be terrible with faking an accent, but hey at least I'm making people laugh!!
  15. OK, I want to have a slice of blueberry pie now. I like how it looks @imagination7413, especially the sliiiiiiightly burnt edges of the golden brown crust!!
  16. This has nothing to do with Fiverr but I drew this a while ago....I don't even remember when, hehehe. It's a rather old piece but I still like it. (I tend to not like my older pieces because they tend to suck at times.....)
  17. An English conversation teacher here. Sorry but there is NO way to easily improve. It's sad that so many students that come has this unrealistic dream of becoming a bilingual in 6 months. There are maaaaany ways to study and since there are so many options, it's best if you look around and find the one that is best for you. You can watch English shows with the English subtitles on like @nelsnj said above, that worked for me when I was studying. Listen to the English, read the subtitles, and repeat the lines out loud. The most important thing is to accept the fact that it is going to take a long time to get to a certain level.
  18. Dang, that's funny and quite smart actually. Maybe I'll use a similar line in my gig description since way too many people message me without reading the description. I won't use "mustard" though (I don't like mustard...), since I'm from Japan I'd with something like "soy sauce."
  19. The word he WANTED was 花鳥風月, which says flower, bird, wind, moon. Basically it means "all the beautiful things in nature." The word he sent me was 四字熟語 which means "4 character idioms." There are tons of these " 4 character idioms" in Japan, another example is 一石二鳥, and the characters means "one, stone, two, bird." Yup you guessed it, it's the Japanese version of "killing two birds with one stone." So flower, bird, wind, moon is a type of 4 character idiom, and that's what he wanted as a tattoo, but the word he sent me was "4 character idiom." So what I told him was that if wanted a tattoo of a PARTICULAR 4 character idiom that's great, and that I can check that idiom for him. However IF he was planning on getting the WORD " 4 character idiom," it will look dumb as hell.
  20. So being a Japanese, I've seen TONS of strange Japanese tattoos that made me go "Does the person really know what that means?"| I get the feeling this happens a lot in different languages too. I've seen a guy with the word "women's body" on his arm (maybe he appreciates the beauty of a women's body), I've seen a girl with "obnoxious" on the back of her neck (I wonder if she has any friends) My friend saw a dude with the word "kitchen" on his arm (maybe he likes to cook), etc etc. The other day I was asked to translate a certain word, and I told the person I'd be glad to help. When he placed the order he added a message saying "I know what the word means already but just wanted to be 100% sure. I'm gonna get a tattoo." The moment I saw the word "tattoo" in the message I sensed trouble. I looked at the word, I translated the word for him, and delivered the order along with a long message telling him that he should NOT get the tattoo. He replied telling me that he thought it was a completely different word. Well, I'm glad I was able to save him from an embarrassment of a lifetime.
  21. OK, so, um....dark mode??? What am I missing here??? (all the stuff I do on Fiverr is done on my PC and I don't use the app, maybe that's why I'm confused)
  22. Ugh, excuse me??? You completely copy/paste what I typed, slap on a "Hey," at the very start, and then post it as your own opinion? Shame on you. Thank you @maitasun for noticing and pointing it out right away! How in the heck do you teach a grown-@$$ adult that stealing is wrong? But I guess in his mind he's just thinking he "borrowed" it. Seriously...
  23. Ohhhhh, but there were plenty of times where we really helped newbies out, and I think a good number of us still do. The thing is though, at least for me, I get pretty picky. 😅 If I see a post that says "I have no sales help me," I will at least go check their gig out. It takes usually less than 10 seconds for me to tell whether the seller put in a decent amount of effort in creating that gig or not. I know this is going to sound mean, but I'd say 99.99% of the time even if I did leave helpful comments, those sellers won't bother listening because the advice I give is too much work. After that happens several hundred times, you start ignoring them most of the time. Every now and then I will come across a new seller who actually has skills and is still trying to look for a way to improve. Sellers like that usually take their time explaining their situation rather than just saying help me I have no sales. When I go check their gigs, they look pretty decent already, and just needed a little bit of tweaking. And guess what, those new types of sellers tend to get a lot of actual helpful comments, and they will go ahead and make those changes. Sad thing is though, I'm seeing fewer of those new sellers with potential. I think they are being drowned in the Spam Sea.
  24. I gotta say this post is becoming just like the other ones. "Thank you." (What exactly are you thankful for?) "Thank you for your kind information." (I don't think I saw any "kind" information in the OP's message) "Thank you for your useful information." (The OP posted a reminder, it's a bit different from being useful) I've seen numerous posts from people who are getting frustrated by the current spammy condition of the forum which did often lead to posts that some might see as "discriminating," so the OP posts the message to hopefully remind us about certain things, and yet again it's getting all spammy. I wonder how many more comments this post is gonna get in the next 24 hours.😅
  25. zeus777


    I forgot who it was, but there was some celebrity lady who came from a country where tips weren't really a thing, went to the US and was drinking at a bar. The bartender immediately recognized who she was and got reaaaaalllly excited because she thought she'll get a HUGE tip. Well since Miss Celebrity didn't know about tips, she thanked the bartender and left.....and the bartender chased after her and got into a huge argument. Not sure what happened in the end though. OK, I get it, generally speaking, it IS a nice thing to tip. I get that. The celebrity lady was clearly rich, the bartender heard the ka-ching sound in her head, but got upset because she got nothing. Alright, fine, I get that. But chasing people down the street and demanding more?? I know this happens quite often, but is that considered acceptable? After all, it's not like you NEED to tip. If for example a waitress who was not happy with the amount of tip she got approached a customer in a very calm manner and asked if she did anything wrong, I think that's acceptable. I wonder if anyone got sued over tips. 😅 BTW I love tip jars. People don't check how much you throw in the jar, and since I don't feel any pressure I tend to leave a good amount.
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