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Everything posted by breals

  1. @devmehedi101 Did you not read anything I posted above? Or are you more concerned about creating a pointless backlink to one of your gigs in the vain hope you will get more sales? With just three sales what could a new seller possibly learn form you? I am also struggling to see why you think my post above is funny? but please enlighten me if I have missed anything with your vast experience. Please also note Staying online does not guarantee sales Buyer requests are being phased out in place of buyer briefs.
  2. It's hard to say whether you're in a good position or not. What's important for you is that you feel your gig is the very best it can be, If that's the case you just have to let the algorithm do its part, and you do yours. Judging by how many people on this forum are looking at their impressions on a daily basis and then complaining that they aren't getting sales. I would say that once you're satisfied with your gig you should sit back and BE PATIENT. A lot of freelancers on here, will join Fiverr expecting to get rich quick, (literally overnight) But I can assure you that this won't happen. It takes weeks and sometimes months to get your first order. A lot of people on this thread will also tell you to 'be active online 24' , 'send buyer requests' and 'share on social media' - This process is once again only suitable for the IMPATIENT, and you will quickly become bored of it, and ultimately give up. Over my time on the forum, I have seen lots of people trying to scam the review process, buy using dummy accounts to post fictious 5 star reviews, sharing their gig to literally every social media page that will take it. and creating fake buyer requests to try and generate sales. The point I'm getting at it is, that even though people think they can beat the system, they can't, and the Fiverr algorithm can pick up many different factors that we aren't even aware of. Including IMPATIENCE. So whilst your impressions are low at the minute, I suggest you stick to your plan, and don't do anything stupid. Fiverr rewards well written, innovate and quality gigs. As the poor-quality freelancers fall away in this new world of Fiverr, the good ones will hopefully begin to prosper. Good luck in your journey
  3. I can, you can contact me, I will help @fatemasworld1 I don't understand what you're trying to achieve on this forum? You post a thread asking for help with your gig impressions, which is most likely down to the way you optimise your gigs. Yet you then offer 'your expertise' to someone facing the same issue as you? Your profile states that you have a large team of experts around you for marketing an online business, but you appear to have little idea on how to market your own profile? If you tout yourself as a digital marketer. why do you need the people of this forum, surely it should be all second nature to you?
  4. You have only been on Fiverr since last month. Give it a chance. A lot of people have to wait months before their first order comes through. You claim to be an expert digital marketer. Why don't you use some of this knowledge and experience to grow your own business?
  5. I think you're in a tough niche at the minute. But here is my opinion 1) Your images are very 'busy' try to simplify the message. Sometimes less is more 2) As a new seller, it may sound easy to offer support after you complete the gig. (you offer 3 months aftercare) But as a web designer I know how many people change their plugins, themes and general look. By doing this they will naturally slow their site down and come back to you for free revisions. If you get lots of clients, all you will be doing is tweaking for existing customers, which will leave you very little space for new ones. 3) In my opinion, you will get a lot of freelancers that will come to you for a fast service. (Including website designers like me) You may want to consider offering a gig that will turn around site speed in 24 hours? Just a few though thoughts to consider
  6. Unfortunately. Fiverr is not a 'get rich quick' platform and some freelancers have to wait months before their first order comes through. I suggest you spend the time refining your gigs to be the very best they can be. You will then be best placed to deliver exceptional service and products to your customers when they finally arrive.
  7. @khanasif_321 I would consider using a package like Canva for your gig images. When you become familiar with this you will be able to apply a consistent branding and colour scheme, which will improve the look great. But please remember, less is more sometimes, and I agree that your current images have far too much text on them. Good luck
  8. 1) Your Gig has been plagiarised. If you run it through a checker you will see that it is almost identical to another Gig on Fiverr 2) Your profile image is of Alice Fullwood. Economy Journalist for wall street. 3) You claim to be in the UK, yet when I press contact, your time zone is 2 hours ahead??? The same as Africa? 4) Your one and only review comes from someone with exactly the same gig image and description as you? I therefore suspect that you're not who you say you are, and any potential customers will probably see right through you!
  9. What I'm saying is that there appears to be a consensus by some on this forum that the only way to get impressions and sales is to flood their gig on social media. When in fact the first step is to ensure that a gig is the very best it can be. This takes time, research and thorough planning. Otherwise the freelancer will be what we call in the UK Pi$$ing in the wind....
  10. Your time on this forum has absolutely no bearing on the performance of your gigs! Please do your research on this forum before posting information that is completely incorrect
  11. breals


    There is no secret formula, you just have to put the graft in and make yourself more unique in your field than any of your competitors. If it was easy, we would all be millionaires sipping cocktails on our yachts
  12. So you're telling people not to share a gig on social media for fear of a customer coming to a page and ordering? Interesting Then you're telling people to change their gig description every 14 days? Even more interesting Finally, you're saying to stay online all of the time to ensure you get an order. mmmm! And all of these tips have come from your huge experience of selling on Fiverr right? You don't have a single sale on the platform and have no experience in this field. Rather than posting nonsense for the sake of it. why don't YOU read the forum yourself and implement the correct changes to improve YOUR own gigs? It's unfortunate that some people may read your advice and carry out what you say. The reality is that it will get them nowhere.
  13. @nmemon_gfx As you know this is a forum that is full of sellers. And a lot of the L2, Top rated and pro freelancers are extremely busy running their own businesses. But, from my experience they're happy to give up their precious time and help people who need their questions answered. However, when a new seller comes onto the forum and can only be bothered to post 4 words, there is very little motivation to help them out. Maybe something to think about before assuming you're going to get a detailed answer in return.
  14. You Claim to be an SEO expert on your profile, yet you come on here asking for help on how to optimise your gig? Especially when you state that you can get customers onto page 1 of Google? Also, I'm intrigued? Your profile also states that you're a 'Fiverr verified SEO expert' what does this even mean? Are you trying to convince your customers that you have some secret membership? It's slightly misleading don't you think?
  15. Before you even think about selling anything, you should take the time to read up on GDPR and general privacy rules. Have you gained permission from the people who's data you have listed on your gig images. Names? Telephone numbers? Personal email addresses? If you're a data entry expert, the FIRST thing you should show your customers is that you can guarantee the security of their data, By doing this you have failed at the first hurdle and have cause a data breech.
  16. You have posted on this forum over 200 times, yet you're still providing the same stock answers which are completely incorrect. 1) Why should they open 7 gigs? where have you read that adding gigs for the sake of it will increase your sales? 2) Buyer requests no longer exist. have you bothered to research what has replaced them? Or are you just concerned about gaining credibility badges on here? 3) Staying online does not increase the chances of sales. You have sold 5 gigs in 18 months; it's clearly not working for you. 4) Why are you encouraging people to share on social media when the first thing they need to do is read the forum and improve their gigs. Flooding Facebook and Linkedin with poorly constructed gigs will only worsen BOTH the freelancers and Fiverrs credibility. If you spent more time reading this forum and improving your own sales, as opposed to someone who spouts rubbish at every opportunity, people would take you more seriously.
  17. Hey you might be onto something there. Keep a look out for my next gig. I will let my 5 year old daughter and her Elsa doll convince you to buy a website design from me. Surely that will be Fiverr's choice by the end of the week? Please note, that in the spirit of sharing and caring on this forum she is available for custom work at the rate of 5 lollipops per hour! 😀
  18. Mondays are a weird one when you have small kids. The house at the weekend is a hive of activity when they're around. But then when the clock strikes 9:10 on Monday morning it's just silence. Nice in one way, weird in another. Like @williambryan392 I work a lot of weekends and it can be strange when the days all mould into one, especially when you're on a zoom call and your 5 year old strolls into your office to show my customer her Elsa doll in her underwear. 😀 (Yes, that happened on Saturday) But the one great thing about Mondays, is I can turn my music up and play whatever funky shit I like without my kids and partner looking at me in embarrassment.
  19. Your profile says this My name is Sakil Hosine. I am a Digital Marketing Specialist with a proven track record of helping businesses grow their brand and sales through creative, strategic, and effective marketing solutions. You also claim to have worked with 1000s of clients to grow their business? Why don't you apply these principles to your own gigs. Afterall, if you can't do it for yourself. how can you expect to do it for your customers?
  20. Please stop giving advice that is incorrect. @donnovan86 explained in his update above that buyer requests are being phased out in place of briefs. If you had bothered to read the thread, you would have seen this! Your advice and actions have an effect on new buyers. By telling them to stay online as much as they can is directly affecting their mental health and well-being. There is no need to do this. They just need to have a well-researched, innovative and well executed gig. You have NO sales and therefore no experience in this or any other subject. I suggest you read and learn from experienced sellers as opposed to posting fictional information to gain credibility points.
  21. You're in one of the most competitive niches in Fiverr. So, your gigs and profiles need to reflect that. Currently you have no profile outlining who you are and what you do, and your gig is very basic in terms of description. I also feel that your gig images are very dark and hard to read. If you focus on these three areas, then review your progress over a few weeks this will be a good starting point. Fiver is your shop window, if your customers don't see anything they like, they will simply walk past. What are you going to do to entice them in?
  22. A Classic !!!!!!! 😀 The best song on the planet to sing when you're drunk as a skunk!
  23. Are you really advising people to copy gigs from top rated sellers? Unbelievable? You have no sales on Fiverr and you have NO experience. Stop spouting rubbish and concentrate on growing your own business. Also, staying online also doesn't work either. This topic has been widely published on the forum if you have bothered to read it.
  24. And the correct answer is.... You can't have 2 accounts. End of! Fiverr will detect this and possibly delete your new account. What you're doing goes against the Fiverr TOS @rakib_hasan245 You have no orders on Fiverr and no experience. Some people on this board may listen to your fictious advise. I suggest you spend more time researching this forum on how to get your first sale, as opposed to posting what you THINK is the right answer!
  25. You claim to be a digital marketer, in fact you are 'the best at what you are doing' You should be telling us how to rank a gig. With 5 years experience in this field, you should be able to apply these principles to your Fiverr business and allow it grow. After all, if you can't do it for yourself, how can you do it for your customers.
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