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Everything posted by breals

  1. @mdshafiurrahman As a web designer myself I can offer you three pieces of advice. 1) Showcase your own work. Don't use templates, customers will think that you have no portfolio and therefore no experience. 2) Be unique. There are 93,000 website designers on Fiverr, Just because someone writes or structures their gig certain way doesn't mean you have to do the same. People will decide in a few seconds upon landing on your page whether to stay or not. Are your gigs captivating and innovating enough to get them to stay.? If not, You need to improve it 3) Ignore any advise that has the words, ONLINE 24 HOURS, BUYER REQUESTS or SHARE ON SOCIAL MEDIA.
  2. Yes there is!!!!!!!!!!! Working hard to make your gig innovative and captivating is the correct answer. Please don't come on here claiming to be a marketing expert with the same answer as everyone else. You more than anyone should understand the benefits of a unique and fully optimised service.
  3. Read the advice above, But I have to say that coming on here as a SEO 'expart' is a little concerning as your gigs state that you will increase the rank of people websites with your in-depth knowledge. As a team we are proud to say we are experts in ✔ Onsite SEO ✔ Offsite SEO ✔ High-Quality manual link building service ✔ Competitor Analysis ✔ Keyword Research ✔ SEO Audit ✔ Local SEO & More Services.
  4. Just answer me this simple question. Did you spend any time reading the forum and the posts already made on this subject before adding this? This subject is covered multiple times every day. You need to spend the time reading these posts to understand how Fiverr works. Don't take the lazy option.
  5. There are currently 80,000 data entry clerks on Fiverr all striving to be at the top of the tree. You have been a freelancer since 2017 with no sales to your name. What have you done differently to try and enhance your gig and your profile? Here is a starting point for you...... No one will order from you if you can't spell correctly. Your gig images state copy and past. When it should be paste? Also database should be one word not two. This is from just one gig image. If your entire credibility relies on you providing accurate data to your clients, then you're failing at the first hurdle. Don't try and be something you're not as potential customers will see straight through you. Especially if you claim to be fluent in English.
  6. This is not good advice, It is utter rubbish!!!!! Staying online does not increase your impressions and chances of sales. @ismika_rahman_i encouraging new freelancers to stay in front of their workstations waiting for an order is irresponsible. Also, flooding the social media pages with poorly written and poorly executed gigs only seeks to devalue the hard work that other freelancers put into making their gigs the best they can be. Here is my advice. Do the research, make the changes to your gig and evaluate the results. Don't share ANYTHING until you're 100% satisfied that your gig is better than everyone else in your niche. Otherwise you become another sheep in an ever growing flock!!!
  7. I couldn't agree more with @smashradio One of the 200 or so factors in the Google algorithm is evidencing real 'organic' traffic. These gigs historically tend to do more harm than good, as the poor quality can actually de-rank a site. I've always struggled to understand why people would pay for such a gig in Asia, when it is blatantly obvious that for the cost you will get little more than bot traffic. Unfortunately, some people fall for it and have to face the consequences of their poor decisions. So whilst it may be disappointing for you, this is actually a good thing for Fiverr, as it is beginning to recognise that this type of service is nothing more than a false promise from the seller, and really harmful for the buyer.
  8. It has been widely publicised on this forum that staying online all of the time does not increase your chances of sales. Please stop posting incorrect information to confuse new members.
  9. Are you even surprised at this point? (And yet, that will be the advice repeated/listened to, over and over again...) That was a more 'disillusioned really; than a proper one. I have been on this forum for a little over 2 months and I can't believe that the same recycled rubbish is repeated over and over again. I shudder to think what these social media pages look like with all of the badly written and ill advised gigs being thrown around. Meh! 🙂
  10. That is complete rubbish! You can increase your impressions by creating a gig that is market leading, innovative and original. Promoting on social media will only bring you a short term fix if someone chooses to click it. This fixation with promoting gigs on social media only seeks to flood these platforms with low quality, badly written gigs, which in turn devalues the hardwork that other freelancers put in. Do the hard work, research your business and apply the changes.
  11. breals

    Your New King

    Your majesty. I am bitterly disappointed that 4pm Earl Grey tea and scones has been omitted from your manifesto. This, along with the need to now destroy my 6 pairs of ankle socks has left me facing the guillotine and/or banishment to the far away land of gig impressions and buyer requests. I trust your majesty will reconsider the needs of the common British folk, and our strange eclectic tastes? Your loyal servant.
  12. breals

    I'm alive

    What a thoughtful post. When you strip away all of the spammy crap on this forum, it's good to see a bit of humanity remains. I hope you're ok?
  13. Ouch! That's a whole new thread @newsmike I will need to get some supplies in for that one as my reply may be a novel. With lots of profanities 🙂
  14. WTF is a 'Limited' nuclear war? One where they will only plan to nuke each other during business working hours?
  15. You don't pay the customer, you pay Fiverr initially. Only when you're satisfied that the work has been completed do you accept the order and the freelancer is paid. So it's simple, if you haven't had what you ordered, don't accept the delivery.
  16. According to your feedback, the customer stated that you were rude. You may therefore want to think about your customer service skills before accepting any more offers. It's not all about delivering on time. You have to be exceptional at what you do to get 5 stars, otherwise you're just average. This has also been stated in your feedback
  17. Please spend more time reading this forum and less time providing people incorrect information. Staying online does not increase impressions or sales.
  18. breals


    Very sad and strange times. Lived my whole life with the Queen at the helm. Now we have King Charles the III. It feels very odd to say and hear that. RIP Elizabeth, you have been an amazing public servant.
  19. It's really disappointing to see that you parade yourself on your profile as an SEO expert, yet you come to the forum asking for help on optimising your gigs. Hello! Digifixlab Here, I have 3 years of experience in the field of Digital Marketing and SEO Services. I have worked with over 100+ clients from local and international. If you have the skills you elude to in your profile then you should be able to effectively rank your gig better than anyone on this forum. Fiver is a search engine, you just need to apply the same principles as you would normally do in your profession
  20. Then spend the time reading the forum and learning from experienced sellers. If you have no sales, how do you know the content is correct? Don't post for the sake of it. It doesn't help the forum, and it only seeks to waste your time when you should be researching your niche and implementing the changes you have learned.
  21. Does this person know that you're copying their article and passing it off as your own? How to get more click and view on my Fiverr gig - Quora Sometimes it's better to just read the forum and understand how Fiverr works than trying to get credibility points. All you're doing is embarrassing yourself!
  22. Like all search engines, Fiverr will move gigs around based on a number of different factors. (The algorithm) What you see one day, may be completely different to someone else sees. With lots of new sellers joining, and some people dropping off there will inevitably be change. What you have to do is remain patient and have confidence in your gig. Hopefully it'll bounce back soon. Your gigs seem great by the way! You're clearly a really talented man.
  23. You should consult with a SEO expert who has helped businesses grow with organic traffic! Oh wait! You are that expert, So why don't you apply the principles that you claim to be an expert in and grow your business? If you are charging customers upwards of $500 this should be a walk in the park for you!
  24. Your comment has just made me 'ugly laugh'!!!!!! So you believe that there is a Fiverr bot crawling this forum, looking for people to punish on their main selling account? And a confused bot at that! Unbelievable!!! If you read the forum, you would understand that there is NO link between this platform and the selling platform. None whatsoever! You're advice is complete gibberish, and is only seeking to confuse people. Please don't post guidance on here unless it is based on true facts you have researched, or personal experience based on many sales. You have neither!
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