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Everything posted by breals

  1. A bit of advice. Your gig description made my eyes hurt. What's with the icons and colours? This may be the reason you may not be getting orders, because your customers will need to take a paracetamol after reading it.
  2. You have ask this same question multiple times already since Saturday. Have you not yet read the forum from the contributors and applied these changes to your gigs? It's a very lazy approach to keep repeating yourself until you get an answer you like that doesn't involve heard work and dedication.
  3. Hey @samus_x 1) I live in Wales, so I am a native English speaker. (Although I have a stupid accent) 2) What a lot of people outside the UK don't realise that people from Wales also have another language. (Welsh) Whilst I don't speak it fluently myself, I know the basics to get me by. To prevent it from dying out it is part of the curriculum at our schools alongside French and German. But one thing I have found about British people is that we arrogantly expect everyone to speak our language . Most people on mainland Europe speak 2 or even 3 languages pretty fluently, so in that respect I think that we are a little narrow minded. Ian
  4. Some of my best work is designed with a pint of beer, and the genius that is Dave Grohl to keep me company 🙂
  5. No is doesn't, please stop spouting fake information to new buyers. It's posts like this that litters Fiverr with unnecessary and duplicate gigs. With 10 sales in a year it has hardly helped you. I agree with @samus_x Do it if you feel you can stretch your skills, but don't compromise on quality. The race to 7 gigs competition that seems to be going on at the minute is unhealthy and foolish. If you can't get one gig right, why will the others be any different? @niazseopro you claim to be an expert on rankings and Search Engine Optimisation? I suggest you read more about how Fiverr works on this forum before posting fictitious information.
  6. Do you think it might be something to do with the fact that your gigs are plagiarised by legitimate digital marketers? A simple plagiarism check on your social media gig shows that you have taken the content from here. I'm sure the Fiverr bot has this on it's 'to do list' But just in case I have reported you for non original content. You claim to be a digital marketer, with the 'upmost of sincerity and honesty, yet your own content is not original. Anyone doing their due diligence can see that you're clearly not as experienced or as trustworthy as you claim.
  7. 15 days? It inconceivable to think that with nearly 1 million gigs Fiverr will decide that your site has more authority than someone who has been a freelancer for years, and has multiple high quality reviews. Why do you think that your gig is more important than theirs? You have to do what every other successful businessperson has has to do in their freelancing career. Develop your gig to be the best it can be and wait! You have two gigs both starting at $5. why should Fiverr prioritise you, when there are 25,000 other freelancers in your category that have been here longer than you? It's a fact that the weak will give up after a few months. The strong will keep going and keep refining their gigs., and their authority and credibility will go up and they will begin to receive orders. Expecting orders and revenue after 15 days is quite frankly naïve and a little annoying for the people who have had to wait months for their first order.
  8. What are you and YOUR TEAM doing about growing your business? A lot of us weren't fortunate enough to have people around us to help, we had to do it all of ourselves. With this team, are they reading the forums, identifying changes, implementing them and evaluating the results? Or do you want us to give you and your team the magic formula without you breaking a sweat?
  9. Said the freelancer who joined in January 2022 and still hasn't got an order!!! The 'gig fairy' doesn't magically come along and automatically rank your gig after a period of time. It takes hard work and dedication to break through in sometimes saturated markets. I suggest you understand how Fiverr works before posting inaccurate information.
  10. Have you read the forum and understood that this post has already been repeated hundreds, if not thousands of times? The information is out there and YOU need to find it. Experienced contributors are spending countless hours repeating themselves to people who are too lazy to go and look for the answer. Nearly 1 in 5 freelancers on Fiverr are logo designers. The market is completely saturated, and most of you are trying to get to the fictitious page 1 the week after you upload your gig. YOU need to work hard on your own business to understand what you need to do in your business to stand out. You are the expert in your field so you should be able to provide designs and drawings that are inspiring enough to stand out from the crowd. Which ultimately means, not using templates and being honest about your abilities.
  11. Eat lot of healthy vegetables, drink lots of water and don't stay online 24/7
  12. @shafain876 Do you not read the forum posts before posting? Or do you simply not believe what we're all saying and you are the one that is right? Staying online DOES NOT increase impressions. Your comments are having a serious effect on the health and wellbeing of freelancers. Stop this now and research the correct answer before posting again!
  13. Absolute rubbish!!!! It has been explained time and time again that the time you spend on Fiverr has no relation to your impressions. Please don't provide freelancers with inaccurate information. Read the forum first and understand how the metrics work
  14. The fixation with rankings and page numbers on this forum is becoming quite unhealthy. As a freelancer with just 18 sales you should expect movement on your gig. There are nearly 1 million on Fiverr, why should you sit at the top all of the time? When you provide a CONSISTENT and HIGH QUALITY service day in day out you will start to get sales. All of us, regardless of our seller status experience changes in the position we are in. It happens! However. what makes us different is the fact that we know our gigs, and our profile are bang on where they need to be. This reassurance then means that if we're down one week or month we will probably recover the next. Providing we strive for that CONSISTENT and HIGH QUALITY service. Therefore, you may want to spend time on this forum looking at how you can impact the customer experience on your gig and profiles rather than trying to control the uncontrollable.
  15. Red is STOP you're doing something wrong. Green is GO keep doing what you're doing. Whatever you're doing is making an impression on Fiverr. Excuse the pun!
  16. You have made 7 sales so far, well done, but don't run before you can walk. Your first goal is to become a good freelancer. Create market leading gigs and deliver exceptional customer service day in day out. But please note, the path to TRS isn't easy, it can take years to get there, and even when you hit the metrics, you're not guaranteed to be accepted. Unlike level 1 and level 2, top rated seller status requires a manual vetting of your gigs and profile. There's nothing wrong with striving for the top, but success takes a lot of research, tenacity and hard work. Being the owner of a business that is helping 15000 people achieve their aims, I'm sure you already know this. 😀
  17. Here is one of your gigs, which contains some pretty bold claims. "I will promote your business with millions of people by Facebook Group." Can't you ask some of your massive network to support you? Because according to your profile you are a "Professional Digital and Social Media Marketer." Surely you should be helping us? after all, you're the expert?
  18. what have you done already? apart from post this message?
  19. @imamuddin2 Wow! What an exceptional business model you have. So you want to grow your Fiverr profile by searching for customers on the internet. (But you don't know where or how) Once you find one, you then want to bring them back to Fiverr, tell them to register and visit your profile with no sales, and finally tell them that they have to pay a fee on top of their budgeted price when they order. Whilst you sacrifice 20% of your earnings????? Why don't you instead concentrate on making the gigs the best they can be on here, and concentrate on making an additional revenue stream outside of Fiverr?
  20. Have you read any posts / topics on this forum yet? Work hard by doing that first, apply the knowledge you have gained into developing your gigs and profile. Ignore any advise about sending buyer requests and social media marketing until you have become the best you can be
  21. You couldn't make it up could you? He must be on pay per emoji contract with someone, or even better a world record attempt? 🙂
  22. Really???????? And to the 5 people that loved this comment Really?????? @sobug_hossain You have made 1 sale on Fiverr. That doesn't make you an expert. I strongly suggest that before posting anymore ridiculous information to earn badges, you spend the time on this forum finding out what the CORRECT response is. It's comments like this that create unnecessary spam posts and responses on this forum.
  23. Staying online for 20-22 hours a day will only do one thing. Exhaust you! Please do not listen to others who say you need to do this to get orders. Spend your time reading this forum, researching and applying that research into improving your gigs. Don't send anymore buyer requests until your 100% sure that your gigs and profile are the best they can be, otherwise you're just wasting your time and valuable sleep.
  24. And other times it feels like you've just walked into the Star Wars Café.
  25. Let's be honest. You haven't exactly given a good impression for your first Fiverr topic have you? Why would anyone want to answer you if all you're doing is barking at them? It's also quite insulting that you think you're better than most other web designers? It's you that's untested on here, not us. As a web designer on Fiverr I could take the time to answer some of you're questions. But, I don't think my BS fanboy answers would live up to your expectations.
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