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Everything posted by breals

  1. It may well be that your gig violates the Fiverr TOS by using organisations such as Microsoft, Amazon and Adobe in the Title. These companies don't like their names being banded around, and it may well be that Fiverr have received complaints from them. As a new seller, Fiverr may think that your 'high quality' backlinks may be spammy and do not want to take the risk? In my opinion only.
  2. It has been stated on this forum time and time again that the time you spend on Fiverr has no baring on your impressions. New gigs initially move around, it's Fiverrs way of seeing where you are in the pecking order. Like Google and Bing, you will then settle into an area where Fiverr believes you belong, unless you take steps to improve this. I would pay absolutely no attention to your impressions for the first few weeks as they mean nothing. It's the ongoing impressions over time you should be worried about.
  3. This is a professional forum for business people to discuss their gigs and careers on Fiverr, If you're feeling depressed I suggest you seek medical help to fix this. This forum is not the place to discuss your medical support. I hope your situation improves.
  4. It's tough when you want to prove something to your family. Especially when you want them to look up to you. But I am going to give you some tough love. I don't think you've worked hard enough on your profile and gigs. The gig images are ok, but the descriptions are lacking in the wow factor. This also includes your profile. It's all well and good placing 7 gigs. but if the first one wasn't right the same issues replicate through. So it's sometimes better to perfect one then move on. If I'm honest, it looks like you have raced to the line to get to 7 gigs and compromised on quality. You claim your expertise is in social media graphics, this niche is about wowing customers to buy something. I don't think you're applying these principles to your gigs.
  5. 15 days? It inconceivable to think that with nearly 1 million gigs Fiverr will decide that your site has more authority than someone who has been a freelancer for years, and has multiple high quality reviews. Why do you think that your gig is more important than theirs? You have to do what every other successful businessperson has has to do in their freelancing career. Develop your gig to be the best it can be and wait! You have two gigs both starting at $5. why should Fiverr prioritise you, when there are 25,000 other freelancers in your category that have been here longer than you? It's a fact that the weak will give up after a few months. The strong will keep going and keep refining their gigs., and their authority and credibility will go up and they will begin to receive orders. Expecting orders and revenue after 15 days is quite frankly naïve and a little annoying for the people who have had to wait months for their first order.
  6. What are you and YOUR TEAM doing about growing your business? A lot of us weren't fortunate enough to have people around us to help, we had to do it all of ourselves. With this team, are they reading the forums, identifying changes, implementing them and evaluating the results? Or do you want us to give you and your team the magic formula without you breaking a sweat?
  7. Did that technique work for all of the sales you haven't achieved yet? If you're going to give advise, at least read the forum first and understand that being online 24/7 does not increase the likelihood of sales. Your comments have not substance if you have proven they haven't worked for you!
  8. You claim to be a lead generation expert, yet you can't generate leads on Fiverr? Your gig pages are in effect landing pages, you should treat them exactly the same as this. If a customer doesn't like what they see they will bounce straight back out. Why don't you apply the principles from the 100s of landing pages you have already designed? However, Based on your last review from 9 months ago you should probably look at the way you communicate with customers, along with your gig descriptions , as they were clearly not happy with the service you provide. Finally. You also claim to be an expert web designer, but you create a landing page for just five dollar?. This would give me no confidence as a buyer that I am going to get anything other than a template with words filled in. Look at your prices and don't look so desperate.
  9. breals

    I'm new in Fiverr

    Web design is a hugely competitive niche with 100,000's of sellers competing for a piece of the pie. One thing you need to is have a strong portfolio to showcase your work. I can see you have gig images, but they are hard to see and grainy. These images need to be crisp and allow your customers to see exactly what you do. Have you designed these As a web designer myself I know all too well how hard it is to get a business up and running. But your websites are the things you need to promote. Your profile states you have done over 100 designs, yet I can't see any of these on your profile. Make these the star attraction when someone lands on your page, otherwise it will look exactly the same as all of the other gigs. Also, consider using videos and live demos of your own sites where you talk through the pages you can offer and show off your capabilities. This will give the confidence to people that your claims are true, and that you're a credible freelancer.
  10. I agree with @vickieito If you work hard you get the rewards. There are way too many people on Fiverr that expect to go from nothing to $1000's every month literally overnight. The fact is that this will never happen. One thing sets successful freelancers apart from the rest. They never give up. Even when it gets tough, you have a crappy customer, or your rankings drop. The key is this. Promote something you're really good at and be relentless in your pursuit of perfection. Stick to your niche and don't deviate. It's pointless adding more gigs for the sake of it. Be innovative in what you do, Stop advertising the same logo design gig, or data entry service as everyone else as you're competing with 100,000s of other freelancers who all want to be as successful as you. Remember personality sells. If you have the opportunity use videos in your profile and gig descriptions then do it, whether this is of yourself or the service you provide. If you have certifications or awards, add them to your profile. It may seem a safe option to be the same as every other gig in your niche, but all it does is make you a part of an every growing flock. I'm from the UK where the cost of living is going up vertically, but I'm pleased to say that I am making enough money to comfortably support my growing family. Why? Because over the years. I have learned the following Don't become a jack of all trades and master of none! If you're not getting the sales through, think that this is a great opportunity to become even better at what you do, and don't deviate from your plan.
  11. Why were they bad buyers? You didn't provide the service you advertised and they reviewed you accordingly. Clearly the gig descriptions or the service you provide needs addressing.
  12. I understood the question perfectly thank you! To date there are over 22000 topics, posts and comments on this forum that have the word logo design in them. Have you read any of these? Have you changed your gig based on what you have read? Or would you like someone to give you the SUPER secret password to unlock the magic formula? I nor any other contributor has an obligation to dissect your gig. Some of us are here to help and give our opinion, and as you can see this question has been asked thousands of times. It's your job to find the answer, not to wait until you get an answer you like. My badge or status as no importance in this thread, I am simply a seller that has been on this platform longer than you! Remember, It's your business. YOU are the logo design expert, not us, Research the forum, implement the changes, and evaluate what you have done. It really is as simple as that
  13. So you are logo designer number 216,270 on Fiverr. What are you going to do differently from all of the others that carry out exactly the same gig?
  14. breals

    Work or Play ?

    Well apparently Wales is in for a treat this weekend. The news reports say that a big orange thing in the sky is going to appear again for us cave dwellers, which can only mean one thing. We will cover ourselves in factor 50 sun cream, expose our pale white bodies to the sun gods, and drink lots of beer. We'll then spend all of next week complaining of sunburn and how we prefer the wind and rain.
  15. You're a digital marketing expert that claims to be fluent in English. Nothing in this thread, or your gigs is convincing me you're telling the truth in either.
  16. FORGET ABOUT YOUR IMPRESSIONS AND READ THIS I have reported your gigs to Fiverr. Another data entry specialist who thinks it is perfectly acceptable to put their clients personal data all over their profile. I now have the names, the addresses and how much your customers pay for their rent I have names and personal email addresses of company directors and business owners. I also have the salaries and staff ID's of people who work for an organisation. So if I have this, who else have you unknowingly leaked this information too? This is the reason people get spammed. You claim to be a Full time Lead Generation Specialist, Virtual Assistant and Data Entry Expert. I suspect that this won't be for much longer the way you're going So, before you celebrate your success anymore, Take down that data and read up on GDPR and privacy laws straight away. I will also be reporting you to the ICO (Information commissioners office) as some of these customers are British and you have carried out a massive data breach!!!!!
  17. Please don't provide English advise unless you're confident that what you're saying is accurate. Your sentence structure is equally as confusing.
  18. Why would anyone want to reply to a freelancer who can only be bothered to write 5 words for a question? It's lazy and shows a lack of passion and desire to succeed. You expect someone to go through your gig, dissect the issues and report back to you their findings? Here are my 5 words JUST READ THE DAMN FORUM
  19. That is called 'keyword stuffing' and is an archaic way of trying to rank a gig. I suggest that you read the correct way of enhancing a business before posting on here, and concentrate on getting your own first sale.
  20. Said the freelancer who joined in January 2022 and still hasn't got an order!!! The 'gig fairy' doesn't magically come along and automatically rank your gig after a period of time. It takes hard work and dedication to break through in sometimes saturated markets. I suggest you understand how Fiverr works before posting inaccurate information.
  21. I wonder why it took 5 people to post with exactly the same answer ? 😀 It looks like the pursuit of badges, outweighs common sense for some people...
  22. Have you read the forum and understood that this post has already been repeated hundreds, if not thousands of times? The information is out there and YOU need to find it. Experienced contributors are spending countless hours repeating themselves to people who are too lazy to go and look for the answer. Nearly 1 in 5 freelancers on Fiverr are logo designers. The market is completely saturated, and most of you are trying to get to the fictitious page 1 the week after you upload your gig. YOU need to work hard on your own business to understand what you need to do in your business to stand out. You are the expert in your field so you should be able to provide designs and drawings that are inspiring enough to stand out from the crowd. Which ultimately means, not using templates and being honest about your abilities.
  23. Stop worrying about badges and concentrate more on getting your first order. This forum seems to be full of people who want to earn a promotion and medals before they have even spoken to a customer. This includes people who post on here thinking it will increase their gig impressions. Fiverr choice is awarded to people who consistently deliver high services on a gig day in day out. You don't need to busy yourself with this as it isn't going to happen.
  24. There is no 'secret solution' You just need to work hard and be prepared that you will not become successful overnight. A lot of us had to wait a significant amount of time before we started to get a decent amount of orders through. This question is asked multiple times every day, so for you, you just need to read the forum and understand the improvements your business needs to make. You then need to implement them and evaluate the results. A simple PLAN -DO - REVIEW process. You're in a tough market. As a web designer myself one thing stuck out as being the most important thing. Credibility. If you say you can do something, then you have to be exceptional at it. Anything less just makes you blend in with the 200,000 other 'wannabee' web designers.
  25. Eat lot of healthy vegetables, drink lots of water and don't stay online 24/7
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