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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Hi @kirhood_jr - When business is slow, like it is for you now, you should try to get orders in any way that you can. That means putting in offers to Buyer Request and Buyer Briefs. If you are on Seller Plus you can also give coupons to to your buyers to encourage orders. If you have Promoted Gigs, that's also a great option. I get good returns from advertising my gigs through Promoted Gigs.
  2. Thanks for the recommended apps & websites, @smashradio! I use #1 Fiverr.com and #2 Google Workspace (included Google Keep for notes) the most ....I'll have to look at the others you have listed! To add to your list (in no particular order): #10 - Audible.com (to listen to audio books on business and personal development) #11 - Amazon Kindle (to read ebooks on business and personal development) #12 - CreativeLive (currently taking free courses on graphic design and Adobe apps) #13 - Canva Pro (to make ebooks, presentations, slideshow videos, and other e-Learning content) #14 - MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) (for my projects and orders) #15 - Snipping Tool (to screenshot everything I do for recordkeeping and better communication with clients) #16 - https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ (to keep track of all my time zones on the computer...I use my clock app if I'm on the phone) #17 - YouTube (for fun diversions during the work day and for education... I like the TedTalks)
  3. Actually, as a Fiverr seller, you shouldn't ask your buyers for reviews at all. Fiver already asks buyers multiple times to leave a review and asking for reviews from your buyers could get you a warning (even if you ask for a "honest" review). Buyers also don't have to leave reviews if they don't want to. I used to ask for "honest" reviews from my buyers, but stopped after I learned from various forum members that we shouldn't even ask for those types of reviews. You can look at posts from @mariashtelle1 and @vickiespencer to read more about this. They both mentioned this multiple times. @vickiespencer shared feedback from Fiverr CS stating that sellers shouldn't ask for any reviews. I'm hoping that she can share that post with us again! (Please, Vickie!🙏... I ran into that post before I knew how to bookmark things on the forum and can't find it again. I promise I'll bookmark it this time!) If we want to improve as sellers, we don't need feedback in the form of "reviews." Private reviews are never seen by sellers, public reviews usually aren't very helpful, and if you were to ask for further clarification on why a buyer left certain comments, you could get a warning (@donnovan86 could tell you more about this). Instead, each interaction with our customers gives us "clues" on how we can improve our services and keep our customers happy.
  4. Thanks @vickiespencer! This is exactly how my 3rd buyer review looks like, too! ...Looks like my memory is really bad, even though I do fill these out quite often! I could only remember that the 3rd review had radio buttons like the first one did. 😅 I also don't like the tip reminders. It confuses and causes undue stress for buyers from countries where tipping isn't part of the culture. The way Fiverr "reminds" buyers to tip makes it seem like tipping is mandatory.
  5. @smashradio & @miiila - It looks like the briefs "adjust" to your preferences based on how you respond to them. They seem to be a lot more relevant now than when I first started. However, since both of you are successful TRSs, I don't think these briefs will be helpful for you. I see the Buyer Briefs as more helpful to newbie sellers (who have extra time) or sellers who need an extra order or two to keep the orders coming in.
  6. I actually love the Buyer Briefs just because I don't have to do anything to get these leads. I set my limit to $150 and Fiverr notifies me every time there is a match. About 70% of the time the brief is irrelevant, but I do get several that are very relevant to what I do and I only send out offers to those and only if I have time in my schedule. I want to make at least $150 from each Buyer Brief order and I only look for "easy" jobs that I can do in a day or less. If I do decide to make an offer, I usually have a good chance of getting an order. I think you have to be good at writing offers to get these briefs. You can read more about forum members' experiences with Buyer Briefs here:
  7. Hi @mdzainalabedn! The forum is a great place to learn and grow your Fiverr business. You can get started by reading these articles here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/279005-the-first-5-things-you-should-do-when-starting-your-fiverr-career/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/243824-welcome-to-fiverr-30/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282867-how-to-build-credibility-on-fiverr-even-if-youre-a-new-seller-with-zero-reviews/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282067-my-first-25-days-–-how-i’m-getting-the-most-out-of-fiverr-forum/ Please let me know if you want more articles or have questions!
  8. @donnovan86, Buyers actually have the option of leaving 3 reviews for each order (2 private and 1 public). It gets annoying if you are purchasing multiple orders and you decided to leave all three reviews (which I normally do). As a buyer, you don't have to leave any review and each of the three reviews allows you to opt out of leaving the review. I don't know if the 1st private review is weighted more heavily or if the 2nd one is. So that is in addition to the reminders that @frank_d mentioned. As soon as you (the buyer accepts the delivery of an order), you will be asked to give this 1st review: Then it will immediately take you to the public review: : After 1 day, you will then be asked to leave another private review which looks a lot like the first. I believe the question is slightly different, but I can't remember. I'll provide a snapshot of that review when I do it tomorrow (this order just closed today). Or maybe @vickiespencer can provide a snapshot of that review sooner than I can.
  9. As a seller, it's important to know where your orders are coming from so that you can know what areas you need to focus on in your business. Fiverr makes this easier for those on Seller Plus - you can look at your 'Orders Breakdown' tab under 'Analytics' for each of your gigs. However, this view tends to lump different orders together and you still have to visit a separate tab to look at your repeat business scores. So even if you're on Seller Plus, you should probably break your orders down even further by the different sources and then take a look at the data. I've been experimenting with these different sources of orders over the last few months to see how they impact my business. Let's take a look at them below: Organic Traffic These buyers find you through search. If you’re a good match, your gig will be visible to them. If your gig is attractive, they will click on it and decide if it meets their needs. They may or may not message you, so it's important that your descriptions and FAQs answer any questions that they may have. Your goal is to convert these into orders and then repeat orders. “Regulars” or “Repeat Buyers” For some reason this shows up in the "Organic Traffic" category. Your regulars are buyers that have already ordered from you once. They love your work and often value quality over a speedy delivery. Sometimes these will be your Fiverr Select or your Fiverr Business buyers. These buyers also buy from you regularly, so they keep your business going when business is slow. These buyers are also a great source of referrals. Referrals Referrals are great because your buyers do all the marketing for you! When you deliver quality products and services, your buyers will naturally share your gig with others and you’ll start getting orders from their friends, family, and colleagues. One of my buyers even asked if it was okay if she shared my gig link with her friends on social media. Of course, I said “yes”! I got several orders from her free promotion. I love this because I'm never on social media. Promoted Gigs Promoted Gigs is a great way give your gigs higher visibility in search. You do have to pay for each click, but often the returns are well worth it. I just started Promoted Gigs about a month ago, and so far it is giving me over 10-11x in returns. I like how I can turn this on and off whenever I want to (I probably do this more often than most people – I turn it off when I sleep or when I’m not working). I should probably keep this on, but I don't like to promote if I'm not available. Coupons or Custom Offers I had to try coupons just for fun and I really don’t like it. I feel like it trains my customers into thinking that I’ll always give a discount. I'm already "weak" when it comes to prices, so I also feels like this creates another situation where I could get myself into a bad deal. Most of my customers are happy to pay full price with a tip, so I like to give them full-price custom offers instead – usually right after closing an order or when they request a quote. I use discounts and coupons sparingly, and always with care, since I know my tendency to go overboard on offering discounts. Buyer Request & Buyer Briefs These two are lumped into the same category on the Seller Plus Dashboard. There’s a lot of spammy Buyer Request & Buyer Briefs, so I don’t spend too much time on these. However, every now and then I do get good orders through Buyer Briefs. And Buyer Request can be a good source of orders when you are a New Seller, when your seller stats are low, or if your business is going slow. Fiverr's Choice & Other Badges (Such as Rising Talent) You’ll have to meet certain performance and quality metrics to qualify for these badges, but that’s why you get them! Although I haven’t gotten a Rising Talent badge, having a Fiverr’s Choice badge brought 4x more traffic to my gig than normal. So badges really do help your business! My busiest months have been when I have the Fiverr’s Choice badge. Now let's share! Where are your orders coming from? And what are your favorite sources of orders? For those of you who read through the whole post, you know that I like to hear from you! So I'll start this discussion - most of my orders come from my repeat buyers and my favorite sources of orders are my regular customers and referrals! It’s great to be “loved.” 😍 Looking forward to hearing from you!
  10. We love nori maki arare! 🤣 This isn't the exact brand, but this is the kanji that was used, along with a Japanese crest that was on the package. Both of my sisters thought it looked pretty cool and didn't really care about the meaning.
  11. This post makes me laugh! I have two younger sisters. One saw a pretty design with kanji on an arare snack package and had that tattooed onto her left shoulder. And it was my other younger sister, an artist, who was dating a tattooist and borrowed his tools to tattoo the design herself. It was her first time using the tools. That was many years ago. Now my sister keeps her tattoo covered because she works as a lawyer and my other sister went on to become an architect (she did marry the tattooist, though). @zeus777, I'm glad your clients are listening to you! 😊
  12. Read these tips from this TRS and Pro seller: Here are some more comments from other Top Rated Sellers (this is the summary, you can look at their individual comments on the thread too):
  13. Hi @williambryan392

    I know it's been a month or so since you've gotten it, but I just wanted to congratulate you on becoming a Pro seller!!!

    1. williambryan392


      Hey Vickie!

      How you doing?

      Thank you so much for the kind words. I really appreciate it!

      It's actually been crazy this last month, super busy, plus jet lag and a long overdue holiday in Turkey (I'm now by the pool with burned legs 😆) so I decided I just had to take some time out to clear down my orders before the holday. Now I'm catching up as I'd missed (most of) the people here 🙂. I think I need a rule for myself for the forum. 30 minutes at the start, 30 minutes at the end of day, otherwise I can just procrastinate here!

      Anyway, how has it been going for you? Fiverr / everything till moving in the right direction? Hope you're doing well!

  14. Yesterday, I purchased Adobe's Creative Cloud All Apps subscription for only $29.99/month for the first year (normally it’s $55/month)!

    I immediately downloaded Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro, Animate, & Audition. These apps will help me with the design work that I do to create forms, resumes, ebooks, presentations, ecourses, and short videos.

    I’m so excited that I can finally learn how to use these Adobe products! Up until now I have been limping along using MS Office programs, Canva, and a smorgasbord of “free” apps on a variety of devices to do all of my design and videos for my Fiverr projects.

    I need to spend less time on the forum and more time learning these Adobe products! 😅

    1. dannykojima1


      That's awesome news, vickieito! Adobe also charges me $29.99/months for all the apps as well, excepted Adobe Substance 3D apps I have to spend $249 on Steam instead of monthly payment via Adobe Creative Cloud.

  15. @dev_soaib, I took a look at your profile and gigs and have the following suggestions: 1. In your bio - you switched back and forth between the "I" and "we" pronouns. Stick to one pronoun so that your writing is consistent. 2. Also in your bio - "If you have any queries please feel free to ping me." Consider using "message" instead of "ping." You also use "ping" in your gig descriptions. 3. Gig Videos - None of your gigs have a gig video. According to Fiverr, gig videos increase user engagement by 40%. I've found that to be true. 4. Gig Descriptions - They are too generic. Try to make them more unique so that you can stand out from the crowd. I also noticed that you haven't gotten your first order yet. Here are some good articles to read: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/234149-new-sellers-the-true-way-to-success/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/278683-new-to-the-forum-welcome-here-are-5-tips-for-efficient-forum-use-–-how-to-make-the-forum-work-better-for-yourself-and-for-everyone/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282067-my-first-25-days-–-how-i’m-getting-the-most-out-of-fiverr-forum/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/283711-this-is-why-many-new-sellers-fail-on-fiverr/
  16. @iamattique we have about the same! I currently have 105 buyers. I wonder how much @donnovan86 has? @spaintranslator, you can find it here: 1) click on 'More', 2) click on 'Contacts':
  17. HI @frank_d, you might want to pin your post. Members are already posting on the forum about this. This one was posted 8 hours ago by a new seller (there were at least a few other posts already asking why they can't see buyer requests): It appears that Fiverr is rolling this program out a little at a time, since it is already affecting some sellers. However, it hasn't affected me yet. I still have access to the old Buyer Request on the mobile app and desktop (both as a buyer and seller). I'm also on Seller Plus, so it'll be interesting to see if Fiverr does offer certified requests to those on Seller Plus. I sure hope the new Buyer Request gets rid of all the spammy requests! I am staring at 583 requests right now, most of them are spam or sellers inappropriately advertising their gigs there.
  18. "If at first you don't succeed, try to hide your astonishment." - Harry F. Banks "If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you're dead and rotten, either write the things worth reading, or do the things worth writing." - Benjamin Franklin "I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car." - Will Rogers "Do a common thing in an uncommon way." - Booker T. Washington "Some of us are like wheelbarrows - only useful when pushed, and very easily upset." - Jack Herbert "The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." - Dolly Parton "When I was younger, I could remember anything, whether it had happened or not!" - Mark Twain "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps because it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away." - Henry David Thoreau "A kick in the rear is a step forward." - Anonymous "When faced with a challenge, look for a way, not a way out." - David L. Weatherford
  19. I took a look at your gig and would like to make the following suggestions: 1. Gig Images - There are too many words on your gig images, consider limiting them to 2-5 key words that describe your services. 2. Written Text - You list English as Fluent, but your profile and gig descriptions don't sound natural at all. For example, in your bio: "I'm passionate to help you with any issue come across on your website & quickly finding a suitable solution. ... Jasmine is always active for you." and at the bottom of your first gig: "What Jasmine does is give quality service?" Please proofread all of your text (on all your gigs and bio) so that the English is clear, concise, and flows naturally. Also, consider changing your fluency level to "Conversational." You can also implement the 7 steps that I've included in my post. Here are some more helpful articles: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/147964-new-sellers-no-integrity-no-success/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282867-how-to-build-credibility-on-fiverr-even-if-youre-a-new-seller-with-zero-reviews/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/
  20. I visited your profile and saw your 1-star review. The worst part of it is you never responded to that review. You should always respond to reviews so that you can explain how you addressed that buyer's concern. Since you didn't respond, buyers visiting your site will only see that negative review: "Rip off!!! Only did 10% of the work !!! I demand a refund !!! Awful experience!!!!" No one will know your side of the story. You could try to address your buyer concerns in your bio, but it will still be difficult for you to convince buyers to trust you and use your services.
  21. Thanks for points #8 & #9 @smashradio! Why do I always forget the "taking time off" part? I need to start having my weekends again! I'm including the link to your wonderful tips so that I can start internalizing them: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/283425-taking-days-off-from-fiverr-–-some-helpful-tips-from-a-top-rated-seller/ Also, @smashradio - the "report" button and the "share" button are so dangerously close to each other that I'm afraid one of these days I might accidentally report your article instead of sharing it! I am bookmarking most of them, just to be safe! @ashleymahan217 - thanks for your comments! At first it looked like spam because your comments ended up in the quote box, so no one can see your comments unless they expand the quote box and scroll all the way down. Next time, click outside of the quote so your comments can be seen below the quote. @rabihumakhan, I also didn't touch my gigs for the longest time. It feels so nice when it's all updated! Consider branding yourself and having a common "look" to all of your gigs. @vickiespencer, this is beautiful!!! I won't show you how sad my QRs look! 😅 I love you use of emojis and how you've shortened all the titles so 3x as many QRs can be seen at a time. At a count of 55, you have twice as many QRs as I have.!!!😲 I wonder how many @newsmike has... 🤔
  22. When business slows down, it's a good time to update your business and gigs. That way, when orders pick up again, your business runs smoothly and efficiently. Below are some of the things you can update during your downtime. Please feel free to add to the list! 1. Quick Responses (QR): One of the best ways to streamline your business is to set up QRs to handle the bulk of your communications. Good QRs will reduce your grammar errors, make you look more professional, keep your process and workflow organized, and, if you're like me, help you progress smoothly through difficult situations (such as price negotiations and dealing difficult buyers). If you're looking for examples of good QRs to use, follow @vickiespencer and @newsmike. 2. Portfolio: When I was starting out, I created projects for myself to complete, so I could add them to my gig gallery portfolio (as photos or PDFs). I also turned on the Live Portfolio option so that current projects could be added to my gallery. No matter what gig you have, you can always include a Live Portfolio image with your delivery. I suggest you do it with all of your orders since not all buyers will choose to have the image included with their review. Since many of my projects contain confidential information, I include a portfolio image in my delivery that just lists in bullet-point form what the deliverables were. This protects your buyers' privacy and prevents someone from stealing your work. It also gives your buyers a good idea of what you can do. I've had many buyers contact me in my inbox and tell me, "I've seen your work on your gig page, can I order?" It saves a lot of time when you don't have to explain or convince buyers on what you can deliver. 3. Titles & Tags: There are several ways you can update your titles and tags. If you are on Seller Plus, you can use Top Keywords and Keyword Research to help choose your title and tags. You can also type in keywords into the search bar and look at the dropdown to see the most common search terms used by buyers. I also like to look at my competitors to see what words they are using. 4. Average Selling Price (ASP). Increase your prices and consider restructuring your packages so that they are tailored to the most common buying situations. For example, I used to offer a cover-letter-only option in my basic package for $15, but 90% of my customers were not ordering cover letters by themselves. I was also attracting the wrong type of buyer with my low prices. My basic package is now set to $70 for a resume-only order, which accounts for 15% of my business. Most customers are buying my premium services (Cover Letter + Resume + LinkedIn) and the second most popular option is the standard package (Cover Letter + Resume). Other ways that you can increase your ASP are: revisions, extra fast delivery, and gig extras. I suggest you use all of these options and max out your gig extras every time you level up as a seller. You should also add "Subscriptions" and "Milestones" if those options are available to you. I don't use those options, but I do have them turned on for my packages. 5. Profile & Gig Text. Update your bio, gig descriptions, and FAQs. This is where you can be unique and make you and your services stand out. If you use a team, to help you, you can mention how that process will work. If you have Among My Clients option, you can include your top clients. Research your competition to see what they are doing and to see if you can offer anything unique. This is a good way to check out your prices too. @smashradio had a good article about being unique and standing out as a seller: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/283711-this-is-why-many-new-sellers-fail-on-fiverr/ You can use the FAQs to answer your most common buyer questions and cross-link your gigs to each other (note: in the FAQs below, I've cross-linked this gig to 4 of my other services). 6. Workflow & Processes. Don't forget to update your order requirements for each gig. Include specific questions so that the deliverables are clear. Have the buyer define their expectations, and make it clear that if they request anything that they haven't paid for, they will be asked to upgrade their package after sending in the order requirements. You can also link your designs or order catalog to the order requirements so that buyers can define their design requirements upfront before the timer starts. Streamline your processes for each gig. If you have designs, templates, or guidance documents that you will be using, organize all your files and working documents so that they are easy-to-find and easy-to-work with. If you test your freelancers, make sure your tests and work standards are also organized and easily accessible. 7. Gig Videos. You don't have to be a pro or be in front of the camera to make your gig videos. If you're like me and you don't want to be on camera, make a slideshow video with background music to showcase your services. I would suggest you only include elements that will not change, otherwise you'll be making a lot of changes to your videos. For example, I used to include "unlimited revisions" and "satisfaction guaranteed" in all of my videos, so I had 7 videos to update when I removed those options from my gigs. (note: Fiverr claims videos increase user engagement by 40% and I've found that to be true) So there you have it! Seven different things that you can update when you have the time. Once you make your updates, don't forget to monitor your gigs to see how they perform over time. Any Thoughts Or Additional Comments? I'm sure there are more "updates" that I haven't included, these are just the ones that I've been working on this past month. Feel free to add to the list in your comments below!
  23. Almost done updating all 7 of my gigs! I've restructured the two that are the biggest source of order cancelations and will see if my efforts make any difference.

    All I have left is to update all the gig videos (removing the part that offers unlimited revisions and making other necessary edits). Hopefully I can get those done by next week. I look forward to not having to touch up my gigs again for another 6 months!

    1. vickieito


      UPDATE: I finished updating all of my gig videos on the last day of June (same day as the last status update), so all my gigs are updated now! Yay!

  24. I know I said I would try to limit myself to 2-3 posts a day (so I could avoid issues with being post-limited), but this is really hard!

    I have been using up all 5 posts lately. It's a tough balance:

    • I want to be able to answer questions on the forum, but if someone responds, then another reply would then use up one of my posts the next day.
    • Also, I like to initiate conversations, but am limited in how often I can contribute to the conversation.
    • And if I'm busy in current conversations, I don't have any posts left to join in on new conversations.
    • Also, I did ask someone to private message me so I could help troubleshoot their issue, but I can't respond to their private message because PM's are included in the 5 posts I have each day.

    I know this time as a forum newbie is a probationary time, where I should be learning rather than posting, and I shouldn't feel like I deserve to post more than the 5 post that I have. So I'm trying not to feel left out and am trying to use my reaction buttons as much as I can. My apologies to forum members like @smashradio @mariashtelle1@theratypist & @miiila who may wake up one morning to see spammy notifications of 100 likes coming from me. It's the only unlimited way for me to really react to your content!

    1. theratypist


      Hey no worries! I hope you get those limits removed soon though! 

    2. damith9393
  25. This message is for @dannykojima1 again, because I'm post limited so I can only do status updates on my own profile, but not yours!


    Here's what I tried to post on your status update with the fun WWE style Fiverr logo:

    How fun! You're so creative @dannykojima1!

    What would your ring name and signature moves be if you were a pro wrestler on the Fiverr marketplace? I guess since I proofread I could be the "Red Pen Scrutinizer" or simply "The Scrutinizer." And my signature moves could be the "Eraser" or "Mark Up." 😂 I'm not too creative with names! 

    1. dannykojima1


      Hi @vickieito. I have not watch WWE (since the WWF World Wrestling Federation) in 1999 until I stopped watching while back in 2002 after my high school graduation, where I started college year. I'm not sure what my ring name would be if I was a pro-wrestler. Maybe jsut Danny? Funny, today I was thinking to add your name in the Fiverr 2023: The Money In The Bank logo I was working on it. I think you and few other Level 2 sellers would be great my favorite top level sellers I would one day order some of the creative writing content from you guys for my comic one day. 😉

      About the signature moves, I'm not sure I have one yet. [Still thinking about one moves]
      I don't know why it won't let you post on my profile status. Weird. 😞

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