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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Hi @limon32, Here's a fun story written by @rachelbostwick that explains why you shouldn't worry about where your gig is in the marketplace: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/263089-about-ranking-your-gig/ And @jonbaas and @frank_d explains what you should focus on instead to get orders: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/211706-are-you-a-new-seller-this-is-how-you-get-more-orders/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/243824-welcome-to-fiverr-30/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/278118-fiverr-30-revisited-aka-fiverr-31/
  2. Here are 16 tips to train the AI and get briefs: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/294132-its-a-match--but-its-not-a-match-anymore-eventually-its-another-desperate-seller-seeking-some-work-😅😅😅😅/?do=findComment&comment=1854714 You don't need to be online all the time. Just download the mobile app so that you will be notified if a buyer contacts you. An inactive account isn't closed - it's just inactive. I didn't use my Fiverr account for 2.5 years before I decided to post my first gig.
  3. Hi @senorita20, I have 7 gigs, all in different categories, and it has only helped my sales. When one gig is down, usually I'm doing well in another. Also, most of my customers buy from 3-5 of my gigs (so the gigs are tailored specifically for them). As long as you are qualified and have the skills, there shouldn't be a problem with you offering gigs in different categories.
  4. Hi @tanmay310, Please read this article here that has links to 16 things you can do to get briefs: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/294132-its-a-match--but-its-not-a-match-anymore-eventually-its-another-desperate-seller-seeking-some-work-😅😅😅😅/?do=findComment&comment=1854714
  5. You are limited to 5 posts a day (this includes your private messages and ANY post on the forum, including new posts or replies). You can also post 1 status update and 1 status reply. Your post limit will be removed based on a number of factors including your reputation and good standing as a forum member (i.e. number of warning points). I still had the 5-posts-a-day limit when I was a Grand Master with over 1,000 post and 5,000+ reputation points. I eventually got unlimited posting, but there are no hard rules that says when that post limit is removed. I've seen newbies to the forum have unlimited posting with much less posts and reputation points than I had when I got the unlimited posting.
  6. No, they have been trying this out on all orders now...
  7. Unfortunately there isn't. 😟 I have 6 orders with extended reviews due to the Thanksgiving holidays. I'm just hoping that they won't need any revisions (and that they all don't come back to me at the same time)! Buyers can extend up to 5 days at a time. As long as they request a new extension, this can go on indefinitely.
  8. Yes, you should probably reflect your actual experience in your profile. As for the rocky start that you had, it looks like you are pulling your stats back up. As you get more orders, you can bring your average up to 5-stars. it might take a while, but it can be done, as long as you're willing to put in the effort.
  9. Let us know how it goes @vickiespencer! I haven't seen many reports from the buyer's side on how these briefs are working. I'm curious to see how well it can find matches for you.
  10. I changed my name to "Vickie" when I was 6 years old and learned how to write. "Vicki" just felt wrong. It's fun to see that you are also from a "long e" family!
  11. It was "Vicki" until I was 6 years old and I realized that my sisters' names (and even our pets' names) ended in "ie" except for mine. My sisters are Jackie, Lizzie, and Connie. Our dog was Blackie and the cat was Johnnie. My parents' names are Patty and Larry, so I guess they didn't like the "y" ending of their names. They were more than happy to let me change my name to "Vickie." It's funny that you mentioned my name ...I was looking at my keys this morning and realized my name was there, too (V + key = Vickie)! 😂 @vickiespencer - Have you always been a "Vickie"? (...and sorry for the dorky picture! Little things like that make me really happy!)
  12. You can answer the first question for free, then direct the buyers to your gig for the rest of the questions. Let them know that you are aware that their questions are urgent and that you will answer them as quickly as possible once they place the order. Your gig and service is all about answering questions, so it doesn't make sense for you to spend 2 hours answering questions for free in your inbox. If it takes 2 hours in your inbox, that really should be an order. You should be able to get more orders if you are directing your buyers to your gig, rather than providing free services.
  13. Fiverr gives a temporary boost to new sellers so that they get exposure on the marketplace. As @katakatica says, it's very possible to be on first page even with no reviews and no orders on your record. However, once you've had that boost, it's up to you to work hard to keep yourself relevant and visible in search so that buyers can find you and order from you. You mention that you have 10 years of experience as a graphic designer. Do you have any past or present clients that might need the services that you provide on Fiverr?
  14. Also - Fiverr doesn't guarantee that there will be matches (for buyers submitting briefs or sellers). Some buyers are receiving no matches for the briefs they submit. I also think there's a false expectation that all sellers are supposed to get briefs (and a lot of them). If a seller isn't getting briefs, there just aren't any matches for them at the moment. As you mentioned, Fiverr is using a criteria to determine which sellers will be matched to each brief. Only a few sellers will receive the alert to make an offer. I think Fiverr has this here because Customer Support is already getting flooded with inquiries of "Where is Buyer Requests?!" Keeping Buyer Requests under the "My Business" tab will, at least, explain to sellers why they can't see the Buyer Requests (and hopefully curb the number of inquiries flooding the Help Desk). Based on the number of inquiries that I see on the forum, it's not helping that much. I think the feature is rolled out but @mjensen415 mentioned that there would be adjustments made based on user feedback. I'm not sure how that feedback is being collected at the moment.
  15. Yes, you are right. Fiverr will auto-detect and mark some messages as spam. The other spammers you will need to mark as spam yourself.
  16. Hi @chrygraphics - You are getting good impressions, which means Fiverr is showing your gig to many potential buyers. If you aren't getting enough clicks, it means that it's not appealing to buyers who see your gigs, so check the title, tags, and category to make sure you will be shown to the right audience. Buyers only have a second to decide if they want to click on your gig, so make sure your gig thumbnail is attractive to buyers (not too many images and clear, visible text). Once you start getting more clicks, work on converting those clicks to orders. If buyers click on your gig, they will visit it and decide if they want to buy. Do what you can to convince them to buy. I saw this in your gig description, and it doesn't convince a buyer to buy: This statement is not necessary. You already state your delivery time in your packages, so you don't need to apologize. I purposely set my deliveries out 10-14 days (for work that normally takes me 1-3 days to do). Those who choose to work with me are fine with the longer delivery times.
  17. The best prices really depends on your gigs and your prices. I didn't get any briefs for 2 months at $50, but I've been getting 3-5 briefs with my prices set to $200. For another seller that I know, she didn't get any briefs at the higher prices but got briefs at $25. Don't change the prices too often, once a month is fine if you are still not getting briefs. If you aren't getting briefs still, it just means that there are no matches for you at the moment. There are significantly less briefs than there were requests, and Fiverr doesn't guarantee that you'll get any briefs (I also saw several buyers saying that there were no matches for their brief). Don't depend on briefs for orders. Instead, follow the tips in the articles that I provided that will help you get organic orders. That's where the bulk of your orders should come from.
  18. Here's a story that you might enjoy reading, well-told by @rachelbostwick: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/263089-about-ranking-your-gig/ The story explains why you shouldn't worry about where your gig is in the marketplace and tells you what you should focus on instead. And @jonbaas explains here what you should focus on to get orders: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/211706-are-you-a-new-seller-this-is-how-you-get-more-orders/
  19. Hi @afsithaet, are these spam messages coming in through your inbox? I hope you're marking those messages as spam! There will always be spam and the best thing to do is to mark those messages as spam as son as possible. It's not worth it to waste your time with scammers. Also, Buyer Requests are no more. It has been replaced with the new Brief & Match feature. You can read more about this here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/274154-can-anyone-explain-the-feature-fiverr-briefs-in-details/?
  20. You can get started by reading these articles about the Brief & Match feature: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/274154-can-anyone-explain-the-feature-fiverr-briefs-in-details/? https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/ If you are serious about building your business, you should definitely check out the links in this article here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/ And since you are a web designer, you might be interested in these articles here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286673-calling-all-new-website-designers-top-tips-to-help-you-succeed/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/292234-experienced-sellers-only/?do=findComment&comment=1842480
  21. Hi @ferguscreative, Welcome to the forum! You got the 'Rising Talent' badge? That's awesome! That's probably why you were getting 3 orders a week because Fiverr was giving your gig a temporary boost with that badge. Now you are on your own. It's very natural for orders to ebb and flow, but one of the best things to do is to take care of your repeat buyers, because they will take care of you when things slow down. In the beginning, I really listened to my buyers and quickly set up 6 more gigs that were based on what they were asking me to offer. Because of that, I was able to average 5-6 orders per new customer that I got. That might work for you, too1 Listen to what your buyers are asking for and set up gigs tailored for them.
  22. Hi @rizzz1122, Welcome to the forum! I looked at your profile and thought your gig images were a bit crowded with too much text/images. You can reduce the text to 3-5 words that clearly define your service. Buyers will only spend a second looking at your gig to decide if they want to visit your gig or not. Here are two articles that can help you see what many of the members on the forum are doing with the new Brief & Match feature: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/274154-can-anyone-explain-the-feature-fiverr-briefs-in-details/? https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-📈-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/ Also, since you do web design, you might want to read these articles here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286673-calling-all-new-website-designers-top-tips-to-help-you-succeed/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/292234-experienced-sellers-only/?do=findComment&comment=1842480
  23. How do your impressions and clicks look like for the past 3 months @chrygraphics? If there was a sudden drop, most likely it was due to a negative private review (which you'll never see) - those reviews can affect your account for 3 months or longer. You'll know because your impressions will suddenly drop. However, if you're just experiencing low impressions, optimizing your gigs and making them more attractive to your target buyers should help.
  24. Hi @suhailea48, Welcome back to Fiverr! 😊 Yes, there's been a lot of changes since you were gone and the new Brief & Match feature is one of them. You can learn more about this feature by reading the links on this post here:
  25. By freely providing information, you are sending the message to the buyer that they don't need to place an order with you because you will answer their questions for free. If the buyer requests additional information, kindly tell the buyer that you would be more than happy to provide consultation and answer their question for a fee of $XX dollars. You could direct them to your "complete guide or information to register your company in Dubai" gig for $30.
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