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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. First-buyer Promotions (in beta testing) is available to Seller Plus members: It basically puts a banner at the top of your gigs for some of your first-time buyers. You can read more about this here in the Help Center: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/13736487784721-How-to-set-up-first--time-buyers-promotions?segment=seller There are some bugs in the feature (for example, the discount isn't applied on custom orders, which I usually do). Sellers also can't tell which orders are the First-Time Buyer promotions until after the order closes and the discount is applied on the Earnings page (and the tally is updated on your Coupons page).
  2. No cap. BUT ... I don't really use Promoted Gigs. I did have it on last month but turned it off due to Brief orders. I usually get my orders through Briefs and First-Time Buyer Promotions. Promoted Gigs is what I turn on if I don't get enough orders through those two methods.
  3. Hi @lacroix88, I always have my minimum budget set at $25 (but Fiverr recommends $5 for me). I never get even close to that. It's always less than 50 cents.
  4. Communciation with your buyer should always be clear, relevant, solutions-oriented, and professional at all times. Clear, because you need to set expectations for the order from the beginning. This will make life easier for both you and the buyer. Relevant, because this is a business relationship (and you don't need to get too personal with them). Focus on the order and creating a positive experience for the buyer (and yourself) so that you can have strong, repeat business. Solutions-oriented, because problems may pop up for you or your buyer and your ability to handle such challenges (while delivering exceptional customer service) can affect the success of your business. Professional, not because the customer is always right but because you, as a seller (and business owner) should always behave better than any customer that you may deal with. You are the professional, they are not. By conducting yourself professionally, you also open the door for more profit, instead of burning bridges and losing out on opportunities.
  5. Hi @wds_limited, Unfortunately, you (as a seller) can only change the subcategories (not the main category). You would have to delete or pause your current gig and set up a new gig (n the right category) to replace it. However, Fiverr does periodically check sellers' gigs and moves gigs over to more relevant categories. You could check with Customer Service to see if that's something they can do for you.
  6. Hi @lacroix88, This is good to know! Was CS able to adjust your response rate due to these seller messages? Earlier this year I was out of office, but received messages from some of my sellers following up if I wanted to buy their services. Although my buyers knew for 4 months that I would be out of office (and didn't contact me), I didn't think to warn my sellers since I didn't place any recent orders (and two did contact me). This brought my response rate down, but CS was able to adjust it for me. However, I guess if you initiate a brief, Fiverr does expect you to reply to any seller who reaches out to you.
  7. Hi @blender_3d - You can really use your PDFs to do anything you want. In the beginning, I made a user guide answering the top 10 questions that new buyers have (with step-by-step instructions on how to use Fiverr). I also have used it to describe my process and to house all of my portfolio samples. Some sellers use it to describe the tools that they use, give a short history of their experiences/major projects they've worked on, highlight their unique selling points, or explain why their customers choose them. Yes, you can use a Flickr link in your description for your portfolio. Just make sure all of the examples in the link are specific and relevant to the gig.
  8. Hi @kristalecom, I know how frustrating this is for you, but creating duplicate, copy/paste posts, isn't allowed on the forum (see forum rule #1:Create Unique Posts): https://community.fiverr.com/forum_rules/ When you copy/paste the same post, that post will then be combined with your previous post (just like it happened when you reposted the same content here): I had a lengthy response to the post above, but it got lost when that post was combined with the previous one. I really don't want to write it again. I'll jump on your original thread so my comments don't get deleted when this post gets combined with your original post. Most likely this same thing will happen with this post, so it doesn't make sense for you to keep doing this. When you post the exact same content over and over again, that makes forum users less likely to respond to you. As you mentioned, you weren't happy with the 40+ copy/paste replies you got from Customer Support. The same thing applies on the forum.
  9. Hi @blender_3d - If you don't have samples that match your current gigs, then create them. I also didn't have samples that perfectly explained what I was going to do in my gigs, so I had to spend a lot of time (a month) creating projects for myself so that I could show my buyers what I could do for them. T he more relevant samples that you have to show your buyers, the more likely they are to buy your gig. I've had buyers approach me in my inbox referring to my portfolio samples and telling me that they want to order because they know exactly what they'll get in the delivery. Other times, they order because they didn't know what they wanted until they saw my sample. As a new seller, with no reviews, and no orders, your portfolio can be one of your most powerful tools to get orders (and the lack of samples can be one sure way for buyers to turn away from your gig to another seller who does have a good portfolio. You have a your gig video, 3 images, and 2 PDFs that you can use to show off what you can do. You can also share links in your gig descriptions, as long as they are on Fiverr's Approved URL list:
  10. Hi @rkanika97 - Fiverr's search operates as a "match-making service" where it matches the best qualified sellers gigs to buyers' searches. To learn more about how this process works (and how you can use this knowledge to improve your visibility in search), please read this article here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/293675-%F0%9F%93%88-fiverr-simplified-get-matched/
  11. According to @frank_d, if you're thinking about gig rank and SEO, you're already behind the game. Read @frank_d articles below to find out what really counts when it comes to gig visibility in search: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/243824-welcome-to-fiverr-30/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/278118-fiverr-30-revisited-aka-fiverr-31/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/300818-fiverr-40-some-thoughts-on-the-current-state-of-things/
  12. Then you'll have to wait for it to clear in Payoneer before you access your funds. Check your notifications because your account might be pending necessary verifications before you can access your funds. Payoneer also has very good live chat support. You can discuss your issue with them here: https://payoneer.custhelp.com/app/chat/chat_launch
  13. Hi @sherry_graphicx - I just checked your account and I'm able to send messages to you, so buyers should be able to send messages to you as well. Can you explain what you mean here? 1) You aren't receiving inbox messages, but 2) you are receiving briefs? Or, you just haven't received inboxes messages for a brief while? Not getting inbox messages for brief periods of time is pretty normal. Sometimes you'll get a lot of messages. Other times, you won't hear from anyone.
  14. Same thing. If the withdrawal is successful, you won't be able to reverse it. You'll have to go to Payoneer to access the funds. If ithe withdrawal is unnsuccessful, then the funds will stay in your Fiverr account.
  15. Hi @zakir360, No - once money is withdrawn successfully from Fiverr, it can't be returned. You will have to go to your Paypal account to access your funds.
  16. Hi @somitrabhardwaj - It looks like you have 4 good reviews, which means you are off to a great start in improving your visibility in Fiverr's search. I also like how you said "throughout the time," because it does take time to build a good profile. Establish clear communication and expectations with your clients, deliver great customer experiences (note: this is more than the delivery itself), and keep your buyers happy. It can seem like a slow process at first, and the first 10 orders (even the first 20 orders) can seem like it takes forever. But stay consistent, improve your services and skills, and always look for ways to grow your business. Success happens one step at a time, through consistent and intentional effort.
  17. New sellers actually are given many chances - 1. New sellers and new gigs are given a temporary boost in search so that their gigs can be found. I've seen some new sellers on the forum report that this boost lasted for a month. 2. As @visualstudios mentioned, there is a Rising Talent badge that is given to highlight new sellers with potential. This is a temporary badge that disappears once the seller reaches a certain amount of exposure. 3. Fiverr also advertises gigs straight to buyers' email .... and many of them (sometimes most of them) are new sellers with ~5 completed orders. 4. If buyers really want to support new sellers, they can also limit their searches to show only new sellers. There are probably other boosts that Fiverr gives to help new sellers be successful.
  18. Hi @anisur1786his, I don't see any active gigs on your account. You'll need gigs set up in order to start earning money on Fiverr.
  19. I think @donnovan86 mentioned buyers coming back to cancel orders that were completed even a year ago. I don't think there's a time limit to when a buyer can cancel an order. Hopefully, you can dispute this successfully! It looks like you have all the proof that you need to show that you completed everything that was required for the order (and the buyer was satisfied).
  20. When I moved back to the US, after living in Japan for some time, I submitted a support ticket and CS quickly changed my location to the US. All I needed to show them was a picture of a utility bill with my current address.
  21. Then contact CS to see if there were any spam messages that were incorrectly counted against you. They have access to that information and can adjust your stats, if they see that's the case. You don't need a Success Manager or be on Seller Plus to do that.
  22. Hi @ruhelmiah10, you only fully addressed 1 of the 6 of my suggestions (and they are suggestions, so you can do whatever you would like with them). The "Sirs" are gone and some of the spelling/grammar has been fixed (not all, so at least fix that). Attention to detail and consistency in your work are two traits that are important for a data entry specialist to have. The attention that you put into your gigs reflects that, and buyers will be looking at the quality of your gig to determine the quality of your services. To know if your gig is okay, you need to monitor its performance over time. If you still aren't getting orders, that means your profile and gigs aren't convincing buyers to buy.
  23. Yes. Be honest about your English level. Correct all of your spelling and grammatical errors (they are everywhere including your gig titles and FAQs). Get rid of the "Sirs," round-the-clock support, unlimited revisions, and 100% money-back guarantee. ⬆️ This is what buyers are looking for. If your profile and gigs don't communicate trustworthiness, credibility, or capability, buyers will not order from you.
  24. Buyers are asked to leave two private reviews in addition to the public review (so 3 reviews for each order). The private reviews are the ones that have the most impact on your account (but we as sellers can't see them). @erikaangelinafu - as @dardanng mentioned, talking about ratings with your buyer, especially asking for stars, is against Fiverr's ToS. You can ask for a review, but you can't ask for a buyer to review you in a specific way (good or bad). Yes, to leave a rating on a public review. However, you should stop talking to your client about his review. Fiverr can give you a warning for having this discussion with your client.
  25. Hi @ruhelmiah10, If you have good impressions and clicks but no orders, that means Fiverr is showing you to buyers, they are interested enough to click and view your gigs, and then they decide not to buy. They move on to place orders with your competition. In order to get orders, you will have to update your profile and gigs so that prospective buyers will want to buy from you. Buyers will buy from you if they think you are trustworthy, credible, and capable. Here are some issues that I found in your gigs: 1. You list English as fluent but your profile and gigs have too many spelling and grammatical errors in them. Your gig thumbnail has great English (so buyers click on it) but then they see your profile and gigs. This may be a reason why buyers choose not to place an order. Your English isn't what you say it is, so they will question the validity of anything else that you claim. They will also question the quality of your work, because they will expect error-free work from a data entry virtual assistant. 2. You mention "Sir" many times throughout your bio and gigs - use "you" instead of "sir" so that you aren't alienating any female buyers who visit your gigs. 3. You offer round-the-clock support, unlimited revisions, and 100% money-back guarantee. This opens the door for abuse from buyers and a lot of headache. You may find your team doing a lot for free because of unlimited revisions, cancelations, and round-the-clock requests from your clients. You also don't instill buyer confidence in your skills if you are offering unlimited revisions and their money back (before they even order).
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