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About alaminkhan786


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  1. Fiverr isn't sending me any codes. It's been like this for about 6-7 days, no change. But it wasn't like that before, everything was fine. My sim is fine, network is also fine. And I have enough space on my phone. Still not getting any solution to the problem. I also spoke to Fiverr support, but they are not giving any reply.
  2. This pop-up says that after 24 hours I can verify my phone number. But after 24 hours, it's still not working (about 3 days). I have also informed Fiverr support about this, but I'm not getting any response. Without phone verification, I can't even withdraw my payment. Now what can I do to solve this? Looking for expert help, please help me. 🙏
  3. Hello everyone, I am facing a problem with being online in Fiverr search results. I was not aware of this factor before. Still, that's when I knew that being online was important. So, I started monitoring my account and I found that I was online on my PC and also on my phone. However, it was not showing up in the Fiverr online filter. I tried checking other filters, and I was in other filters. But, I was not in the online filter. So, I'm very curious about it and before that, I checked a few months ago, and at that time the problem wasn't happening as I was showing online. However, at the moment I am not showing online in the online filter. I even cleared my browser cookies, and uninstalled and reinstalled the mobile app. Also, I've cleared the browser history, and have the app and system online check box ticked. But still, it's not working. So please let me know what I can do about it?
  4. Can't say anything right about this, you should follow Fiverr community moderators or experienced people without listening to anyone.
  5. My name is Al Amin Khan and I am a resident of Chandpur, Bangladesh. I specialize in data entry services, diligently organizing and managing business data to increase efficiency and productivity. With a focus on B2B lead generation, I am excited to join this forum to share insights and strategies that help businesses identify and effectively engage with potential clients. My web address is:- https://www.fiverr.com/s/pQYRXo
  6. Welcome to our Fiverr community!
  7. Keep calm and keep marketing your gigs on various social media.
  8. The image shows my gig analytics for the last 7 days. Looking at the analytics of the gig, I feel positive, but why can't I get a job? Maybe many people will say that there may be a problem with my description of the gig. But is it really so? Those who are experienced in this matter, please analyze my gigs and let me know where the real problem is with my gigs. My Profile URL: https://www.fiverr.com/alaminkhan786?up_rollout=true Note:- Newbies or those who are not experienced in this matter, please don't give opposite suggestions.
  9. Try to improve your gig descriptions and thumbnails as well.
  10. Thank You Everyone. Please pray for me, I will do the same. Give some tips, If you have.
  11. Thank you everyone. Keep me in your prayers!
  12. Most Welcome both of you. Keep me in your prayers! And, I will do the same.
  13. Most Welcome everyone. Keep me in your prayers!
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