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Everything posted by fiveroptic1

  1. ...just happened to see this post @smashradio, as I very rarely visit anymore - for the very reasons you've highlighted. There are so many better places online to visit about all things 5r than this 'official' forum. To be honest, I admire those of you who stick around and put up with it....
  2. @smashradioall good advice. I would however add one caveat for any one reading this. For a new seller, or one on a lower level, a bad 'private review', which is not seen by the seller, can really harm their account, especially when that seller does not have the volume to 'dilute' that bad review. Many buyers know this full well, especially those who operate in the VO sphere for example - I'm talking middlemen video creators etc, on 5r. - they specifically target newbies, not only because invariably their prices will be cheaper, but because they know that they can hold them over a barrel with revisions etc for fear of that seller incurring a bad private review. Something to be mindful of - even when a buyer is being unreasonable.
  3. There are , probably, 20 - 30 regular contributors on here, who I've found to be helpful, entertaining and informative. Stick around for a bit @nomuffinsforyou - you'll soon work out who they are! You can then choose to 'follow' them and only select 'members I follow' when visiting - so you can bypass (most) of the crap.
  4. @smashradioI thought you would be busy changing nappies!
  5. My view is, yes, as you'll have more fishing lines in more pools. However, as has been mentioned - make sure they are relatively unique - crossover of gigs may well not particularly benefit you overall if they are too similar.
  6. Personally @chraheel- and you may not like this, but after a whole year with no orders, I would go back to the drawing board. Delete your gigs and start again. (Or of course you can wait another year for the 5r gods to randomly smile on you...)
  7. Me too! Just easing my way back in to the quagmire of drivel hoping to find a decent nugget that makes visiting here worthwhile. Well done to @vickieito for being succinct and sharing a post of value. If only all newbies could say something so constructive...!
  8. I'm not. (I should have put a smiley emoji at the end ) Besides, common sense dictates that the very people who need it - won't want to pay for it.
  9. I'm seriously considering starting a gig offering stock 'quick replies' for sellers, in perfect English. e.g. How to refuse an offer gracefully, explaining the reason for price variations in a given niche, or qualifying why a service is worth more than the competition etc etc. There may be a market for it. Even for upselling - e.g. bespoke replies!
  10. - just to add. I've suffered a downturn in organic traffic since I hit L2, although I am still able to promote my gigs as I was before. Sometimes it really is simply the churn of the algo. As @smashradiosays, keep doing the right things and it will get back on track for you. Good luck.
  11. Indeed! Personally, I live by the maxim on 5r that I never charge more than I would do than if a buyer has gone directly to my gig and ordered. So that's my conscience covered! But I agree, Buyer insights definitely save time when conversing with a potential buyer who patently never has and, more importantly, never will pay what your standard charges are. It saves a lot of back and forth time wasting and 'doing the dance'. Definitely gives a strong indication, at a glance, if a buyer is just fishing or is a serious prospect.
  12. I was moaning on another thread somewhere about the seller plus programme that one of the best features was the buyer insights, which appeared a few months ago , then disappeared. Glad to see it's back. It does give sellers an albeit brief, but valuable additional tool - which is always a good thing.
  13. @frank_d. Completely agree. One thing though that was very handy was the buyers' history. Previous orders, tips, completion rates and average rating feedback. NOW, that was of real value, but for some reason 5r have discontinued it. A real shame.
  14. I applied to the programme a month into starting my account and if I remember correctly was accepted a couple of weeks later. That was 10 months ago. As @donnovan86mentioned, it's worth it simply not to have to wait for fund clearance. You also get more buyer requests apparently, but let's face it, 100% of cr*p is a 100% of cr*p, no matter how big the dung heap, so that didn't really matter to me. Since hitting L2 in March, after solid month on month growth, my orders became very erratic. My success manager has been helpful most of the time, but hasn't always made the best suggestions to get things back on track in my opinion. (There are a lot of L2 sellers on Fiverr, so maybe I'm just a victim of L2 'blues' and have to put up with it). Overall, I would suggest give it a go. It's not a huge outlay and for me, I think it's been more of a benefit and worthwhile expense rather than a waste. Hope that helps.
  15. Hi all - Here in the UK, parasols are used a lot, but mainly for little ones / babies in prams etc, but not adults. Once kids reach about 4-5 years old, they are deemed old enough to just wear a hat, as their skin is not so sensitive!
  16. Thanks @frank_d. So much help and as always, very interesting insights.
  17. That's why it's rather sad that more forum members didn't beat a path to your door to view the livestream. The fact that you didn't have 100s, if not more attendees, demonstrates more than anything, that those who constantly bemoan on here 'why my gig not ranking' or 'how i get order on Fiber' have absolutely no interest in helping themselves, even when it's offered to them on a plate! Or, maybe they were just busy & had more important things to do - like clogging up the forum with spam at 7.30 yesterday .
  18. Thanks once again for the live stream @frank_d - learn't some interesting tips and tricks. Glad to see the methodology is working out in practice for the gig :)
  19. As things stand, any other day really - although, could poss do Friday, just need to move some things around depending on the time. I'm GMT.
  20. @frank_d - always happy to learn new techniques from an established & successful seller - count me in. (might be the same as @imagination7413, as Fridays can be difficult due to family commitments), but will definitely view it when I'm next available. Note: I'm amazed there aren't more take ups for your kind offer - all those people on here who moan that they're not getting any business...
  21. It's not really confusing. Although your impressions are low - you are getting them. So it's time to concentrate on why no one is clicking through. Maybe you want to look at your thumbnails - might be a good place to start....
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