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Everything posted by imagination7413

  1. Correct: Fiverr removed this feature. Those videos are a bit outdated.
  2. https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017972518-Cash-Advance The terms of the contract you agreed to are fixed. If you want to try to negotiate the contract, you'll need to contact Fiverr.
  3. If you have open orders, you need to either do the work as per the contract or cancel. You cannot change the order to charge a Buyer more unless they are asking for work that's beyond the scope of the contract.
  4. Reputation is a very rough estimate on how reputable a profile is. A higher reputation can imply that what that Member says is more likely to be trustworthy than a Member with a very low reputation. That said, you should still use caution and not overly rely on the number, as it can and has been gamified and thus cheated by some forum users. It is a bit more reliable than forum rank, though. Really the best way to tell if a user is reliable is to check their post history and read. Is the user consistent? Do they actually explain, or do they resort to copy/paste? Are the posts actually relevant to the thread/topic they're posted in? Do they actually address an issue or question? It's neither good nor bad. It just is. Is a pile of rocks good or bad? Completely depends on acquisition method and intended use.
  5. Are your requirements actually set to "required"? If not, then you need to fix that before this happens again. Were your requirements set, but the Buyer filled them in with non-answers? Use the method @smartdezigns provided. Also be sure to request an extension for time.
  6. Here's Fiverr's Help Center page on the topic: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010750318-Viewing-Gig-Statistics
  7. Do you have an open order with them? If not, then just don't buy, though you can also report messages in the inbox. If you do have an order, and want them to finish the work, just rate them accordingly when the order is complete.
  8. As long as you delivered the order through the Deliver button on the order page, Fiverr should have sent an email to the Buyer. You can simply say to check the email that Fiverr sent.
  9. I'm not sure if it's your intent, but you are coming across as angry and aggressive and preachy, as opposed to calm and inviting discussion or debate. An opinion is, quote, "a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge." (Source: Google search for "opinion definition") There is a lot of evidence that shows that Fiverr does support new skilled sellers, including the entire Help Center.
  10. Too much text. The smaller font won't be easily readable at thumbnail size. Text is too close to the left edge. Many display resolutions will cut it off. Images too small (thumbnail size, again), and don't mesh well with the service you're offering. Color choice, brown? Calm color, but maybe too calm.
  11. I'm pretty sure that AI generated content can't be copyrighted. That's basically asking for the song to be stolen.
  12. Better hope he'll hold to his word. Craft a custom order from your inbox, detail the extra work you did, and reference the original order number. If the Buyer accepts, deliver documentation of the work you did (proof of work completed).
  13. Please see: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/sections/360003366818-Withdrawals-for-sellers
  14. No, don't lower your prices. Your time is valuable. Think long-term. Fiverr itself says: Source: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010949038-4-Things-to-Do-Before-Creating-Your-Gig The best thing you can do is diversification. Put your talents on multiple markets, and offer other skills. Think about what you can do that AI can't. Do not rely on Fiverr. (Fiverr is not my only source of income. I have a day-job.)
  15. Did you read this one? https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010750318-Viewing-Gig-statistics
  16. Fiverr doesn't like Sellers to make multiple gigs of the same service. Might be a part of the reason.
  17. Hate to say it, but this is a very unstable time to enter the market as an artist, what with AI generated images.
  18. If you are asking questions, it's a good idea to use a question mark.
  19. Depends on why you want to delete it. If you want to make a new gig, because you no longer want to offer what the old gig offered, then delete. If you're just posting the same service, then editing your gig is a better method.
  20. *cough* Dunning-Kruger effect *cough* *coughcough* Anchoring cognitive bias *cough* *coughhackcough* Confirmation bias *cough* *ahem* Anyone got a lozenge?
  21. I'm going to be blunt, to minimize translation issues, since you are misrepresenting your proficiency in English on your Fiverr profile. Advertising is part of marketing. Running ads successfully means knowing marketing strategies. Anyone can pay to place an ad, but it's a marketer's job to make an ad successful. To know the 'how' and 'why'. Your gig contradicts itself. You both guarantee AND disclaim the promise of sales. You claim to know campaigns, strategies, and funnels, to help businesses. Apply that to your own business.
  22. There should be a 'Join Club' button right below the club banner, if you click on the Club link.
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