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  1. You should gig description and title add keywords and create attractive image and be patients. Or you see your competitors gig
  2. You refresh you fiver page after 10 min you show offline
  3. Be patients, you should gig optimization title and description and add keywords
  4. It's scammer
  5. I thanks to all fiver forum community members and I want Tip for all fiver members you should edit your gig keywords time to time change at least 2 week because you see your more impressions and click and may be possible you getting order
  6. You should gig description and title add keywords and create attractive image
  7. You need help fiver support
  8. Be patients and time ti time you're gig description edit keywords
  9. Don't worry fiver algorithm is different type perform you gig edit some keywords
  10. Yes you can edit
  11. I think 🤔 you should change your gig image or improve
  12. janyseo333

    Client Asking

    Many clients asking my services relevant questions but not getting any order Why? Tell me anyone in this case
  13. Be patients and update the time to time gig description and use keywords
  14. 90% your order completion rate and again you achieve Level one
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