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  1. @puspojit_biswas I will, but even as an expert it still helpful to get feedback from other people and other perspectives. My SEO is looking good. I need to work on my images and my offers. @vickiespencer You're right. Thank you for your valuable the advice I will work on it.
  2. Hi, I will post the link of my profile below, I would love to get some feedback from you guys. https://www.fiverr.com/marco_bode Thank you for taking the time to review it. Feel free to paste your link and I will do the same for you!
  3. Welcome to Fiverr! I wish you all the best!
  4. What is the problem if you're getting impressions and clicks, but no orders? What are good click-trough rates on Fiverr? What is the average conversion rate on Fiverr?
  5. To be brutally honest with you, you claim to be a expert graphic designer, but your gig images do not really look like that. So your loosing a lot of credibility through that and nobody will order. So my recommendation is to improve your gig images so they look more professional.
  6. Hi everyone, In some YouTube Videos about Gig creation, there is a field where you can enter a SEO title. Has Fiverr removed this function as it does not show up when I try to create a gig. Thank you for the help!
  7. Thank you for this tip I will check it out!
  8. What are some tips to start getting impressions as a new seller?
  9. I would also recommend working on your gig image to stand out once you are getting impressions!
  10. I would recommend to test different images to achieve a better CTR. Good Luck!
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