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Everything posted by visualstudios

  1. Nope. NFT is a technology, and that can be applied to anything. Tickets, property deeds, objects, etc. Anything that can be owned. Now, nft's of a crappy jpeg that can easily be copied and that has no value in itself selling for millions may very well be a major bubble, but that has nothing to do with the concept of nft's themselves. Having blockchain based certificates of property is a legit idea.
  2. Yes, but how do you get 45 / 120 combinations from those?
  3. Can you explain this a bit more? What do you mean by 45 combinations from 2 words and 120 combinations from 3 words?
  4. Excellent take. Although that will really depend on the type of service, naturally - some things are just impossible to get at $5 with any semblance of quality. But that is indeed the case for certain services.
  5. When I got into Pro, I was allowed to upgrade my non pro gigs that had a certain number of reviews. But there was a limit, like 50- reviews or so. Thousands would obviously not cut it. Also, my gigs were already priced at around or above the limit I was told ($100 minimum at the time, not sure if it's a hard limit or what), I don't know if that's also a factor.
  6. Yeah, I don't think that will fly... There's a limit to how much prices can be raised lol. Anyway, my tips: Don't offer discounts Don't offer coupons Don't offer subscriptions Don't offer anything that will decrease your selling price Don't buy gig promotion Don't spend money on anything you can avoid (seller plus is worth it though) Move to a country where you don't have to pay taxes.
  7. It's a fun pastime. There's no advantage in terms of sales.
  8. No, it's not. It's one of the simplest languages to learn and understand. And that's a pretty mainstream review, not some crazy statement.
  9. One would think the best would be enough. Talk about high demands...
  10. Yeah, I mean... if those guys can get paid for "courses", I should probably make my own site and sell courses myself, as I'm 100% confident I'm much better than that entire team put together.
  11. ATTENTION: Go to this guys channel and check a few videos. He does these "live client communication" videos, where you can see his account and his communication with leads. Wanna know what's funny? He has a bunch of these videos, and in each one the seller account he is using is different. This guy has shown himself using dozens of different accounts. Wtf is this.
  12. Lmao wtf is this. Zero reviews, crap response rate, using google translator throughout the video to talk with clients (big oof), yet they have an active order of over $900. How? Highly suspicious. Why would anyone place such a big order on a profile like this? I call bs. Btw, I just checked the profile. The account is from October 2020, over one year ago. They have a single review, precisely for that order you can see above, delivered 8 months ago. That gig's pricing tops out at $270, so I have no idea where did he get $910. Or how he can get one order of over $900, get a five star review, and then get zero orders for almost a year. It makes no sense. They are gaming the system somehow, placing a dummy order just to impress viewers on the YouTube videos. It's the only logical explanation.
  13. Spain still got swindled out of Brasil in the treaty of Tordesilhas. Portugal won the discoveries (and also aljubarrota).
  14. Nope. It's because of the US cultural influence and because it's super easy to learn as a second language. English is very regular, words are genderless, verb tenses are extremely limited, it's phonetically easier than a lot of other languages, the writing system is simple (no accents on words, for example), etc. Britons, the most successful conquerors during the age of discovery? ahahahah (laughs in Portuguese).
  15. Grammarly is helpful if you just need a spell and grammar checker. The problem with most of the sellers you describe is that they just don't understand the language, and grammarly won't help with that. Grammarly can help you improve, but there has to be something there to improve in the first place. There's a big difference between dealing with a buyer/seller that has a few typos and unnatural sentences, but has a clear thought process and is able to communicate or dealing with a buyer/seller with totally indecipherable messages, even if they are grammatically correct and error free. So if you're at the point where grammarly would have a real impact, we're talking diminishing returns, you'll probably be "good enough" without it (unless you're offering writing services, but then you should already be pretty good at it anyway). Many of these sellers don't know how to think. That's the real problem. That they don't know how to think in English is just a corollary.
  17. Contact CS, explain exactly what happened, attach screenshots of the buyers profile and all conversation, and request for CS to cancel those orders without impacting your stats.
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