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Everything posted by mariashtelle1

  1. @vovkaslovesnyy I see no one spammed on your wall, yet! 
    I’ll be the first one and I’m sure @maitasun @vickiespencer and @ahmwritingco will join me soon 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. vovkaslovesnyy





      Sure! 😁

      @vickiespencer, @mariashtelle1

      I totally understand you. I didn't like the last days of the previous version of the forum, but the current one is...

      It may look fancy, but nothing changed. No moderation, no control, and waves of useless messages. If that was the goal, I don't want to be a part of it. 


    3. vickiespencer


      Neither do we. That is why we are taking our conversations off the main posts and onto our profiles.

    4. vovkaslovesnyy


      I know. I think we can also pause the emoji game until it gets better. 

  2. I think that was it! Now we can spam you on your own wall 😉

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ahmwritingco


      Just because it's the fourth of July, it doesn't mean you have to eat four hotdogs in four minutes. 🙈

    3. imagination7413


      I just had chilidogs for supper. Hamburgers for lunch.

      HAPPY INDEPENDANCE DAY! And a thanks to all our veterans and those serving! 

    4. ahmwritingco


      Sounds like a fun day. Happy Independence Day. I have so many great memories of trips to the USA. Unfortunately I've never been able to spend a 4th of July there, though. 🙂 🇺🇸

  3. Hey Jon, welcome back! 
    just blink twice if you can read our posts 😉 

    1. jonbaas


      I'm all full of blinks at the moment. I'm still a bit overwhelmed by the extent of the upgraded forum platform. There are a lot of bell and whistles this time around.

    2. mariashtelle1


      Yassss! Great to see you here! 

    3. jonbaas
  4. Hey @deivys20071 how are you? I see that you are mostly hanging out in the emoji thread. How are you finding new forum? 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. deivys20071


      @ahmwritingcohaha but you do it very well!! we need to open a new  drawing thread!!! 😄 😄 

    3. maitasun


      Deivys, @ahmwritingco wants to practice his drawing skills to be able to draw arepas. Arepas is the only thing he thinks in. 😂

    4. ahmwritingco
  5. Congrats on your new badge! It’s well deserved 💪 

    1. vickiespencer


      You are welcome! 🙂

  6. Hey @maitasun how have you been? I see you being “active forum walls”? 😉🙈

    1. maitasun


      Hi Maria! I'm fine, thanks! 🙃How about you? 🙂

      Yeah, it's more fun and you don't get stuck in stay active 24/7 traffic. 😉😅

    2. mariashtelle1


      Oh absolutely! I almost gave up on the main topics, they are just flooded. Maybe I’ll stay only to chat with friends on their walls 

    3. vickiespencer


      I wish I were as smart as you about the main forum! 


  7. Hey @vibronx are you boycotting forum in general or we can keep chatting here on your wall with more meaningful things? 

    1. vibronx


      Boycotting the threads... I will still be able to chat on the profile feeds about important things such as the best sheep-shearing techniques.

    2. mariashtelle1


      Uhh I think for shearing you might need to come back to the main forum 😂 they seem to shear in every topic

  8. And to add I would also assume that cancellation ratio will play a big role in getting this feature. Again it’s only my assumption. Because if you are getting cancellations or clients cancel orders it means that fiverr can’t offer early payout to you and they will loose money if clients will be asking for money back after order is completed and you withdrawn the money
  9. You saw that you had less impressions right after you completed an order then there is one thing to keep in mind: fiverr has private feedback form that they send to buyers and it weights much more than public feedback. you client might’ve left 5 stars public review but in anonymous feedback they could write an honest review which could be different from public one. and those hidden reviews fiverr takes into account when “ranking” your gig. don’t loose your hope, keep your hard work, learn and improve constantly and that wouldn’t go unnoticed by buyers
  10. It’s not me “mentioning it” 😉 you quoted a part of the definition that was serving your views but you purposely ignored the part that you didn’t serve your purpose, so I just quoted the full definition of the word “spam” and not my “opinion”. if you’ll open a profile of that person (or many others) you’ll see that they send only one message to all topics no matter what is the discussion in that topic. And that is definition of spam. And that is correct. I do like a good debate with exchange of opinions like we are having right now, because it’s a meaningful conversation. And all those “same problem. Yassss. Of course. And active forum” on the contrary are not meaningful nor they express any opinions or adding value to the conversation, it’s simply done to gain a forum badge
  11. Well, you forgot to add here the full text of that definition. No worries. I will add it here for the purpose of non-commercial proselytizing, for any prohibited purpose, or simply sending the same message over and over to the same user
  12. @mjensen415 it’s really great to see an official answer here I know you're being sarcastic It’s not a sarcasm, I just made an assumption. The same assumption as “staying active on a forum will rank your gig” (by the way, English is also not my first language) It also will be great to hear an official answer on other myths like the one mentioned above: Does it make a difference staying online on a forum?
  13. I guess the same as he believes that writing on the forum will rank his gig 🤷‍♀️ If it works one way it can work the other way
  14. Please stop spamming forum with “sema problem” and “yes of course messages”. Spamming on the forum will derank your gig.
  15. It's easy to say that you would pay 250$ for membership on Fiverr when you are already established seller here and you know for a fact that you will make that money anyway. I know what Fiverr brings me and I probably would stick to it anyway. But for new sellers who didn't try the platform or don't have established clientele it will be almost impossible to afford that. Remembering myself 8 years ago, I wouldn't have joined any paid memberships, and in fact I didn't. I have profiles on most freelancing websites but I use only a couple of them for various reasons but "paid memberships" or "pay to play" is definitely a factor for me when I have to pay upfront without knowing what would it bring and what would be the ROI.
  16. Of course it is possible. however what did you do to get orders within a week? Or did you just create your gig and now is only sitting and waiting for orders?
  17. That’s kind of logical. 🤔 if you don’t have a gig then there is nothing to rank. And if you have a gig then it’s the only source to get “rank”.
  18. I’ve never seen it taking 24 hours. if it’s not in pending clearance then you should contact support and give them a ticket number saying that those funds doesn’t appear in your pending clearance
  19. Yes they do. Anyone can see and join fiverr forum, however it’s naturally more sellers than buyers visiting forum to get an advice
  20. Glad to see you on our new forum! 

    1. maitasun


      Glad to see you too! 😉

  21. Who is your target audience for your service?
  22. Never saw that statistics. Low sales periods happens at all levels. That doesn’t mean that lower level sellers specifically make more money than higher levels or higher levels make more money that lower levels. It all depends on a person, a service, season and a lot of other factors on how many sales and how big will be your income. Your income doesn’t depend on a seller level.
  23. Ok so it shows that you didn’t read fiverr TOS. Even after your account was restricted. You can reach out to support after 90 days if you don’t have access to your account anymore and ask for withdrawal of your funds.
  24. Usually it clears at the same time when order was completed.
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