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Everything posted by mariashtelle1

  1. Oh well, it’s not really backed by banks. It will be when all the banks decide to start using it as a unified bank currency instead of processing redundant currency exchanges. For now only 7 banks using ripple. And to highlight they using ripple as a platform for real money transactions but not token. And on top of that Ripple cannot be bought with fiat currencies, one must purchase existing cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum to purchase XRP. They do show a good potential but still very far from being “backed” and supported by bankers in the same way as dollar for example. But again I’m not an expert in cryptocurrencies and happy to be proved wrong.
  2. No cryptocurrencies supported or backed by banks and most likely never will. (Well maybe only etherium but it’s only speculation and China even manipulated its cost through news) Anyway as @jonbaas already said cryptocurrency is super unstable and more on the side of trading and investments rather than payment options.
  3. Then what’s the point of response rate and response time if system will send auto responses immediately? That defeats the whole purpose of it. Fiverr giving 24 hours to respond on messages which is more than enough time.
  4. Noooo, I hope they wouldn’t 🙈 I’m a horrible introvert and it makes me so stressed to talk to people especially if we take into account that not every buyer has a good level of English. And I definitely don’t want that feature because it will be a nightmare. We already have enough buyers asking every 5 min if their order is ready and only can imagine how overwhelming it will get with a video call being available. And adding on top of that: let’s say I have 100 clients every month, then I’ll prefer to have all their requirements written down so I could come back and check every detail instead of trying to remember every call and every detail for each of 100 clients…
  5. The thing is that they should not get what they want, they should get what they ask for. In every business you are paying regardless of whether you liked something or not. You don’t pay only if the product or service does not match the declared. I’m not really sure what is your argument :thinking: if you saw my other replies I am always saying to never agree to cancel the order. And I would never agree for cancellation myself. However it is quite fair for buyer to rate an experience with a seller even if it’s a bad rating. And that’s what I’m talking about in my comment and not that buyers shouldn’t pay. I also got bad reviews where I felt it was totally unprofessional because they were asking what’s not included or it was just simple different styles and visions but anyway it’s buyers right to leave a review if they paid for the service and didn’t get what they wanted (their fault or not) And you’ll be surprised how many sellers here can not follow simple instructions or showcasing stolen portfolio and therefor can’t complete orders in the same quality as their portfolio which makes a lot of buyers furious. And those sellers also deserve a review.
  6. No that’s not the same thing I said. I never cancel orders when buyer is asking me to after I completed the order. They can leave whatever review they feel is fair but I’m not going to cancel the order that I spent my time working on. Coma.
  7. You can not. Wear the buyers shoes, they didn’t get what they wanted and even it’s unfair to the seller that’s how they feel and if they can’t get a refund they also should be entitled to at least leave a review that they feel is fair. And you can always comment of their review with your side of the story. I find it totally fair.
  8. I don’t see racism at all here. I think nowadays “racism” word is heavily misused. I’m quite sure that the seller blocked you because of “I want to use stock video”. We are not allowed to use stock copyrighted materials cause fiverr is blocking accounts for that. So probably he simply didn’t want to get into debate of what’s legal on fiverr and blocked you. Which shouldn’t be a biggie for you.
  9. Everyone knows and even fiverr highlights it everywhere. And it was even written on the screenshot on the other post you commented. It’s GMT
  10. Omg, are you going to complain about everything? You responses are getting flagged because a lot of people from the community reported your responses as they though it was inappropriate. Inappropriate is inappropriate. That’s it. Maybe you should start interacting in a different way instead of threatening fiverr team who doesn’t even read this forum and insulting other sellers.
  11. You can share it under my “my fiverr gigs” category. However it might not bring you as many clients as you expect. It’s mostly the same sellers here on the forum and not buyers.
  12. That is so horrible. They are “teaching” something that they have no idea about, advising harmful things for sellers and making market place génerally worse place with sellers concentrated on the wrong things 😔
  13. So my interpretation of TOS was: if you added in your description or as an extra to your gig “copyrights” and if person didn’t buy copyrights when placing an order then you own the rights (for the part in tos that says “if stated otherwise on sellers gig) If it wasn’t there and added only upon discussion after work was delivered then the work was delivered under “work for hire term
  14. Most of my clients coming from Europe and the US. And as other people mentioned there is no good or bad. I completely don’t have clients from Africa or India etc because they simply can’t afford my prices.
  15. Are you in a rush? That’s going to happen anyway during the day (even if the day will be already over at your place) It’s been more than a year this system is in place and it happens on the 15th anyway just in different time for different time zones.
  16. Yep at night. 12am that just passed was for the 14th of March.
  17. Exactly, you wrote it yourself, evaluations done by 12 am GMT time. As I’m aware it’s still not 12 even 12pm for GMT.
  18. iPhone 🙈 No, I didn’t even have that option (probably because I used my phone to go through this process)
  19. I just had to go through the process and it was super easy. Though I didn’t have any QR codes or anything like this. First it took me to the page “what is fiverr I’d verification” and with button “next” Second was window with “choose your country and type of id” Third page with “take a photo of your ID” and camera button that opens your camera, Forurth page “take a selfie/headshot “ And that’s it. It was immideately verified after that. Al process took not more than 4 minutes (I actually was doing it in a rush to still catch my bus)
  20. I would advise you to read TOS and see the list if the websites allowed to share your portfolio.
  21. I wish I could built a house for just 60.000$ 🙈 Unfortunately in London even a small 2 bed apartment will cost 1.000.000£ pounds (which is even more in dollars) Ehhh
  22. I’m not sure what do you mean because that’s how fiver works: buyer placing an order, paying full amount, filling requirements and you start working. If you are working in a different way that’s not a fiverr problem, they are strongly advising to do all work after placing an order.
  23. I’m sorry but I’m not going to teach you English language if you can’t even open google translate and learn it for yourself. I hope someone else will be more helpful and will explain the meaning of that word for you. But without investing your time even in such a simple things you wouldn’t be able to become successful, no one else will do your job for you. Good luck.
  24. Do you want to try to use “google translate” to find out what “demoted” means?
  25. Well, I would actually disagree with that. This platform is made for us to choose how to work. That’s why we called freelancers. Of course fiverr puts their own rules but it’s all up to the seller to work with whom they would like to work and for buyers to buy from sellers that they like. Sellers are also not obliged to jump on every single order with someone who’s trying to fish for discounts etc. I never provide discounts or negotiating. I value my time and my clients, if they are not ready to pay for my time then why should I care about their project? There are many other sellers as yourself I guess who will be happy to provide them discounts. (Of course I’m not talking about times when I’m working which a client and I really like them during the process I can give them some things for free. But if someone trying to bargain a discount even before we worked together that’s a big no no for me) And this approach actually brought only good results for me. The time I’m not spending on orders with huge discounts I’m investing rather in my skill or developing my business or new products. So just to sum up: no it’s not bad to refuse to work with clients that are trying to get your work cheaper and yes, that’s how fiverr is set up: if you don’t want you can cancel the order, black buyer etc and that wouldn’t be TOS violation
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