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Everything posted by mariashtelle1

  1. So what help do you need from us? Most likely your account was restricted for violating TOS but you didn’t attach here the full email that customer support sent you so we can’t even guess what’s the problem. I would suggest for you to wait for a follow up from them or contact support directly. Good luck.
  2. No it’s not. That wouldn’t help you with orders or gig ranking. It will help you only to educate yourself by reading the tips on this forum and implementing them.
  3. First of all if your gig violates TOS then it doesn’t matter how long your gig existed before fiverr team removed it. Secondly we can’t help you without knowing what services you were offering in your gig. And actually fiverr team wrote clearly that someone else complained that you used their copyrighted product and that’s why the removed your gig.
  4. That is a great advise. Hope he will be able to follow it. But for now it looks like he couldn’t even click the button on the screen to confirm that he’s not “a robot”
  5. I think sometimes it’s better avoid giving an advise when you are not sure if that’s the wrong or right advise. What you are recommending absolutely doesn’t have any effect on the impressions.
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