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Everything posted by mariashtelle1

  1. Accessible is McDonalds logo 😉 Apple is premium. Accessible is not for the simplistic style of the logo, it’s the colours etc that you choose that will speak to people that this brand is “affordable” like flashy orange green colours, cheap-ish look etc, brand psychology in action. Just my two cents. Classic is classic, classic is timeless. Vintage is referring to a specific time period.
  2. I agree, it depends on what you want to get from fiverr. At least for now it’s definitely not a paywall. Maybe in the future, but who knows. It has extra analytics which can help you grow and adapt your fiverr offers but if you are not planning to do that then probably it’s not worth it
  3. You know, you can do it only one way: by replying to your next clients faster. And health is not really an excuse. You can put yourself out of the office if you need to be away for some time. I was still answering clients while I was in hospital in labour but that was my choice and I took a responsibility for it.
  4. But they do bring champagne. And champagne brings me happiness 🙈🤭
  5. That’s why fiver has the local time and even extra note that it’s a night time. So no, clients do know if it’s night at your place.
  6. Not in the UK and not in Russia anymore… not sure I’ll be coming back any time soon 🙈
  7. I don’t know, it’s tough to say if it’s really from a watermark because there is a shade on the right side but there is no similar shade on the left side
  8. Ok then he definitely blocked you and that’s not acceptable because he sent you partial delivery and that’s TOS violation. You for sure need to open ticket with support and there are 2 things you can choose to ask for: 1. ask fiverr for a refund because seller didn’t deliver all the files that you purchased. And a seller will also get a warning for not delivering full order. 2. Ask fiverr support to reach out to seller and ask him to deliver all files. But there are no guarantees that seller will deliver them after fiverr’s email. to contact support, go to fiverr help page, press buyers help Center and scroll down until you see big green contact us button
  9. How do you know that the seller doesn’t receive your messages? He just doesn’t reply or you got a message from fiverr that this seller doesn’t accept messages?
  10. It’s not legit and will not help you in any way. Gig favourite is a simple bookmark function for buyers to save your gig for later. It doesn’t help you in any way to get orders.
  11. So you’d rather ask and believe total strangers on the forum rather than official fiverr pop up notification that you got? 😉
  12. Well, I sent you the link and asked you a question. If you are going to ignore it then no one can help you.
  13. Did you check if your gig is active through fiverr help Center? Can you attach a screenshot of what it says on that page? https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/gigs/gig-status
  14. Well, looks like you just don’t know how promoted gigs work. First of all not all gigs are eligible for promotion, you need to reach a certain level, have outstanding performance on that gig and have at least 20 reviews. So new sellers can’t use that feature unless they are already semi successful. Secondly, it is more reputable and highest rated sellers who is shown in promoted gigs: promoted gigs constantly monitors sellers performance and it’s built on top of your gigs performance. It means that the better your gig performs and better reviews you get the more often fiverr shows you in promoted searches. And you can see on the forum how often and how many people complain that their promoted gigs suddenly disabled, just because they might’ve gotten something less than stellar private review. So no, it’s not anyone buying their way in, it’s targeted for the most successful sellers and it’s rarely 50$ a day. You can search in this forum the link to a webinar on how promoted gigs work and there is also quite interesting topic about ROI on promoted gigs that you can also look for here.
  15. I am really confused, if you call yourself digital marketer why can’t you find a job yourself? You literally should do digital marketing for yourself and attract t clients. If you can’t do it for yourself how do you expect your clients to trust you?
  16. Forum is full of tips. Weren’t those tips enough for you?
  17. Unfortunately that’s not how fiverr works. We are the same sellers here and we don’t “refer” jobs. Only actual buyers can buy your gig if they are interested
  18. Please stop spamming the forum with useless comments. After effect is just a program, it’s wouldn’t teach anyone to do animation.
  19. Your rank doesn’t matter, it’s just for gamification purposes. What matters is your reputation score that is built overtime and based on the content that you are posting, if it’s valuable and if it’s adding something to the community and not the typical “stay online 24/7 and thanks for your information” comments But as I remember it’s 5 posts a day
  20. It doesn’t matter. People can find your profile at any time of the day or night. Staying “active” will not make a difference for getting clients from the US. And you might want clients from the US but do they want to work with you?
  21. And that’s why you copied part of his gig description?
  22. Looks like you clicked on someone’s gig and fiverr is now promoting that person to you.
  23. It will as soon as you improve your performance. Creating new gig will not make a difference because it’s your whole account that is affected, not only one gig. The answer is above 👆 There is only way and it’s improving your performance and client satisfaction
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