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Everything posted by mariashtelle1

  1. Are you really good at both of those skills? Or did you just passed some course and now call yourself digital marketer and graphic designer? Because both of those skills takes years of polishing and learning and perfecting.
  2. Devil’s advocate here: why shouldn’t it affect your stats if you let down your clients, they spent their time choosing you, writing their requirements and probably already waiting for a couple of days for your delivery only to find out that you might cancel their order because you are not ready to complete them and there was no indication of that on your page prior to them ordering. Of course in fiverr’s eyes this cancellation will affect your stats and there is unfortunately no way around it in your case.
  3. You can see if you got your tip or not on your “earnings” tab and there should be two lines for the order price and for the tip
  4. First of all the word that you added and secondly we saw that fiverr started removing gigs that are not in editorial focus anymore like casting spells aka removing gigs that are not in professional services
  5. There is a bug and dashboard doesn’t count tips into the “earned in a month” analytics
  6. INCORRECT! That’s exactly how fiverr works: clients pays, places the order and only after that you start working on an order.
  7. FYI you have stolen images from the internet in your gigs. I mean images that you stole from the internet. 🤷‍♀️ So I’m not sure you are the one to speak of how unfair fiverr is when you are stealing from other designers. Karma.
  8. Forum is full of tips. Weren’t those tips enough for you?
  9. Unfortunately that’s not how fiverr works. We are the same sellers here and we don’t “refer” jobs. Only actual buyers can buy your gig if they are interested
  10. Please stop spamming the forum with useless comments. After effect is just a program, it’s wouldn’t teach anyone to do animation.
  11. And I would say it’s a d*** move to leave five star review when you received poor work and then complain that you don’t trust reviews. Then you shouldn’t complain 🤷‍♀️ You get what you pay for especially if you want to keep buying the same low quality service over and over again.
  12. Who told you it’s a standard practice? Review there is precisely for you to leave your honest reviews on how seller did his job. If you yourself don’t do your part in leaving honest reviews then of course you can’t trust other reviews too. Why are you leaving 5 star reviews even if sellers delivered low quality?
  13. Your rank doesn’t matter, it’s just for gamification purposes. What matters is your reputation score that is built overtime and based on the content that you are posting, if it’s valuable and if it’s adding something to the community and not the typical “stay online 24/7 and thanks for your information” comments But as I remember it’s 5 posts a day
  14. They didn’t. It’s an automated system you post your gig and it goes live. When someone finally manually checked your account your gigs got denied
  15. It is against fiverr TOS. It’s the same as doing assignments, people have to apply for jobs themselves not you applying on their behalf
  16. Why would we all know about it? why exactly today? if you know and everyone else knows there was an upgrade how don’t you know what kind of update? where did you take this information that fiverr had an update today?
  17. How creating new account will help you? Your account is just a tool and how you use it what matters its like asking if buying a new laptop will get you more orders
  18. It doesn’t matter. People can find your profile at any time of the day or night. Staying “active” will not make a difference for getting clients from the US. And you might want clients from the US but do they want to work with you?
  19. If you are registered as self employed or a limited company and have been paying taxes on your income from fiverr then yes, because your income is declared and doesn’t matter where it’s coming from aka fiverr or any other freelance websites
  20. Yep, looks like you are very experienced in breaking rules
  21. There is a topic called “Spam” and that’s where the limit was announced and as I remember it is solely depending on the reputation points. But I agree that @mandyzineshave been contributing quality posts. (Maybe just not as often in this year to get the reputation points up 😉) @mjensen415 is there a manual adjustment that you can look at her profile and remove the limit of posts?
  22. For the very broad question here is a broad advice: things don’t work unless you do.
  23. And that’s why you copied part of his gig description?
  24. Looks like you clicked on someone’s gig and fiverr is now promoting that person to you.
  25. the problem is that fiverr gave you a chance and showed you on first page but your gig wasn’t attractive enough to convert into sales and fiverr decided not to show it anymore because people are not interested in buying it and fiverr doesn’t waste their space for things that don’t work.
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